Sean Bryson
Persian Gulf War 1991 2003 - Iraq - Kuwait - Israel - Spies - Zionist - Palestine Click
911 WTC Gulf War - David Duke At Al Jazeera Click
Zionist campaign for war with Iraq in 1991 Click
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Gulf War Veterans
Yahoo Group
1991 Gulf War - CAABU

Dear Mr Bryson,

Thank you for your letter. Many of our members have spoken to us about their anger at the current situation, and frustration with the double standards which seem to charecterise much of the western response to the Palestinians and the Gulf situation. It is a really bad time for the Arab world in general, and the Palestinians in particular.

I checked to see if you were on our members list and you don't seem to be, so I thought i'd send you some literature which might be of interest.
There's a lot to be done to change public views of the Arabs, and we hope that some of what we produce can help do that.

Yours Sincerely
John Gee
( Information Officer )


Council for the Advancement of Arab British understanding - CAABU Gulf War / Israel Palestine / Iraq Kuwait



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