The Rt Hon Paddy Ashdown MP
London SW1A OAA
Our ref :- DAC // Israel /
Date :- 6 February 1991
Dear Mr Bryson
Thank you for your letter of 31 January, regarding
the Palestinian issue.
I commented on this recently at "Question
Time" and stated that as regards the Palestinian / Israeli
issue and the Iraqi / Kuwaiti issue there could be no doubt about
double standards, even if there are others which ought to be considered
as well. There are existing United Nations Resolutions requiring
the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank. These have not been
obeyed and they should have been.
Furthermore, I have to say to you that though
I do support Isreal when I think they are right, I certainly don't
support them when I think they are wrong. And I believe their
whole attitude to the intifada is both damaging their cause and,
will, in the long run, threaten peace.
Thank you for writing on this vital issue.
Yours Sincerely
Paddy Ashdown