The Daily Mail
Northcliffe House
2 Derry Street
W8 5TT
3 March 1999
Dear Mr Bryson,
Thank you very much for writing to us about
the Stephen Lawrence case.
We are always appreciative of the views of our readers and set
great store by them.
The Lawrence campaign has been long running
and has raised so many issues that it is inevitable that it has
occupied so much space not only in the Mail but also every other
national paper and media outlet.
We recognise that many people have differing
views about the case and our treatment of it. That said, we do
think a proper balance must be struck and we have, in various
comment articles in our newspaper, made that quite clear and incorporated
many of the points you make in your letter and enclosures.
The Mail is not especially "politically
correct". It believes in justice being seen to be done for
all our citizens, of whatever creed or colour. It is especially
concerned for those who die while on public duty trying to make
our lives safer.
Thank you for your interest and concern. As
you can imagine we have had many hundreds of letters and thousands
of phone calls about this whole subject.
Yours sincerely
Robin Esser
Executive Managing Editor