Sean Bryson
Political Correctness - Anti White Racism & Political Persecution in Kensington & Chelsea Response From Councillor Simon Stanley (Quick links) FREE Advertising Online
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Local Councillors - Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

The Royal Borough Of Kensington & Chelsea
The Town Hall
Hornton Street Kensington W8 7NX


17th July 1998

Dear Mr. Bryson,

Thank you for your letter of 11th July which I read with interest. As a lawyer, I must tell you that you do not really have any grounds for litigation and in fact are lucky not to have been prosecuted for a public order offence.
  * I suggest that you drop the matter and move on. *

Unfortunately, as I am not your ward councillor I am unable to help you further.

Yours Sincerely

Simon Stanley


* I suggest that you drop the matter and move on ! ? ! ? *

I had been trying to "Move on" in my life for years, but had not been permitted to by the local Jewish community who were determind to frustrate my life for ever.

Make some sort of example of me to rest of the local community ?????

That was the reason for me contacting all of the councillors in Kensington & Chelsea, and it was also the reason that this website was built.

And of course local Jewish people will brand ME as being Racist / Anti Semitic etc, for speaking out against their disgusting treatment of my life over a period of YEARS ! These people are a very bad joke.

If any Jewish people view this page please take note.......
I have done nothing wrong, NOTHING !
I don't owe you anything !
Your religeon is no concern of mine ! ( Except as far as it may or may not affect me )


( In fact, the same way that you people DEMAND to be treated ! ! ! )
Sean Bryson

Fight Political Correctness - Anti White Racism & Political Persecution in Kensington & Chelsea


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