Sean Bryson
Senior Citizenship ? It's YOUR Future ! Kensington & Chelsea Times - informer
Third age senior citizens - pensioners forum - Kensington & Chelsea London UK. An independent open forum for the benefit of our senior people, and the organizations that SERVE them. Founded by Sean Bryson
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Third Age Senior Citizens / Pensioners Forum - Kensington & Chelsea


19-27 Young St
W8 5EH
Tel: 071 938 3944

18th April, 1994.

Dear Mr Bryson,

Thank you for your letter giving information on your project. Unfortunately Age Concern will not be able to help in this instance as we are already heavily involved with the Kensington and Chelsea Pensioners Forum who are very active in this Borough. They hold public meetings in the Borough for all pensioners, where issues of interest and concern are raised and the Forum acts as a platform for the pensioners. I do feel that your work might well be a duplication of theirs. I enclose a notice of their future meetings, maybe you would like to attend?

Yours sincerely

Jane McNeil (Mrs)
Volunteer Organiser and Information Officer.

Registered Charity 244497
President: Deirdre, Lady Mountevans; Chairman: Sir Malby Crofton Bart.
Hon, Treasurer: Dennis Waters FCA; Chief Officer: Desmond McGinley "Uncle Des" To Geraldine Timlin - McGinley at 60+ "Sixty Plus"


Age Concern,Senior Citizens/Pensioners Forum - Kensington & Chelsea Sixty Plus Kensington & Chelsea



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