Sean Bryson
Senior Citizenship ? It's YOUR Future ! Kensington & Chelsea Times - informer
Third age senior citizens - pensioners forum - Kensington & Chelsea London UK. An independent open forum for the benefit of our senior people, and the organizations that SERVE them. Founded by Sean Bryson
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Third Age Senior Citizens / Pensioners Forum - Kensington & Chelsea

Archbishop Of Canterbury

Lambeth Palace London SE1 7JU

Andrew Purkis
The Archbishop of Canterbury's
Secretary for Public Affairs

11th November 1994

Dear Mr Bryson,

The Archbishop has asked me to thank you very much for your letter of 8 November with the details of your new initiative for the benefit of elderly people in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

The Archbishop admires the energy and commitmentm which has produced this initiative and hopes that it will be a great success.

Yours sincerely

Dr Andrew Purkis


Archbishop Of Canterbury,Senior Citizens/Pensioners Forum - Kensington & Chelsea

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