Gagged For Telling The Truth !

The YEARS !! Of History Behind These Notting Hill
Anti White RACE ATTACKS Can't Be Told !

The new injunction by the Notting Hill Housing Trust issued on August 26th 2005,
has the "Power of Arrest" attached.

Would all of the relevant authorities please take note of the item below !
I have no need or motive to "breach" the injunction, nothing to gain at all !

Between the old injunction expiring, and the new injunction taking effect, all of the hidden facts and embarrassing evidence "censored" by this latest injunction, was freely available for download from this site in the form of a ready made website in a small ZIP file ( Just 2.99Mb )

About 40 pages have been forcibly removed due to this "censorship in disguise"

During this period my "Downloads" page had 493 visitors. ( View the "Stats" Stats Click Download to download a ZIP file 513 kb )
It could be a lot more than that, as many people use anti tracking software to hide their online footprints.

A lot of these visitors would have been in response to postings that I had made on
my Yahoo Group UK Politics and my Notting Hill Message Board to tell people to get their own copies.

In a few months from now, it is very likely that all of the "censored" hidden facts and embarrassing evidence mentioned above, will start to show up in Search Engine searches on the internet, as new websites or as additions to existing websites.

This will NOT be due to any "Post Injunction" activity by me !

Copy & Paste being what it is, the number of copies in circulation is incalculable, anyone could have a copy,
and many people here in Notting Hill already have copies.

To those of you who have copies, please do not ask me to link back to you, as this could be interpreted as me giving you "Encouragement" and I would be in breach of the Injunction.

This Injunction IS in force, and I have every intention of keeping within the law... Sean Bryson

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