David Hamilton
Conservative Democratic Alliance
Home Schooling
In The UK
Democratic Alliance
BCM 9045,
London WC1N 3X X
[email protected]
http://cdall.net |
Save our Children from State
Since the rise to power of the New Left, in the 1960.s -
70.s, education has been to instil the correct attitudes rather
than developing the childs abilities. The authorities
brainwash our children and only certain selected topics can
be taught in history with the Second World war dominant because
Nazism is used to frighten children away from Nationalist
sentiments. I mentioned history being reduced to acceptable
propaganda: a Government funded study in April 2007 found
that Schools are stopping teaching the Holocaust in history
lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils. It found some teachers
are reluctant teach this for fear of upsetting Muslim students
whose beliefs include Holocaust
denial. There is fear of teaching children about the 11th
century Crusades when Christians armies fought Muslim armies
for control of Jerusalem because a different version is taught
in mosques."Children could be taught sex education from
the age of four, under plans by Mps. They could also be taught
a version
of the development of slavery, colonisation and how its
links to the British empire and the industrial revolution
according to BBC News on 27th August 2008
The Daily Mail
of 27th August revealed. They want the Government to make
advice on relationships, contraception and sexually transmitted
diseases is compulsory in all primary and secondary schools.
It is the latest campaign aimed at cutting Britain's teenage
pregnancy rate, which remains among the highest in Europe
despite repeated attempts by ministers to reduce it. |
note ...
You may like to read this article about 'PC' Sex
Education in the USA
It's mindblowing stuff !! |
Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming increasingly
prevalent among youngsters but this is really being imported
from Africa
by immigrants. But rather than face this a group of MPs
led by Chris Bryant, parliamentary aide to Harriet Harman,
says that the solution is to educate children more about sex
education from a much earlier age.
"Bryant is openly homosexual and BBC News reported on
2nd december 2003 he apologised for e-mailing a picture of
himself in his underpants via a gay website. From
1994 to 1996 he was London manager of Common Purpose the controversial
The MPs claim that this is not enough and that children should
be given relationship advice 'in context' if they are to make
informed decisions about when to have sex. Many Muslims will
opt out of this as it will be teaching homosexuality as equal
to hetrosexual relations.
Even worse is the The Daily Mail of 22 August 2008, reported
that Almost a quarter of all babies in britain are now born
to immigrant mothers. In London the figure is 54 per cent,
rising to 75 per cent in some boroughs....A report revealed
that one in eight pupils speaks English as a second language...MPs
and unions have called for urgent action to prevent schools
being overwhelmed by the pressure but we can not trust them
and must do this ourselves. Migrant children take longer to
understand lessons and divert the teacher's energies from
other pupils. In 1965 Peter Griffiths MP for Smethwich called
for special classes to teach immigrants English and was accused
of wanting to start apartheid in schools. It is much worse
now so we must do it ourselves. Home education is not an alternative
lifestyle choice it is now an imperative. Children were withdrawn
for, say, bullying, unhappiness, failure to cater for SEN,
or problems with teaching style and the curriculum but it
is to save our children from Government manipulation.
Cultural Marxism
is a total ideological system, imposing or manipulating opinions
for all aspects of life - "Everything is Political."
It is a subtle but less brutal version of Stalin's Russia.
This process begins with children at school and operates on
different levels. There is the physical level.
The State holds DNA records of nearly a million children,
some as young as five, and has been secretly taking their
fingerprints since 2001. Each week 20 schools introduce fingerprinting.
Ostensibly this helps them develop a love of books and reading.
It replaces library cards by the child's fingerprint and placing
the print on a scanner opens their computer file with records
of the books they have borrowed. Minister for Schools and
Learning, Jim Knight, revealed that when working on a crime
police have access to the childrens fingerprints but
parents are not told. To remove the prints takes professional
cleansing. The schools, education authorities and the Government
say it is difficult to convert this code back though not impossible
and a computer whizz-kid could re- create the original fingerprints
for identity theft. To save our children we must set up Home
Schooling networks and when the authorities try to impose
restrictions, refuse them.
In July 2006 The Observer reported that British children,
possibly as young as six, will be subjected to compulsory
fingerprinting under European Union rules being drawn up in
secret. The prints will be stored on a database which could
be shared with countries around the world. Under proposed
laws being drawn up secretly by the European Commissions
Article Six committee, which is composed of representatives
of the European Unions 25 member states, all children
will have to attend a finger-printing centre to obtain an
EU passport by June 2009 at the latest. The Home Office wants
to include children in its biometric passport scheme in two
years' and automatically transfer their details and fingerprints
to the new national identity database when they are 16. The
Government is underhandedly building a genetic database. Data
has been used for genetic research without consent, including
attempts to predict "ethnic appearance" from DNA
Sport too has been jettisoned as the new elites detest competition
and advocate co-operation to suppress male aggression. Commenting
on our Olympic achievements in the Daily Mail of 20 August
2008, Leo McKinstry wrote: "Over the past weekend, our
sailors, cyclists, swimmers and rowers won an unprecedented
eight gold medals, by far the greatest haul by Britons in
two days in a century of Olympic competition...Of the 14 heroes
pictured on the front page of yesterday's Mail, six were educated
at independent schools
Nor is this some statistical
anomaly. The disproportionate Olympic success of privately
educated contestants has been an enduring pattern in recent
years....Equality of outcome is the central theme of the politically
correct British state. The concept of a talented elite is
despised rather than celebrated.
should not be encouraged for fear of lowering the self-esteem
of those who lag behind. the sale of playing fields to make
way for lucrative housing developments. Then there is the
growing feminisation of the teaching profession, where more
than 90 per cent of primary school teachers and 60 per cent
of secondary teachers are women - a development that again
leaves many sporty boys unchallenged...
The Commons Select Committee on Culture recently demanded
that our national sporting body, UK Sports, should collect
more information on 'the backgrounds' of top athletes. Such
data, the committee said, would 'help increase the socio-demographic
spread' of funding. In other words, the committee wants more
social engineering, more drivel about equality, more intervention
in the name of access. This is the sort of nonsense that has
ruined state education and it would only undermine our sporting
competitive spirit."
The new elites loathe male authority and attack masculinity
as patriarchy. They see the main enemy as white racism and
this justifies disadvantaging white pupils. No other ethnic
group can be racist because they are sentimentally categorised
as victims of our oppression and require "special needs".
While we are blamed as oppressors we are being oppressed at
school by telling children their clothes or views could be
offensive. What this really means is what you are doing is
not acceptable to the upholders of the totalitarian orthodoxy.