The articles show how we are being subsumed into a totalitarian EU state
by the Lisbon Treaty.
Article 4(2) was added to the Treaty protocol
and gives the EU the legal powers to influence the UK into participating
in EU plans to control our legal system and to comply in areas of justice
and home affairs.
Article61(4) allows the EU to put pressure
on us to recognise judicial decisions of other member states. This called
the reciprocity principle and is to lead to harmonisation of civil law
and constrain our common law and statute.
Article 69D(a) gives the EU Euro-just arm
the power to bring criminal investigations and to instruct national authorities
the power to bring proceedings.
Article69E(4) makes provision for a European
public prosecutor with the power to override decisions by the Crown Prosecution
Service and for mandatory co-operation between the police forces of member
states. This includes the exchange of information, training, research
methods and investigation techniques.
Article69G will expand the powers of Europol
making it the EU police force.
Article 68(3) gives Brussels power to impose
identity cards on us and the Treaty allows the EU to assume control of
our asylum and immigration policies.
We lose control of immigration to the
EU as Article 63(b) states we must help pay for asylum seekers on other
EU states if their economies are not as sound as ours.
Article 62(1)(a) removes controls on persons
crossing internal borders - uncontrolled immigration from EU countries
goes on.
Article63(1) gives the EU the power to
decide on who and for how long residents of non EU states can stay in
the UK.
That the EU is really a state in its
own right is proved by article Article 46(A) as it confirms that the EU
can sign international agreements that will be binding
on the UK.
The foregoing show the methods of EU internal control of the European
peoples which is based on the Soviet union which was exposed by Valdimir
Bukovsky who spent 12 years in Soviet labour camps and psychiatric units.
He told the Brussels Journal: "In 1992 I had unprecedented access
to Politburo and Central Committee secret documents which have been classified,
and still are even now, for 30 years. These documents show very clearly
that the whole idea of turning the European common market into a federal
state was agreed between the left-wing parties of Europe and Moscow as
a joint project which Gorbachev in 1988-89 called our "common European
home. (2)
"In January of 1989, for example, a delegation of the Trilateral
Commission came to see Gorbachev. It included former Japanese Prime Minister
Nakasone, former French President Giscard d'Estaing, American banker David
Rockefeller and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. They had
a very nice conversation where they tried to explain to Gorbachev that
Soviet Russia had to integrate into the financial institutions of the
world, such as Gatt, the IMF and the World Bank."
The theme of the feral state again: "In the middle of it Giscard
d'Estaing suddenly takes the floor and says: "Mr President, I cannot
tell you exactly when it will happen - probably within 15 years - but
Europe is going to be a federal state and you have to prepare yourself
for that. You have to work out with us, and the European leaders, how
you would react to that, how would you allow the other East European countries
to interact with it or how to become a part of it, you have to be prepared."
On 20 February 2009 Czech President Vaclav Klaus likened supporters of
greater European integration to the Soviets. Addressing th European parliament,
Klaus said: "Not so long ago in our part of Europe we lived in a
political system that allowed no alternative and therefore no parliamentary
opposition... Here (in the European Parliament) there is only one single
alternative, and those who dare think about a different option are labelled
as enemies of European integration."
The articles concerning immigration cited earlier show that this is now
out of our hands when Muslims marched through our streets chanting support
for Hamas, Hizb ut Tahrir recruit on campuses for the Jihad against Europe,
a Muslim peer threatens mass intimidation of Parliament with impunity,
but Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch Parliament is refused entery
to address the British Parliament on the threat to the west. The Home
Secretary who banned Wilders told the News of the World on 13/04/2008
that security forces are investigating thirty terror plots which threaten
Britain: "We now face a threat level that is severe. It's actually
growing. "There are 2,000 individuals who are being monitored. There
are 200 networks involved and 30 active plots... Since the beginning of
2007, there have been 57 people convicted on terrorist plots. Nearly half
of those pleaded guilty-so this is not some figment of the imagination.
It is a real risk and a real issue we need to respond to"- but banned
Wilders! (3)
The Muslim bias was seen in the Gaza demos - the police on pro-Hamas marches
confiscated Israeli flags because it would provoke violence, while Muslim
demonstrators were allowed to chant about gassing Jews.
Bukovsky predicted oppressive EU laws
against people they label negatively: "If you go through all the
structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice
that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union... It has no KGB - not
yet - but I am very carefully watching such structures as Europol for
example. That really worries me a lot because this organisation will probably
have powers bigger than those of the KGB. They will have diplomatic immunity.
Can you imagine a KGB with diplomatic immunity? They will have to police
us on 32 kinds of crimes - two of which are particularly worrying, one
is called racism, another is called xenophobia.... Someone
from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled
immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those
who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes.
I think Patricia Hewitt said this publicly."
On 20 April 2007 The Council of EU Justice Ministers in Luxembourg reached
political agreement on a Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia.
This concluded the negotiations at the European level, held since 2001...
"In the future, there will be binding minimum harmonisation throughout
Europe of the provisions on criminal liability for disseminating racist
and xenophobic statements. Public incitement to violence and hatred, as
well as the denial or gross trivialisation of genocide out of racist or
xenophobic motives, will be sanctioned across Europe. With this, we are
sending a clear signal against racism and intolerance" But Muslims
are exempt.
Bukovsky added: "Look at this persecution of people like the Swedish
pastor who was persecuted for several months because he said that the
Bible does not approve homosexuality. France passed the same law of hate
speech concerning gays. Britain is passing hate speech laws concerning
race relations and now religious speech, and so on and so forth. What
you observe, taken into perspective, is a systematic introduction of ideology
which could later be enforced with oppressive measures. Apparently that
is the whole purpose of Europol."
In The Eurabia Code(4) Fjordman reveals a level that is becoming clearer:
"What has happened since 2006 is that European leaders are increasingly
open about the idea of enlarging the EU to include the Arab world, although
they do of course not present this as surrendering the continent to Islam.
... in 2002 Louis Michel, then Belgian minister of foreign affairs and
today a member of the European Commission, told the Belgian parliament
that the EU will eventually encompass North Africa and the Middle East
as well as Europe.
Fjordman says:" EU leaders consider their people to be defeated and
irrelevant. After the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty/European Constitution,
the people no longer have a say and can safely be ignored. Open plans
for a "Mediterranean Union"(5) or "Union for the Mediterranean,"
which will include all EU member states, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria,
Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Syria
and Turkey, was launched in mid-2008, under some concern among Arabs that
such a Union might normalize their relationship with Israel"
This came with plans for the creation of a "north-south co-presidency"
and a permanent secretariat as well as the definition of a ''short-list''
of priority projects for the region. The European Commission proposes
the creation of a co-presidency between the EU and a Mediterranean (Muslim)
country, chosen with consensus for a two-year term. Brussels is drawing
the institutional profile of what will be called "Barcelona Process
- A Union for the Mediterranean." Notice how they tie this explicitly
to the Eurabian Barcelona Process described by Bat Ye'or. " (6)
Writing in an Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, former Italian President
Francesco Cossiga in 2008, admitted that the government of Italy in the
1970s agreed to allow Arab terrorist groups freedom of movement in the
country in exchange for immunity from attacks. The government of Prime
Minister Aldo Moro reached a "secret non-belligerence pact between
the Italian state and Palestinian resistance organizations, including
terrorist groups." According to the former president, it was Moro
himself who designed the terms of the agreement with the foreign Arab
terrorists. "The terms of the agreement were that the Palestinian
organizations could even maintain armed bases of operation in the country,
and they had freedom of entry and exit without being subject to normal
police controls, because they were 'handled' by the secret services."
As Interior Minister, Cossiga said that he learned PLO members in Italy
had diplomatic immunity as representatives of the Arab League. "The
Palestinian organizations could even maintain armed bases of operation
in the country." (7)
This can only be seen as Jizya, and the practice has spread to the entire
European Union, which pays the Palestinians tens of millions if not hundreds
of millions of Euros annually."
What was thought of as Jewish banking is being taken over by Saudis. Gordon
Brown and Business Secretary Lord Mandelson went to Saudi Arabia and the
Gulf states in the first week of November 2008 to ask them to fund our
faltering economies by putting billions into the International Monetary
Fund and offered them some control over Britain and the West. The Saudi
regime is behind Islamisation of the West. It is Saudi's Wahhabi form
of Islam which, together with the Shi'ites in Iran, aims to make Islam
dominant in the world. Saudi money has financed the spread of Wahhabi
mosques, preachers and educational institutions in this country promoting
holy war and converting thousands of British Muslims.
Saudi Wahhabism seeks to conquer the West through a pincer movement comprising
violence on the one hand and cultural infiltration on the other and our
Prime Minister is colluding with them. Mandelson stated the Saudis and
other Gulf states would be given more influence in global institutions.
Barclays Bank, has had almost £6 billion invested from Abu Dhabi
and Qatar.
Islamist ideas are also spread through Islamic study centres attached
to our universities. Professor Anthony Glees revealed eight universities
- including Oxford and Cambridge - have accepted more than £233.5
million from Saudi and Muslim sources since 1995, spreading radicalism
and creating two separate identities and sets of allegiance. Now the education
system is being used to brainwash our children to excuse and encourage
Muslim terrorism. (8)
The elites showed their submission to Saudi ignored the law and abandoned
the bribery investigation into the arms deal between Saudi Arabia and
BAE systems when the saudis threatened that, if the case was not dropped:
'British lives on British streets' would be at risk, as explained by former
ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles. These are the controllers
of terror groups in the West that EU officials are colluding with against
the European people!
Britain - World Centre of Terrorism

The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
" This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas
but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world.
We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy
term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather
twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition.
The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either
acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed.
It is a framework which defies common sense and is
one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence.