Like other "Caste" elites he has no sense of duty or honour - his political career comes first. Small differences aside the Libs, Labs, and Cons, have the same ideology and Cameron in the speech signalled that he belongs: "I think our diverse and multi-racial society is a huge benefit for Britain." Anything less and his career is over. He joined in the Persecution of Prince Harry demonstrating that the non-Conservatives will not defend our people's norms nor the monarchy as traditionally, but are the same as the other mainstream parties, the intellectual and cultural elites, commerce and the media - attacking our traditions and ways to prepare us for utopia. Like all Utopians, Cameron is an optimist about the ultimate conclusion of British society in a multi-racial, one-world. Prime Ministers don't question dominant state- ideology - they slot into it. Like the others he says what he has to to get elected not what is needed to save the country. The common features of this ilk are Political correctness, ambition and cowardice which prevents them addressing the real problems affecting us. They try to convince us that if we also fantasise that things will turn out well, they will. But things only work out well when done well. Optimists can't solve problems that optimists have created. They thought the multiracial society would work because they thought it would. Even though their utopia is a nightmare, they will not face it but make us scapegoats when anything goes wrong by using the all-purpose pejorative "racism" which only whites can be. The media puff him up as they did with Gordon Brown and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Politicians are always pictured in mid-flow, with a finger raised as authority figures when really they are weak and inadequate. The Daily Telegraph said the speech: " explained in detail his vision of how to change Britain." It did no such thing. It was the same script we get from all establishment politicians - changing this and changing that, but they never make a real point like what they are going to change - what into what, why and how? Our inadequate leaders haven't got it and hope something will turn up. What they call change is more of the same in a different guise. They mean repackaging. They've set us on this course and they're determined to see it through, and there will be no change until establishment liars, cowards, and parasites have been replaced by people for whom self interest is not the prime motivating factor. Like Obama's inaugural speech Cameron's vision to the conference had no substance: "We need change for the long term, hope for our country and optimism for the next generation ". Merely buzz-words - " change long term hope our country optimism next generation," but no 'detailed' explanation of the vision that the Telegraph praised. The only thing he stated with certainty was that he supports mass immigration: "I think this country has benefited immeasurably from immigration". If immigration isn't the problem, what is? He enlightened us: "I want to tell you what's wrong with our country and I want to explain what I am going to do to put it right " if we really want to tackle crime, if we really want to make our society stronger then you have got to make families stronger and society more responsible we must make our country safer and greener and give people more freedom and control of their lives " families stronger responsible our country safer greener freedom - more buzz-words without meaning. The population does not see society through the same ideology and have to be browbeaten by moral lectures and corralled by totalitarian laws and a politicised police. Few indeed share his view that immigration has benefited Britain 'immeasurably' and most people were they not frightened of being persecuted by the state and "free" would say so. What he really means is that he wants people to be free to say what the "caste" want them to say, and to have control over their lives so that the "caste" can manage them in the way they want to. His knee jerk response to faux pas of Patrick Mercer and Nigel Hastilow show what this "freedom" means - persecution of dissidents. A new kind of Tory? In his 68 minute long conference speech ostensibly
about British society he didn't refer to our Christian traditions or
the threat that Islam poses to them. He is on the other side. He interpreted
the worries over immigration as concern about the effect it has on services,
education, health, housing, and ignored the more important effect it
is having on British culture and the dispossession of ethnic Britons. One of "...the brightest, the best and the most talented" members of " the ethnics " is Baroness Warsi. He was so impressed by Warsi that he wanted her on board at any price. And when she failed to make it and lost to Labour's Shahid Malik in the 2005 general election he had her made a Baroness to encourage other Asians. She became minister responsible for 'cohesion'. We're in safe hands. He told the conference, "I am proud that I can stand here with the first Muslim woman of a Shadow Cabinet or Cabinet in Sayeeda Warsi who will be a great talent for our party and our country." Baroness Warsi is a former immigration lawyer. She was involved with Operation Black Vote and the left wing pro-immigration Joseph Rowntree Trust. Last year she was co-author of a report that made the case for allowing refused asylum seekers to enter the economy. She is his Lord Ahmed who Blair appointed to the House of Lords, swearing his oath of allegiance to Queen and Country on the Koran. Ahmed was both the first Muslim to be appointed to the Lords, and the first Lord to lead delegations on behalf of the British government to Saudi Arabia for the Haj, or Muslim pilgrimage. In February 2005 he hosted a book launch for the infamous anti-Semite
Jöran Jermas at the House of Lords, where Jermas launched into
a fundamentalist Muslims tirade against Zionists. This fawning on immigrants
presents us as weak and afraid of them which is what emboldened Ahmed
to threaten to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to stop Geert Wilders entering
The Palace of Westminster!(3) Jacqui smityh, Home secretary banned Wilders! He uses us whites as scapegoats: "Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear - values which we should all hold dear." It's our fault, again. I should have guessed. He revealed the establishment agenda to deculture as well as dispossess us: "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around." To help shift society in this direction Cameron set up the Conservative Muslim Forum, a sort of Tory equivalent of the National Black Police Association, which 'advises' the Conservative Party on how best to assimilate us to Muslims. The CMF wants the compulsory history curriculum in schools changed to give full recognition to the " massive contribution (sic) that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation".and the "caste" is introducing the same agenda into our schools and teaching our children to see 7/7 through the eyes of the bombers! This is teaching our children to submit to Islam and to cover the terrorists in glory. (4) Recently, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari head of the Muslim Council of Britain was calling for Britain to adopt Islamic customs and labelling us a Nazis for daring to question the infinite benefits of Islam. Good old Tory values! Conservative Cameron concludes that British society is collapsing because it's not sufficiently Asian: "We have a responsibility to change to accommodate immigrants so they fit in". He's made this perfectly clear which is why the Conservative Muslim Forum and the Muslim Council of Britain are emboldened to demand that Britain change to take account of their ways and laud their achievements. Cameron's false Conservatives like Labour are increasing the influence of Islam on this country. Lets end by reminding ourselves what a traditional Tory is: On May 24 1929, Stanley Baldwin, three times Prime Minister, said :"Let us keep this thought ever in our mind: "that each one of us, so far as in him lies, will strive to keep these islands a fit nursery for Our Race". (1) http://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/cip/documents/DavidCameronSpeech2.pdf http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2007/may/13/comment.communities (2) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....o-Muslim s.html (3)http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/3344161/britain-capitulates-to-terror.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/....liberty-central (4) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/educat....t-1627062.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2000/apr/07/race.world " This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world. We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed. It is a framework which defies common sense and is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence. "