We have evidence of the community nature of the child-rapes in these reports but the establishment pretend it is something else. It is being waged against us by extended families. British National Party Councillor Sharon Wilkinson listened to the story of a lady living in the war zone in a Northern Mill Town. Hundreds of white girls, many as young as 12, are being lured into group sex and prostitution by gangs of British born Pakistani men from West and South Yorkshire. The girls are introduced to their 'pimps' by classmates, often brothers and cousins of the older Muslim rapists. It is their community against ours.(3) The Daily Mail of 27 March 2008 prompted by that evening's Panorama expose reported some case studies which show that it is the Muslim community as a whole attacking our people. "Jane: "It happened every night. There were loads of men involved.. You couldn't keep count. It was like a conveyor belt." she relates. "A conveyor belt of men all expecting sex. She was only 14. Jane clearly remembers the sheer, terrifying numbers of men who would be brought to her bed at night ... As she puts it: "I was just this innocent little girl who went from playing with her dolls to having sex with lots of different men." And unpalatable though it may be to confront, there are, even now, many other innocent little girls at risk of being forced into the same sickening transition. (4) She relates the pattern: Victims are wooed by gangs of older men and made dependent by expensive gifts and constant compliments. A sexual relationship ensues before the abusers begin to exert control through threats, brutality and drugs before selling the girls to other men for sex. ... The numbers involved in setting the girls up and raping them from the Muslim community and the fact that it is relations acting together, demonstrates the community nature of this attack on our community. "The grooming starts where you meet them and they're nice to you and take you to McDonald's and buy you cigarettes," she tells Panorama. "I was flattered that older boys were interested in me, which at 13 is nice. "And then you start to meet the cousins and the brothers, and then you realise that you've been passed on because suddenly you're hanging around with older people." It was not long either, before the "hanging around" took on a more sinister tone. "They start to touch you and say sexual things to you," she told Panorama. "And then the abuse starts. I was pinned down by two men while a third man raped me. "And there were other men watching." There are threats of violence: "They'd say things like they'd bomb my house and gang-rape my mum," she says. "I had to perform sexual acts on different men. One would come in, do whatever he wanted, go out and another would come in," she recalls. "One day I was picked up by an older man who took me to a park. He pulled a gun out from under the car seat and put it to my head and told me that I was going to die in three seconds," she remembers. "Then he counted down and pulled the trigger, but it wasn't loaded. He found that amusing." These vile abuses of our young girls by the Muslim community is an Act of War. "Eventually, terrified for her life, Jane confided the truth to her parents, who reported it to the police. What ensued is subject to dispute: while the force concerned say they couldn't find enough evidence for a prosecution, Jane insists she felt forced to withdraw her allegations because officers couldn't guarantee her safety. Lindsay and Fiona had similar Stories. They were both troubled youngsters who had problems at home, they were manipulated by predatory older Muslims. "We met Zulfi and Qais in a take-away in Blackburn," Lindsay, now 16, recalls today. "We were just mates. They'd give us cans of lager, bottles of Jack Daniels and sometimes ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis. We knew at some point they'd expect sex with us. But we didn't think there was really anything wrong with that."... " Persistent complaints to the authorities, Megan says, were ignored until local MP, Jack Straw, intervened. Within weeks, both girls were taken into care in a bid to remove them from the source of the abuse. But Naveed and Hussain abducted them from care and took them back to prostitution. This time the violence was too much and they gatherd courage to report the child rapists to the police. They relate the evil being done to our girls by whole communities of Muslims: "The time Zulfi attacked Fiona was the worst," Lindsay says. "I remember hearing her screaming because he was whacking her across the back with a metal bar when she refused to have sex with him. "I guess she had sex with him in the end just to keep him quiet." The Panorama programme involved eight months of investigation and found that about 5,000 young English girls are being prostituted by Muslims and black gangs. We are victims of racial guerilla war and the police are protecting the pimps and rapists. Muslims call us "infidels" which dehumanises us, making us less than human in their eyes so they think they can do what they like because we are beneath compassion, yet our evil rulers continue to import them. Sara Swann, a former government adviser on child protection: "Many girls are terrified and with reason. We had a case in the West Midlands where a girl had her tongue nailed to the table when she threatened to tell." Another had her head pulled back, and a kettle of boiling water held over her open mouth." These are our people Muslims are attacking. British men have a duty to protect them. In 2004, Channel 4 pulled a programme about Muslim pimps operating in Bradford at the request of the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, who felt the timing of the programme could contribute to community unrest. In other words we are on the verge of a race war with Muslims and the police are trying to cover it up. The documentary, examined the work of Bradford social services, and claims that "charismatic, wealthier" Asian men are targeting white girls as young as 11 for sex and drug abuse. The use of "Asian" is a slur on Hindus because it is Muslims who are doing this to or young girls. The programme was after attempts by two mothers to trace the men who took control of their daughters through drugs and intimidation. West Yorkshire police asked Channel 4 to withdraw the programme after seeing a preview. Colin Cramphorn, the chief constable, feared race riots which erupted in Bradford three years earlier. In a letter to Mark Thompson, Channel 4's chief executive, he said the documentary could lead to "community disorder". (5) Mr.Cramphorn knew what Muslims are up to. They use the threat of street war to manipulate the authorities. His obituary in the Guardian of 4 December 2006 told: " Cramphorn's wider role came in the aftermath of the London bombings of July 7 2005, when it was revealed that the suicide team came from Leeds and Dewsbury, part of his patch. He rose to the challenge both operationally and, perhaps more significantly, in the way he led the reassurance of frightened and potentially angry communities, both ethnic minority and white, which avoided any serious backlash. In this, he built on the work of many other agencies, particularly in Leeds and Bradford, where many channels of communication between different groups swung into action at once. But the chief constable reached out to others beyond this partly because he had given earlier, clear and outspoken warnings about what he called "Jihadists", and had met initial mockery when he revealed that extremist cells had organised training camps in national parks, such as the Yorkshire Dales. But he knew what he was talking about." It's like the American frontier when the Native Americans were being pushed off their land: everything is a negotiation between two hostile communities through Pow Wows and peace offerings. The Times of August 11 2007 reported on "growing concern" at the attitudes of some Muslim men towards white girls which campaigners claim few will address. "Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labeled racist." The police unbelievably, have a legal duty of care to the public!!! Has anyone ever known them follow this? They have members of al-Queda serving in the police and torture a BNP political activist in Liverpool; they kill an innocent white man going about his lawful business while anarchists protested against the G20 conference on 1st April in London; they ignore Muslims known as the Luton Taliban insulting our troops on their return from Iraq in Luton but arrest a young Englishman who was upset by this. We are on the verge of an ethnic war with Muslims and the police are trying to cover it up. Even worse the ideological rulers of our country try to stop BNP getting into senior positions positions on police authorities because they will force the police to protect our young girls Muslim rapists instead of covering it up! The government is even picking serving soldiers who are prepared to shoot their own people. Our rulers are at war with us and in alliance with Muslims. For years we have had it drummed into us that we are governed by high morals and venerable principles - equality, tolerance, fair-play, but as things start to come out we see that in reality we are ruled by some of the vilest, most evil people ever to have power and influence in any country. (7) (1) http://www.actioninengland.gb.com/Enoch%20Powell%27s%20Speech.htm " This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world. We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed. It is a framework which defies common sense and is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence. "