The links are clear even then though Gordon Brown pretended to have only found out after Mumbai! At Shehzad Tanweer's memorial funeral in his home village in Pakistanistanistanistanistanistanistan, an estimated 10,000 mourners chanted Jihad, Jihad, Jihad and praised the suicide bomber. Such feelings are kept hidden in Britain, but the truth that emerged showed much support for murder attacks on us across Muslim states. On 27 7 2005 BBC reporter Phil Mackie admitted on Radio 5 Brian Hayes 10 pm programme that the BBC censors the truth about Muslims because the BBC was selective in its broadcasting of Muslim extremists threats. Pakistanistan is one of the countries where the Government recruits immigrants. In November 2006 it was reported that they were advertising for immigrants to come here from terrorist countries. A Foreign Office pamphlet declares: 'Multicultural Britain - a Land of Immigrants'. It encouraged immigrants by telling them of the preferential treatment they get under the Human Rights Act and well-paid jobs. The Foreign Office put it in embassies across the world. It was discovered in Pakistanistan. Blair was personally committed to the intervention in Kosovo to help the Muslims against the Serbs. Likewise, our Government funded the reconstruction of Bosnia. Blair also championed the entry of Turkey into the EU. A major policy promoted by Gordon Brown, as the Chancellor, was development aid, with 33 of the countries receiving British foreign aid being Muslim. From 1997 British aid to Bangladesh was doubled. The real nature of foreign aid: transferring our money to the foreign elites and political causes supported by our elites. Bangladeshi immigrants in the east end of London have connections with the Communist Party of India (Marxist), France, has many Bangladeshi immigrants; as does Germany. Bangladesh and Islamic Terrorists are moving into the West. The immigrants who don't settle in Bengal, work as overseas agents of CPI(M) in Europe. They organise Labour vote banks to influence our elections and set up organisations to collect money in UK to send to CPI(M) in India and terrorists. Within weeks of coming to power Labour repealed the Primary Purpose Rule that prevented immigrants bringing their families over from Pakistanistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim countries. There are many racial attacks on Jewish people by Muslims. There are Muslim shops all over the UK selling The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Our Government has introduced a law against Religious hatred that carries seven-years imprisonment which protects terrorists. British Muslim communities have always harboured warmongers like Abu Hamza al-Masri, who advocate the murder of Jews and whites. Many of our elites encourage terrorism not only george Galloway. Ken Livingstone, former Mayor of London, was quoted in the Sun of Thursday, July 8, 2004 defending a Muslim cleric who supported suicide bombings and for child suicide bombings, executing homosexuals, and wife beating and killing Jews. Mayor Livingston called the sheik an honoured guest. He added that the outcry in the tabloid press shows why legislation is necessary to prevent religious hatred. Egyptian-born al- Qaradawi said he had been visiting London for 30 years and was baffled by the fuss. In a pre-recorded TV interview, the cleric called for suicide bombers to kill Allied soldiers in Iraq. In London he spoke in support of suicide bombings by Palestinians in Israel. On BBC2's News Night he urged Iraqis to rise against Coalition forces. If they failed, he said, suicide bombers should be used against them. In November 2001 Livingstone said that British Muslims who fought for the Taliban in Afghanistan should not be prosecuted for treason if they return to this country. In an interview with The Telegraph he called on the police to be lenient. "We've got to accept that these people went off because of a deep sense of injustice about what's happening in Israel and the West Bank. The West should understand that they and the al-Qa'eda network feed off a genuine injustice in the Middle East. Mayor Livingston invited back cleric Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi who described Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel as martyrs. The Crown Prosecution Service said there was not enough evidence to prosecute him on the grounds of his speeches. Mr Livingstone apologised to his guest and called the criticism hysteria. Livingstons remarks to a Jewish journalist being like a concentration
camp guard are an indication. In an openly anti-semitic plea to the Muslim community to support labour,
Government minister Mike O'Brien wrote in Muslim World, in early 2005,
that The government has obediently introduced controversial legislation
(The law against religious hatred) at the behest of Muslim leaders".
The article also implied that Muslims should not vote for Michael Howard
because he is Jewish. In November 2003, the European Union's Monitoring Centre on Racism
and Xenophobia suppressed a report on the rise of anti-semitism.
The survey had found "many anti-Semitic incidents were carried
out by Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups," and so a "political
decision" was taken not to publish it because of "fears that
it would increase hostility towards Muslims." The terrorists have no central chain of command but instead operate
by a unified methodology of terror by using the same techniques of terrorism,
they enter countries by immigration and co-ordinate the war for Global
Jihad over the internet, through media and supporters in mosques. These
Wahhabists hate us yet Western Elites are their allies who, while Muslims
prepare for war against us, encourage them here and introduce their
laws . They are so ashamed of our history that they fail to learn from it.
If they considered, to take just one example, the troubles the British
Empire caused by introducing Tamils into Indonesia to work on the rubber
plantations they might get a glimmer of reality. As it is things are
likely to worsen. The practical wisdom is that we ally with the Jewish community for mutual protection against this axis of Socialist - Totalitarians and the Muslim extremists they are bringing here, funding and protecting by law. Jewish communities in France turned to the Front Nationale for protection from Muslim jihad; in Antwerp, the Vlaams Belang and the Jewish community united against Islamification. In April 2008 during his mayoral campaign in London Boris Johnson spoke
of his pride in his Muslim immigrant ancestry and stated illegal immigrants
should be given legal status. Which is not going to give the white and
Jewish communities confidence as there are a million plus Muslims living
in London. If, as according to some reports, only 10% of them believe
in using violence against us then we have Enochs racial war. However,
Jewish people have an organised reaction force in the CST trained by
the police to help defend them and we also need one. Both peoples face the greatest holocaust in human history because most of the Muslim world hate us and are turning on us. We have nowhere to run, this is our homeland into which traitorous western rulers are importing masses of Muslims, and Jews could be stranded, for Israel is surrounded by hostile Muslim states and if Europe and America fall it is will collapse. To prepare we must set up committees to liaise between our two communities to form a realistic alliance of the Jewish community and Anglo Saxon-Celts to defend our two peoples who are the intended targets of the axis and ultimately repatriate all Muslims from our country and America and Europe (1) http://awarforeurabia.blogspot.com/2005/07/mark-steyn-wake-up-folks-its-war.html http://www.barossa-region.org/Australia/The-War-Against-Swedes.html http://www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk " This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world. We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed. It is a framework which defies common sense and is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence. "