New Labour Nazi Eagle
New Labour Nazi Eagle
Click the Horse
to download a copy of the "Famous"
Burnley Bravepages, in a ZIP file (About
2.3 Mb)
to view my main downloads page

New Labour New
New Reich

New Labour Nazi

New Labour New
New Reich
In the run up to the Council Elections
in May 2002, just about every dirty trick in the book
has been implemented by "New Labour" to try
and discredit the British National Party ( BNP ) nationally,
and locally.
Nowhere has this been more vituperate
or corrupt, than in Burnley. For this reason, so that
you and other people can make up their own minds as
to what is what, and what is not !
A copy of the entire Burnley Bravepages site has been
placed in a zip file here for you to download.
Battle Of Burnley 2002
This was up to date at the time of
loading on 18 / 4 / 02
There have as you can see from the information below,
been a number of attempts by the New Labour Book Burners
to kill off this organ.
Ever read Fahrenheit 451 ? )
Click on the image of the horse
above to download a copy of the famous
"Burnley Bravepages" in a ZIP file. ( About
2.3 Mb )
The Book Burners
New Labour New Britain
It can now be revealed that the
campaign to shut down the Burnley BNP website has been
fronted by ......
Commission for Racial Equality, and Labour Party activist
Shahid Malik.
Our Webhosts have been bombarded
by complaints by the left and their staff threatened
and intimidated. Despite a massive effort by Labour
Party supporters to censor the site we refuse to back
down. The site can still be seen at
and is now mirrored at
Many people have contacted us stating
that although they do not agree with everything the
BNP stand for, they do not like being told how to think.
As such the whole Burnley website can be downloaded
from for those who wish
to upload it to their own servers.
a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes
a revolutionary act.
Burnley Bravepages was off line for
five hours last night after our server received 8,000
complaints in the space of 72 hours and a threat of
court action. As with the previous attempt to silence
Burnley's "Voice of Freedom", this orchestrated
effort stemmed from outside of Burnley and was a blatant
effort to interfere with the democratic election process
in the town.
A stoical Burnley Bravepages editor
Martin Wingfield said he wasn't surprised by this latest
effort to silence his online newspaper,"The establishment
are petrified of the British National Party getting
it's message uncensored into voters' homes. "In
the past we have had no instant communication to the
public, but now web technology means we can explain
situations to our supporters and interested parties
as they happen.
"For the
first time ever we are able to bypass the censorship
of NUJ guidelines and get our viewpoint over without
the 'permission' of a journalist or reporter who is
opposed to our polices."
Bookburners Target Bravepages
The New Labour Dictatorship jackbooted
into Burnley yesterday and tried to stifle political
debate in the town. A lawyer, acting in the interests
of Burnley Labour Party, spent the whole of Saturday
morning attempting to get the Burnley Bravepages website
The website's server was contacted
on four separate occasions by Dr Ronald R Heywood BA(Hons)(Law)
LLD PhD who demanded the site be closed down because
it contravened the server's code of conduct.
Our server asked for examples where
their code had been broken, but DR Heywood was unable
to provide one single example. Instead he claimed,
manner in which this group has acted,
has caused riots in Northern Towns in England including
This assertion
has no basis, as the three independent inquiries into
the disturbances in Burnley, Oldham and Bradford confirmed.
The 40 Most Wanted Rioters
At That Time !
the self excusing "Drivel" written
by ( Rioter ? )
Shahid Malik in June 2002 about this.
A Racist
who is winning an argument with a Labour Supporter
Chicken Tikka Masala Britain !
London 2002 !
But only White people
ever get called RACIST. WHY
? Find out here
At the present time
the White race makes up approximately 8% of
the "Global" population, and that
figure is shrinking rapidly. We ARE
a minority group ! As a social group like
any other, we have a natural right to ensure
our own personal and cultural survival, before
we concern ourselves with other peoples. Anyone
who disputes this natural right has to be
a RACIST ! ........... A
real one ! |
As well as DR Heywood's complaint,
Labour Party Internet forums have been calling on members
to write to the Bravepages' server and demand the closure
of the website.
Burnley Bravepages editor, Martin
Wingfield, was not surprised at this attack on his website
just 26 days before polling day. "Labour is treating
the website just like they treat the people of Burnley.
They can't answer the criticisms so they just try to
silence the debate.
"It is laughable that they call
us nazis and fascists when it is they who will not tolerate
any real opposition to their ill thought-out policies.
"I carefully edit the website
to ensure that there is no offensive or racist material.
The only people who would be upset by its content would
be Burnley's Labour councillors and those who are benefiting
from their unfair policies."
Bravepages will be closed down tomorrow morning after
our Internet sever buckled under a deluge of complaints
from Labour Party supporters. Since notice of the ban
was posted on the forum, we have received numerous messages
of support, and offers of help.
you to all those concerned. Every effort will be made
to make sure the site to continues in the run up to
polling day.
whatever happens in the future, Burnley Bravepages has
been a massive propaganda success for Burnley BNP.
December we have been reaching the people of Burnley,
in their homes, with the BNP message. Over 7,200 visitors
and over 20,000 page views is a brilliant achievement
in such a short space of time.
no mistake, the achievement of Burnley BNP in putting
up 13 candidates was inspired by the website. Let's
show the bookburners of New Labour what we really think
of them on May 2nd. Please make sure that everyone you
know votes BNP.
you to everyone who has contributed to the website over
the last five months.
Wingfield, 5.55pm, Sunday April 7th 2002.
Contact Martin
Wingfield Here [email protected]
The Server's
Dear DR Ronald
R Heywood Ba(hons)(law) Lld Phd,
Please forward
the specific URL's of the text you cited. I could find
no such claim.
Keep in mind,
we don't know anything about Burnley, have never heard
of Burnley, or the BNP, and we have no knowledge of
any of its inhabitants or governmental policies. We
can only go by what you show us.
If you do not
show us the problem areas then we cannot make any sort
of determination about the problem.
Complaint From DR Ronald R Heywood
BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
I find it incredible that you cannot
find this...ok I will spell it out in case you cannot
perceive the obvious...
The fact is that the two sites are
interlink..they are the same organisations.... url is
The reference to Islam is at ....
Read the so called Islam campaign,
and the campaign relating to asylum seekers and immigration...
Please also read the reference to
the BNP demands "No British blood for Afghanistan"
release at
If you read these thoroughly you
will rleaise the nature of the organisation.
Finally I would respectfully refer
you to the provisions of Section 39 of the Anti Terrorism,
Crime and Security Act 2001. That creates both a criminal
offence and a tort and clearly any person or organization
who assists will have to face the legal consequences.
There is no doubt that this will arise legally if some
steps are not taken about this site.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The Server's
Dear DR Ronald
R Heywood BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
So, the reference
to Islam is not even on the site you wish us to remove,
is that correct?
You want us
to remove an account and website based on material that
does not appear in the site in question.. am I understanding
this correctly?
Compliant from DR Ronald R Heywood
BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
It is clear that in law you are assisting
in the propagation of racist propaganda. You are advocating
repatriation of immigrants from the United Kingdom.
No free thinking person could possibly envisaged that
person who are of an ethnic origin or non British or
Islamic would not be offended.
People in the UK know exactly what
the BNP stands for and this is set out more fully in
the other site. However there is sufficient on you site
that it is clear that you are permitting this site on
your system which is in breach of the law knowing well
that it will be directed to person in Burnley Lancashire
It was and is reasonably foreseeable
that a town having a high ethnic population will be
offended by it and the specific reference to the free
video on 'Islamic fanatics in Burnley" is sufficient
in itself when considered with the other site and the
video itself to clearly infringe the recent legislation
to which I have respectfully referred you to.
In view of your position please confirm
the full name of your Chief Executive Officer, the full
name of your Company, Registration Number and Registered
Office and confirm the address where the service of
any legal proceeding may be effected.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The Server's Response
DR Ronald R
Heywood BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
The intent
of your request is not clear, I have simply asked you
to clarify your position. Is it your intent to have
us close a member account based on material that does
not seemingly appear anywhere on the site that you wish
us to close?
You have not,
as yet, provided any material to us other than some
vague association with another site that we can review
and determine if your claim is legitimate or not. I
will be happy to review any page on the
site that you wish to make us aware of that demonstrably
contains material based on hatred or intended to provoke
violence or racism.
I spent a good
deal of time reading pages on the site in question and
did not encounter what you describe. Please forward
the correct URL of the material you are offended by
and we will review further.
** Within the next five hours
our sever was inundated with complaints against the
website after forums and chat rooms supporting the Labour
Party organised a campaign to close down Burnley Bravepages.
-- In UK-Politics@y..., "lancer565uk"
<felstead@m... wrote: Next Exciting Installment The
Correspondence Between the Initial Complainant And Our
Server Complaint from DR Ronald R Heywood BA(Hons)(Law)
LLD PhD] Re: website:
I was appalled to have this website
brought to my attention.
By way of background I am a Lawyer
and I am conscious of your terms and conditions of service
which provide, inter alia ... "Bravenet is in no
way responsible for the content of any Web Services.
You are not allowed to associate any Web Services with
.....anything illegal, bigotry, racism, hatred, .....or
any material which may be insulting to another person(s)......."
I have to say in no uncertain terms
that I find this site extremely racist and insulting.
The fact this is hosted by you on a site where the terms
and conditions are as recited above is appalling and
I therefore respectfully request that this issue is
investigated as a matter of urgency.
I understand that the site is edited
by Martin Wingfield who is described by BNP leader Nick
Griffin as "the nationalist movement's best ever
Effectively the website spews out
lies and racist poison.
As stated above I contend that the
website clearly contravenes the your prohibition on
racist material.
I now look forward to hearing from
The Server's Response
Dear DR Ronald
R Heywood BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
I have reviewed
the site in question and I have not been able to find
anything that qualifies as racist or inciting hatred
on the site.
This is a political
site, with political views and editorials.
The closest
thing I can find there, to being racist, are some rather
outdated views on immigration. However, no group is
specifically identified in any of the pages I could
find. The cartoon at the top of the page is political
in nature, and seems to be jabbing the current government,
not a specific race.
To be racist,
a site must clearly cite the advancement of one race
over another, and I don't see this occurring here.
I read through
many of the pages, and find that the writer is dissatisfied
with the current government policies and wishes to change
So, we cannot
take action against this site at this time based upon
the material I have been able to find there, at this
However, if
you can forward specific URL's of pages with specific
examples of your claim of inciting hatred and racism
I will be happy to review further.
Complaint from DR Ronald R Heywood
BA(Hons)(Law) LLD PhD]
I am quite frankly appalled at your
response. Let me say that this organisation is well
known for their views about racism.
I would respectfully refer you to
their main web side and refer you to the URL at
where you will see specific references to what they
stand for in relation to campaigns against certain race
There are references to Islam and
whilst some of the Islamic faith are white most of them
are not. I would respectful refer you to the fact that
to incite racial hatred is an offence in England.
I think one of the poignant references
is that site is ".....This Saturday will see the
launch of the latest stage of the BNP's Campaign Against
Islam, with a major poster campaign "Islam Out
of Britain,"an anti-Islam demonstration in Central
I also refer to the reference there
to, "The fight against militant Islam, of course,
goes on, but the biggest threat from Islam today is
in our own schools and council chambers, where it must
- and can only - be fought through superior political
organisation on the part of the white majority, in conjunction
with those members of various ethnic communities who
are prepared to put loyalty to their adopted Britain
before their ancestral homelands or religions."
There is reference to the Burnley
situation on the main BNP site so the 2 have to be considered
together. It is fine to say that the ideas of the BNP
are outdated, however, with respect you will appreciate
by the manner in which this group has acted has caused
riots in Northern Towns in England including Burnley.
Quite frankly your position is one
that is untenable in the circumstances and I respectfully
invite you to examine in full the 2 sites, which are
interrelated and then to conclude that the same are
not racist in any manner. To conclude that they are
not is manifestly unreasonable and perverse.
I look forward to hearing from you.