policy the fons et origo of nationhood Derek
Turner says that no other policy is as important as
A governments immigration
policy is arguably ..the most fundamental and consequential
of all its policies. Other policies are enormously
important, but immigration policy holds the possibility
either of preserving or altering permanently the character
of the people who make up the nation. Trade deficits,
educational standards, war in Iraq and our relations
with the EU, while of enormous significance to us
all, are all nonetheless subordinate to one central
consideration who are we who are being
governed (or misgoverned)? Immigration policy,
if poorly conceived or administered, can turn We
the people into We, another people.
Globally speaking, human beings are manifestly not the
same, and our civilizations and nations are not all alike.
A country or a civilizations unique character is at
least partly due to the unique qualities of the people who
have created it, and its values cannot be extended or diluted
indefinitely in all directions. It is obviously of great
importance for a government that rules ostensibly in the
national interest to know, first, who we are
and, secondly, to seek to preserve that character for posterity.
And yet it hasnt exactly worked out that way!
For decades, Britain hasnt had an immigration policy
worthy of the name. Like the Empire, Britains race
problem was acquired in a fit of absence of mind. Unlike
the Empire, Britains race problem should be a source
of shame for yesterdays and todays politicians.
Ever since the arrival of the Windrush at Tilbury docks
in 1948, governments of all persuasions have been united
in not wishing to do anything substantive to preserve the
character of Britain.
Under Labour and Conservative governments alike, albeit
with fluctuating intensity, a tide of newcomers has continued
to flow into this island fortress, turning a
country which had had no large scale immigration since 1066
into a larger version of Yugoslavia although so far
minus the civil war. There were and are immigration laws,
of course. There was the occasional flurry of media concern
or political manouevring when the subject of race came forcibly
to the nations attention. In 1948, 13 Labour MPs wrote
to Clement Attlee to express their dismay at the likely
effects of immigration on their poor, inner-city constituencies.
Many Tory MPs and peers not just Enoch Powell
tried and failed to get immigration taken seriously. Cyril
Osborne, Norman Pannell, Harold Soref, Ronald Bell, Sir
Patrick Wall and many others deserve great credit for their
statesmanlike approach to what they could already see was
the national question. But they were all out-manouevered
and out-gunned. Whatever the media, or the laws, or the
politicians said, behind the rhetoric and under all administrations,
the underlying trend was for an ever-increasing immigrant
population, self-ghettoised and alienated from the wider
society feeling resentful of that society and being
resented by that society. It seems that politicians, like
so many other peo-ple, took it for granted that Britain
could just continue indefinitely to absorb the worlds
peoples, without this changing the countrys character
in any way. There was always something more urgent to be
done and the next election to be prepared for. Even
genuinely patriotic politicians like Margaret Thatcher,
who in 1979 probably did mean to do something about the
swamping that concerned Tory voters, lost sight
of the ball once in office.
By the early 1980s, she was saying that the family values
of Muslim immigrants would encourage emulation amongst native
Britons. That didnt quite work that way either! Thanks
to such short term thinking, and the almost unbelievable
pigheadedness of many on the Left who said that anyone
who wanted to talk about immigration was some kind of Nazi
sympathiser we now have a serious race problem in
Britain, of the kind that some Tories right up until the
late 1980s said could never happen here. Parts
of our big cities are fast becoming like Washington DC or
Delhi. Race riots happen all around the country almost constantly
only coming to national attention when they get beyond
a certain level of containable violence.
Racial misunderstanding and unpleasantness are at an all
time high, with a racial angle creeping into almost every
argument, from foreign policy to fox-hunting. Our freedom
of speech and association are being increasingly undermined.
Commission for Racial Equality commissars representatives
of an organisation that has itself been called institutionally
racist are empowered to compel entire organisations
to adhere to cranky race equality guidelines,
which are really quotas in disguise. Soon we will not be
allowed to criticise Islam. Soon after that, other persecuted
minorities like the Scientologists and the Satanists will
no doubt get in on the act! Britain is unhappy and lacking
in optimism. The diversity that we are all told we should
welcome has proved to be the very opposite of a strength.
The creation of the multicultural society in Britain was
indeed, as Bill Deedes put it tersely in his memoirs, a
failure of statecraft.1 But having established that
our politicians have all let us down badly, and that we
should not be starting from here, where are we to go? We
must accept that the events of the last several decades
are not now reversible. Britain is now, inescapably, a multiracial,
society. How can we make the best of this far-from-ideal
situation? We need to mitigate the existing problems in
the interests of everyone who now lives in Britain. We need
to take urgent action to preserve the British modus vivendi
and to smooth away the understandable resentment felt towards
post-war immigrants by many millions within the indigenous
population. We need to take radical measures to avoid future
Stephen Lawrences and future Richard Everitts we
need to act now to obviate future Brixtons, Toxteths, Broadwater
Farms and Bradfords. And in the wake of 9/11, we must confront
the dreadfulpossibility that a comparable tragedy may even
now be being planned somewhere in our diverse, distrustful
We wish no harm to anyone, and blame no-one for what has
happened except our contemptible indigenous politicians
and the bureaucratic jobsworths who deferred action in the
interests of a quiet life. Who could blame people from India,
Pakistan or the West Indies for wishing to improve their
quality of life? We wish to be able to retain that tolerance,
that freedom of speech and that respect for the individual
that has made Britain so stable and so desirable for so
long. But to be able to do that, Britons must feel comfortable
and secure in their own ancestral domain. Those post-war
immigrants and descendants of post-war immigrants who can
understand this basic human need and imprescriptible human
right are welcome to join in this new battle of Britain.
The good news is that there is mounting recognition of
the problems we all face. There has been, as Rod Liddle
noted in a recent Spectator article, a paradigm shift
on race. A few years ago, nobody talked about immigration
except to say it was wonderful, and we should have
a lot more of it. Now, everyone is talking about it. The
terrible events of 11 September 2001 drove home to many
people the necessity of watching borders, and keeping checks
on aliens living within ones borders not to
mention the essential incompatability of Islam and the Occident.
Even some on the Left, for so long the chief supporters
of mass immigration, have come to realise that it can mean
importing poverty, driving down the minimum wage and weakening
social bonds. The articles by Bob Rowthorn and David Goodhart
criticising mass immigration that appeared in the thoughtful
Leftist magazine Prospect were greeted by many on the Left
with a stream of vitriol and spittle-flecked abuse, but
have now been co-opted into the mainstream of political
Even dreary Leftist motormouths like Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
and Trevor Phillips have said thatmulticulturalism is a
dead letter, and that nations need shared experiences and
customs to cohere. This relative open-mindedness has trickled
down the metapolitical scale to Labour MPs. The Labour MP
for Keighley got into hot water in 2002 for saying that
English language tuition should be mandatory for new immigrants.
David Blunkett has argued for compulsory English tuition
for all and introduced citizenship ceremonies. Jack Straw
has said that Britain should resile from the UN Convention
on Refugees. And, in September, Tony Blair said that it
was neither racist nor extremist to raise genuine
concerns about what he admitted were many thousands
of fake asylum applications. The paradigm has indeed shifted
greatly. While much of this rhetoric is possibly insincere
or, if sincere, is unlikely ever to be put into effect,
it is symptomatic of a new public mood. Although the government
cannot be trusted on this, at some point the rhetoric will
have to be at least partially lived up to.
The media are filled with stories about immigration. A
much reported opinion poll stated that 52% of respondents
believe that immigration is the single most important issue
facing Britain. There have been several excellent books
on immigration produced in the last two years, by Ashley
Mote, Miles Harris, Anthony Browne and Steve Moxon. There
is a highly professional think-tank, Migration Watch, monitoring
the situation. After years of being a single issue party,
the UKIP adopted some moderate policies on immigration,
and quadrupled its numbers of MEPs. Despite unremitting
demonisation, the BNP has made considerable headway in certain
areas of the country. And now Liam Fox and Michael Howard
have realised that the Tories need to talk about this subject
to keep their heads above water. That they should have realised
this long ago is not the point; we must be grateful for
the conversion of even the most recalcitrant of sinners.
We who have always thought this issue was more important
than privatising electricity or Saddam Husseins possession
or non-possession of WMDs can take comfort from how quickly
our once-heretical views are becoming respectable.
We look forward to being thanked officially!2 Yet the
paradigm needs to shift yet more from posture to
policy, from thought to action. We need to push at this
open door and force real change on our slippery, reluctant
politicians in such a way that no-one is hurt and
as few as possible are inconvenienced. A little more effort
now will mean a lot less heartache in the future. We need,
first, to enforce existing laws on immigration. We need
urgently to deport all illegal aliens, whose continued presence
in this country brings the legal system into contempt, and
signals to the millions of others who wish to come to Britain
that they can get away with it. There should be no blind
eyes turned, no amnesties, no appeals and no readmittance
ever for those who have once been detected trying to enter
illegally. The United Nations Convention on Refugees
which was probably a bad idea even in 1951 has been
made exceedingly deleterious by the advent of easier travel,
and the sheer numbers of those now wishing to travel. We
need to remove ourselves from its foolish provisions as
soon as possible.
Thanks partly to the sentimental aspirations in this document,
asylum has become a massive industry a sprawling,
noxious, unregulated, leprous growth in the midst of which
our natural sympathy for genuine refugees has become choked.
We must always offer sustenance and shelter to those fellow
human beings who really need our help at least until
they can look after themselves again. But these natural
and laudable feelings have been blunted by the chronic abuse,
the massive dishonesty, and the hateful hypocrisy of fake
applicants and the shyster lawyers and politicians who have
poisoned the well of our sympathy. Perhaps this industry,
too, could be privatised. Let the Polly Toynbees,
the Barbara Roches, the Charles Kennedys and the John Bercows
who want to take all refugees on trust take personal charge
of their darlings, and welcome them into their own schools,
streets and homes, paying personally for their food, housing,
translators, social workers and lawyers. Let them put their
own monies where their large mouths are. Cheap opportunists
should not be allowed to make such massively expensive calls
on the public purse.
We need to resume control over the immigration system,
and ensure that only a very small number of economically
essential immigrants are allowed to gain admittance until
the nation has absorbed fully those immigrants and descendants
of immigrants who are already here. Because so many supposedly
economically essential immigrants are in fact not really
necessary at all, the ideal solution would be a complete
moratorium on all further immigration until further notice.
David Blunkett may not be able to imagine any upper limit
to the number of immigrants but the rest of us most
certainly can. We need to scrap the CRE or its forthcoming
super-equality successor, and scrap almost all race relations
laws except those that, quite properly, prevent people
from inciting violence on the grounds of ethnicity. Groups
like the governmentsponsored Operation Black Vote should
be disbanded. We should scrap all targets for
the professions and within the civil service. If someone
attains a responsible office, it can then be clearly understood
that they did so on their own merits, not as part of some
backroom race-fixing.
Ethnic minority-specific professional bodies, housing associations,
etc should be phased out. In employment, preference ought
always to be given to native-born workers even if
this means raising wage levels and investing in technology.
There should be compulsory teaching of English for all immigrants
and compulsory lessons in British history for everyone in
schools, and all new arrivals to the country. Non-English
speakers should not be permitted to use their native languages
in class. Official documents should only be available in
English, Scots or Welsh. Although all should be free to
pursue their own religious beliefs, Christianity should
receive preferential treatment in law. But while the above
reforms are all vitally necessary, they are treating the
symptoms of the disease rather than the disease itself.
The people of Britain need to regain respect for themselves,
and their particular brand of Western civilization. For
too long, the indigenous people of Britain have been deprived
of knowledge of, or pride in, their history, their traditions,
their customs and beliefs. While the Tories were sorting
out the trade unions, the ultra-Left was capturing and distorting
the minds of the Britons of the future.
Thanks to the Lefts long, surreptitious war against
the dominant culture, the indigenous people of Britain have
been relativized, bowdlerized, hectored, cajoled and threatened
into a kind of nationwide neurosis. This ethnic angst has
made them vulnerable to the pandemics of multiculturalism,
reverse racism, racial guilt and political correctness,
which in turn have allowed our present immigration problems
to assume such overweening importance. This political gelding
process needs to be reversed, and the gelders need to be
given their P45s. The British need once again to hold up
their heads to be proud of who they are to
be cognizant of their historical achievements and
to feel confident about the future. We need much less deconstructionism
and more constructionism less relativism and more
revivalism. We need to ditch decades of ill-informed sentiment
and dogma about race, and to drive home to flabby minds
certain non-negotiable (if sometimes discomfiting) truths.
Multiculturalism means nonculturalism.
Nations need a shared language and shared customs
or else they are not nations. Diversity is not a strength,
but a weakness. Human beings are not interchangeable economic
units, but members of discrete racial groups, with innate
characteristics that cannot be wished away. Our sleepwalking
politicians and ideologues have finally begun to realise
that race exists, as a social, political, cultural and soon
biological reality. This realisation, if long overdue and
still half-hearted, is nonetheless welcome and may
yet help save Britains unique character and charm
for future generations.