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We Need Border Control
The Old Fashioned Way.

Illegals should be shot on sight when they enter our waters.

Bleeding heart liberals, lefties, White haters, and West haters etc please take note. "Parents should not use their children as illegal Visas"
They are NOT running from famine,War, or any form of oppression.
They are running from FRANCE !! And TOWARDS our benefit system !!

These illegal people are just chancers, leeches, and parasites.
We owe them nothing, and they are entitled to nothing, in ANY law.
Shoot them all – Any survivors should be shot again.


At All Future Elections
Vote For One Of The Populist Parties.

If we keep voting for the same old, same old, same old, then NOTHING will change. If there is no Populist candidate available just vote for any old fringe nut job. Don't vote for any of the Lib-Lab-Con tricksters. They have been deceiving and tricking all of us since the end of WW2.

Populist and Populism are NOT dirty words.
They just describe Democracy from the ground up.

Check out item 25 below by Profesor Kai Murros.
England Is At WAR ! And also item 11 about "Cheap Labour"
The British establishment is at WAR against it's own people.

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"To learn who rules    over you.

Simply find out who you are not
allowed to criticise."

- Voltaire 
  Multiculturalism   Diversity
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