Source - National Vanguard Magazine http://www.natvan.com
Program of 10th April, 1993
Liberalism versus Nationalism
What would you say if a Liberal "social scientist" told
you to jump into a pool filled with five hundred ravenous
If you valued your life, you'd certainly refuse the invitation.
But what if the Liberal "social scientist" tried to convince
you to go ahead and jump in, with the argument that "not
all of the piranhas are aggressive. Some of them probably
just want to make friends with you, and really aren't hungry
either. To say that a piranha is going to attack you, just
because he's a piranha, is a wicked stereotype, and probably
contributes to the piranhas' negative feelings about you."
If that argument was made to you, would you then jump into
the pool filled with piranhas? I don't think so. You'd probably
figure, quite logically, that even if there were one or
two or even a dozen piranhas that by chance or due to a
recent meal decided not to attack you, that certainly wouldn't
change the bloodthirsty behavior of the other 488. And it
certainly wouldn't change the outcome of any foolish foray
into the pool.
But let's say you were foolish enough to listen to the
Liberal "social scientist," and you did jump into the pool
filled with piranhas. You somehow managed to survive. You
made it to the other side of the pool, where you jumped
out, but you were seriously injured in the process. After
you got out of the hospital, where your wounds were stitched
up and your lost blood was replaced, you were paid a visit
by your old "friend," the Liberal "social scientist."
Needless to say, you weren't too happy to see him, but
before you could say a word, he started talking.
"I'm awfully sorry to see how you've been hurt," he said,
"but it isn't my fault at all, you see."
You replied, "You mean, oh great and wise social scientist,
that you can finally see that those piranhas are vicious
and I don't belong in the pool with them?"
"No, I don't mean that at all," answered the Liberal "social
scientist," "It's not the piranhas' fault that you almost
got eaten alive. It's not the poor piranhas' fault at all!
It's your fault!"
"My fault!" you exclaim, "How the hell could it be my fault?"
"Ah, how little you bourgeois middle Americans understand,"
sighed our Liberal genius, "Don't you see that what happened
to you only happened because those poor piranhas were underprivileged
and hungry? If you'd given them enough food and a decent
chance at life, then they wouldn't have attacked you like
they did. When was the last time you helped a piranha? They've
been struggling for centuries while your kind lived in luxury.
Don't you think it's time the tables were turned? And not
only that, but you ordinary Americans have caused the poor
innocent piranhas to feel left out in your society. Naturally
they harbor negative feelings about you, when you never
want to have anything to do with them. You should understand
that we all hate what we don't know. We must integrate piranhas
into our society, keep them in our swimming pools and bathtubs
and introduce them into all our rivers, mountain streams,
and lakes. By associating with piranhas every day, and by
feeding them as much as they want to eat, eventually a spirit
of brotherhood will emerge and we and the piranhas will
live together in peace, harmony, and joyous diversity evermore.
But you, Mr. Ordinary American" - and here the Liberal "social
scientist" thrust his flabby little finger into your face
- "you are going to have to change your evil ways before
we can have that happy world!"
"You're out of your mind!" you reply. "Piranhas may be
fine in the Amazon jungle, but you're crazy if you think
we can live and associate with them every day. We and they
just don't belong together - and if you're so in love with
piranhas, why don't YOU go on a little swim with them? And
if you think I'm going to waste my money and time feeding
them and helping them multiply just so they can eat me and
my family alive at some time in the future, Mr. Genius social
scientist, then you've got another think coming!" With that
you kick his delicate carcass downstairs.
Still smarting from his fall, and rapidly retreating backwards,
the Liberal "social scientist" shakes his spindly fist and
calls back to you, "Your generation is hopeless. You'll
never understand the need to integrate with and support
piranhas. But your children will. Our 'brotherhood' program
at the elementary school will teach them that it's their
duty to live with and help the poor piranhas. They'll be
swimming with them every day at the school's pool. And that's
just the first step! There's nothing you can do about it!"
Gradually the voice of your former friend the Liberal fades
away, but he's certainly given you something to think about,
hasn't he?
I hope that my little fable of the Liberal "social scientist"
and the piranhas has brought home to you the folly and stupidity
of the American people, who have allowed themselves to be
bullied and intimidated into accepting the conversion of
their country into a sewer.
And it isn't just "Liberal social scientists" who are pushing
us down the road to national ruin. The greatest stumbling
block we face is alien and anti-American control of the
mass media. By twisting the facts to suit their own agenda,
by leaving out important information that Americans ought
to know, and by distracting our attention and wasting our
precious time with game shows, soap operas, and silly ball
games, the media controllers lull us to sleep, create a
false impression of inevitable victory for their side, and
paralyze patriotic Americans' will to resist. All of this
is spelled out in detail in our research report on media
bias entitled Who Rules America? I urge every one of you
who hasn't done so already to obtain a copy of this meticulously
researched paper. It names names and pulls no punches. You've
known for years that the media were biased. After reading
Who Rules America? you will finally understand why they
are biased. You will finally understand the real and exact
nature of the enemy we face.
To receive this report along with our big catalog of books,
tapes, and videos just send one dollar to National Vanguard
Books, Department R, PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA.
That's one dollar to National Vanguard Books, Department
R, PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA.
One of the worst things that the controlled media do to
us, is to give us an entirely false picture of the political
spectrum. They foster the illusion that the alternative
to Liberalism is Conservatism. Then they try to paint the
only real alternative to Liberalism, which is Nationalism,
as some kind of "hate" or "bigotry." Nothing could be further
from the truth.
First, let's dispose of the Conservative illusion. At one
time, Conservatism did present a real alternative to the
Liberal disease. Americans, and I mean real Americans, the
sons and daughters of those Europeans who founded and built
this country, prior to the Second World War, still controlled
a majority of the wealth, property, and political power
in this country. But ever since then, our fortunes have
been on the decline. Governmental policies and media propaganda
have divided this country up into slices and delivered them
on a silver platter to the special interests and minority
groups, which are highly organized and relatively united
in their hatred of us. There's been a revolution, Mr. Ordinary
White American, and you lost. How can you be a "conservative,"
when there's so little to conserve? The time for Conservatism
has long passed, its time was 50 years ago and more.
What passes for Conservatism today is just "Liberalism
Light." They don't want to send the ravenous piranhas back
to the Amazon jungles, they just want to "integrate" with
them a little more slowly. They wouldn't ever dare say that
we ought not to even try to live with piranhas - oh no!
the Conservatives say they love living with piranhas more
than anybody! Some of their best friends are piranhas! Let's
just teach the piranhas to be a little nicer, give them
"neighborhood schools" and "enterprise zones" and soon we'll
have brotherhood without any disturbing declines in our
stocks and bonds!
Naturally, the Liberals and their masters are just delighted
to have such "conservatives" as adversaries. A little slower
under Bush and Reagan, a little faster under Bill and Hilary,
still we move inexorably toward national suicide.
The real alternative to Liberalism, which the Liberals
themselves well know, is Nationalism. That's why the Liberals
and the controlled media smilingly tolerate people like
William Buckley, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush. They know
that such patsies pose no real threat to their anti-American
agenda. But they become apoplectic with rage when a real
nationalist comes on the stage of history. That's why they
organize smear campaigns against this radio program, and
try to have us taken off the air. That's why patriotic Americans
must come to understand that any "conservative" spokesman
who is tolerated and given a forum in the controlled media
- is himself controlled. That's why patriotic Americans
must come to realize that any real patriot is going to be
smeared and vilified and viciously attacked by the media.
We must come to appreciate such attacks as a badge of honor,
as an indication that America's enemies are afraid of us,
afraid of the righteous anger of an awakened American people.
The real alternative to Liberalism is Nationalism. Nationalism
is synonymous with patriotism. Nationalism means that you
put the interests of your nation first. Nationalism means
you recognize that your nation consists its people, who
are united by a common heritage of blood, language, and
culture; much more than it consists of a geographic area
between two artificial lines drawn on a map.
Let's look at the contrasting positions of Liberalism and
Nationalism on a few important issues. Maybe you're really
a Nationalist and didn't know it!
One of the first things you must understand is that Liberals
are essentially internationalist in their outlook. To them,
it is immoral to put your nation first. Their ultimate goal
is world government. Not many people know it, but prominent
Liberal tycoon Ted Turner, the owner of CNN and several
other television networks, is so internationalist-minded
that he has forbidden his announcers from even using the
word "foreign," because that would imply, horror of horrors,
that we were Americans! On the other hand, though we Nationalists
hate no one, and we recognize our kinship with our cousins
of European descent and culture overseas, we do put the
interests of Americans before those of other nations. We
say it is treason to openly or secretly plan the transfer
of our money, resources, or authority to the United Nations
or any other international entity. When a Nationalist government
comes to power in America, those who have betrayed our nation
will be tried for treason.
Liberals say that "free trade" is good for us. We say that
"free trade" only benefits super-rich international corporations
and those internationalists who want to equalize our living
standards with those of the Third World so that we can be
more comfortably merged into a one-world government, their
so-called New World Order. We say that America should trade
with foreign countries, yes, but only if and when it benefits
the American people. One word the Liberals never utter is
the word "tariff." For over one hundred years in America,
the tariff, which means just a fee charged to foreigners
for the privilege of importing goods to this country, was
the federal government's main source of income. Americans
paid no income taxes, since the tariff provided the funds
instead, and the differential in prices caused by cheap
foreign labor was equalized at the border, encouraging the
development of American industry. A future Nationalist government
will once again encourage American industry and restore
our status as the leading industrial nation of the world.
Liberals will tell you that, since everyone is inherently
equal, that the cause of inner-city crime and violence is
poverty - and naturally that poverty is all our fault. Nationalists
recognize the facts of Nature, and one of those facts is
that some groups do not belong in our advanced Western society.
The result of their being forced to live with us is unhappiness
and resentment, and all too often crime and violence. A
future nationalist government will not force incompatible
peoples to live together just to validate some crack-brained
social theory. We will let each people have its own territory
and true independence and freedom.
Liberals say that guns cause violent crime. They don't
trust the people with effective firearms, and they would
like to arrange things so that only the police and the military
have them. Nationalists understand that an armed population
is our only defense against criminals and against tyranny
by Liberals or anyone else. Nationalists demand the right
of our people to be armed, just as our founding fathers
did, and for the same reason - because we know the government
is not always benevolent.
Liberals say we should subsidize the never-ending maternity
of those in the very lowest-achieving and least productive
sectors of our society, and tax the producers to do it.
Nationalists say that we should discourage the lowest among
the low from having children, who would only continue the
cycle of dependence and misery into future generations.
Instead of paying welfare mothers and sending food or low-interest
loans to Third World countries; let's give subsidies and
low-interest loans to our own young married couples so they
can have a better chance at getting an early start at raising
children who will be a credit to their nation.
For decades, Liberals have flushed our money down the toilet
in their never-ending pursuit to change the laws of Nature
and bring their twisted dream of "brotherhood" to fruition.
Not only have they spent all the money they could squeeze
by taxes and inflation out of our productive people, but
they have also mortgaged our children's birthright by deficit
spending. For years, these deceivers and liars told us that
"deficit spending is good for you ... it stimulates the
economy ... we only owe it to ourselves, etc., etc." Now
the chickens have come home to roost, and we are faced with
a debt of immense proportions and potentially catastrophic
consequences. Nationalists say that government expenditures
will always fall upon the shoulders of the productive portion
of the American people, and should be limited to those necessary
government functions to guarantee our security and secure
the future of our children. Crackpot schemes of world salvation
should only be funded by those foolish enough to believe
in them.
Keep on thinking free - and keep on listening to AMERICAN
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