Source - National Vanguard Magazine http://www.natvan.com
November 1997 - Volume 3, Number 11
Slavery and Race
by Dr. William Pierce
I have before me a news story written by a correspondent
for the London Daily Telegraph. It's a story about the flourishing
child-slavery business in West Africa: in countries like
Togo, Benin, and Gabon. Businessmen in the coastal cities
send buyers into the interior with buses, where they collect
surplus children, in the seven- to 15-year-old age range,
and bring them back in groups of 50 to 100 -- in other words,
a bus load -- to the slave markets on the coast. Typically
the buyers pay parents anywhere from 10 to 30 dollars per
child. In some areas, they simply bribe local officials
to look the other way and kidnap the children.
Once in the coastal
cities, the children are housed in large, supermarket-style
buildings where shoppers can stroll through, select the
children they want to buy, and pay for their merchandise
at the door as they leave. Some of the purchasers send the
children out on the streets to work as prostitutes. Others
use them as house servants or as factory workers.
This is not a small-time
thing or an occasional thing. This is a thriving business
involving thousands of children bought and sold every year
in dozens of slave markets in West African cities, in the
region which used to be known as the "slave coast,"
because That's where the slave dealers, during the 18th
and early 19th centuries, would buy ship loads of slaves
to take to the West Indies and the Americas for plantation
work. After slavery was outlawed in Europe and America,
it continued as an ongoing institution in Africa, just as
it had for countless centuries before White men began buying
African slaves.
The only reason Europeans and White Americans ever hear
anything about this ongoing African slave trade is that
there are a few tender-hearted White groups, such as Amnesty
International and Anti-Slavery International, whose sensibilities
are offended by this sort of thing. These groups try to
arouse public opinion in America and Europe against slavery.
They also work through politicians, trying to persuade them
to put anti-slavery amendments into aid agreements with
African countries. As a result of such aid-agreement amendments
most African countries recently have gone through the motions
of enacting legislation outlawing slavery. All this means
in practice is that the slave dealers must pay bribes to
the politicians or the police in order to avoid interference
with their business.
Now, the news story I mentioned appeared because the London-based
group Anti-Slavery International has just released a report
detailing the latest facts and figures for child slavery
in West Africa. Do you wonder why you Don't see more news
about the slave trade? Do you wonder why the New York Times,
the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the major
television news networks have virtually nothing to say about
it? Can you imagine the outrage you would see in these controlled
media, day after day and week after week, if White people
were behind this trade in Black children?
Of course, you can! But news about Blacks in Africa, behaving
the way Blacks always have behaved, whether it is buying
and selling child slaves in Nigeria or engaging in ritual
cannibalism in Liberia or "necklacing" accused
witches in South Africa, is news which doesn't fit and is
therefore deemed not newsworthy by the masters of the controlled
media. In fact, the media masters consider such news positively
harmful, because it conflicts with the image they have built
in the minds of the White public: an image of virtuous,
peaceable, freedom-loving, industrious, sensitive, and creative
Blacks, essentially noble Blacks, who have failed to rise
to the cultural level of Europe and America only because
they have been enslaved and exploited by cruel, greedy White
supremacists. It's important to maintain this deceptive
image, because it reinforces the sense of White racial guilt;
it helps keep Whites convinced that they owe something to
non-Whites, that they must never think of their own racial
interests or feel any sense of White racial solidarity,
because that can only lead to terrible things like slavery
and the oppression of noble Blacks.
Actually, the media masters have quite different reasons
for wanting to keep White thinking about racial matters
confused. If Whites ever begin thinking racially, ever begin
thinking in terms of their collective racial interests,
the way the media masters do, they will be much more difficult
to control -- and the media masters themselves will be in
grave danger. So That's why we hear and see so much in the
media about the evils of White racism, and the need for
the government to crack down on what the media bosses call
"hate," and the importance of giving the poor
Blacks a few special advantages like affirmative action
to make up for the way we mistreated them in the past --
and, ahem, the correctness of pressuring the Swiss people
into coughing up as much gold as another poor, oppressed
minority group demands. And It's also why we almost never
see or hear anything about Black slavery in Africa today
-- and, more generally, about what all of these wonderful
minorities with which we are blessed are actually like and
the way in which they really behave when left to themselves.
I've done a lot of thinking about this problem of the Jewish
control of our news and entertainment media, and I've probably
talked more about it on these American Dissident Voices
broadcasts than any other problem we're facing as a people.
That's because It's the most important problem we're facing.
It's the key to all of our other problems. It's the one
problem we must overcome if our people are to survive.
Let's look today at a couple of aspects of this problem
of Jewish media control that I haven't discussed much in
the past. What I have discussed often before is the fact
that most people Aren't really rational in the formation
of their opinions and attitudes. They Don't believe what
makes the most sense. They Don't believe what they see the
best evidence for. They believe what is fashionable. They
believe whatever they think other people believe. And so
the task of the mass media is not primarily to present either
factual or contrived evidence for a particular point of
view they want the public to adopt; instead it is simply
to convince the public that this point of view is fashionable:
that it is the point of view most other people already have.
And the media do this convincing primarily with advertising
and with entertainment: they show fashionable actors expressing
the opinions they want the viewers to adopt. Sometimes they
use news for the same purpose: they'll sample the reactions
of people on the street to some event in the news and then
select those reactions for broadcast or publication which
match the reaction they want the public to have. But the
main task of the news media is to screen out facts which
Don't fit and present only those facts which seem compatible
with the opinions the media are promoting.
And that technique works quite well with most people. But
there are many White Americans who are able to think for
themselves, who are able to entertain even unfashionable
ideas, if That's where the evidence points. Why Don't we
hear more of these Americans speaking out? Why do so many
of them just go along with the falsehoods and deceptions
of the controlled media?
I believe that a full answer to this question has three
parts. In the first place, these people able to think for
themselves tend to be more successful economically and socially
than the average, because they're smarter than the average.
They tend to belong to the upper strata of our society,
strata whose inhabitants are cushioned against many of the
harsher realities of what is happening to our society --
and who live in an environment where politeness is especially
valued. They Don't want to be rude. They Don't want to be
offensive. To point out too loudly the inadequacies of Blacks
would be considered a bit déclassé.
In the second place many Whites believe that we should
preserve the peace at all costs. They place a very high
value on maintaining social tranquillity. They know how
easily some minorities take offense and how violent and
destructive they can become. They know that if a White policeman
has to tap a Black with his nightstick during an arrest,
his fellow Blacks may stage a three-day riot and burn the
whole town to the ground. And so these peace-loving folks
are inclined to tread very softly and leave their nightsticks
at home. They'd rather see us White rabble-rousers restrained
than give us an opportunity to stir up trouble. After all,
they think, as bad as the racial situation is, we have to
learn to live with it. We may not like it, but there's nothing
we can do about it -- nothing, that is, except things that
inevitably would entail a great deal of conflict, violence,
and bloodshed, and That's just too terrible to contemplate.
Our people, unfortunately, have lost a lot of their stomach
for that sort of thing over the past couple of hundred years.
And, as I said, these are folks who already have a reasonable
understanding of the facts. They're not taken in by any
egalitarian myths. With them It's a problem of values, of
priorities. Keeping the peace and avoiding violence is the
most important thing to them. About the only way you can
persuade them to take a stand for their people is convince
them by demonstration that Blacks are not the only ones
who can raise hell, and that simply being polite will not
permit them to escape unscathed and avoid violence to their
own persons.
Finally, I believe that for many independent-minded people
the problem is not being able to see the forest for the
trees. What they see is that there are many individual Blacks
who are intelligent, there are many moral Blacks, many industrious
and self-disciplined Blacks, and many individual Blacks
who are able to adapt quite successfully and even constructively
to a civilized, European society. And they also see that
there are many White people who are stupid, lazy, immoral,
and undisciplined and are a burden on our society. These
independent-minded people are focused on individual Blacks
and individual Whites, and the conclusion they reach is
that there are some good and useful people of all races
in our society and some bad and useless people of all races.
What these independent-minded people fail to do is back
off a bit and look at races as a whole. What they fail to
understand is that the problem we must deal with is not
the quality of the individual Negro who is living next door,
or even the effect that minorities are having on our neighborhood.
The problem is what Blacks as a race -- or what non-Whites
generally -- are doing to our society and to our race by
living among us. And it is quite clear, indisputably clear,
that what they are doing as a race, as a whole, is not good.
They are destroying our society and our race. That's the
problem we must deal with, and all considerations of individuals
become wholly insignificant in comparison.
Now, I know That's hard for some people to grasp. I know
that it took me a while to get my own thinking straightened
out. I began life more or less as a libertarian, and my
primary concern was that the government not mess with me
personally -- and more generally that people be permitted
to do whatever they want to do as individuals. I didn't
think much about the cumulative effects of individual actions
and individual qualities on the society in which I was living.
But as these cumulative effects began being really noticeable
in the 1960s, I had to start thinking about them. I believe
that all of us need to think about them.
We need to understand that every race encompasses individuals
with a range of characteristics, with each characteristic
distributed about some average value in a more or less bell-shaped
curve. When we want to think about the effects of mixing
two races together in a society, it is these average values
we must consider, not individuals. For example, there are
smart Blacks and stupid Whites -- a lot more of the latter
these days than in the past, it seems -- but the average
intelligence for Blacks in the United States is between
15 and 20 IQ points below the average for Whites. That's
more than enough to make the difference between being able
to sustain a modern, civilized society and not being able
to keep it from sliding back into the jungle, the way every
Black country in Africa for which Whites built a civilized
infrastructure began sliding back into the jungle as soon
as the Whites relinquished control to the Blacks during
the decolonization period after the Second World War. More
than that, the rare individuals who have the special abilities
required to build a civilization, not just sustain one,
are way out on the high side of the bell curve -- far enough
out, in fact, that the Black bell curve has for all practical
purposes gone to zero. Which is to say that if on the White
bell curve for an average population of one million Whites
there are 100 who qualify as civilization builders, as true
innovators, then on a bell curve for one million Blacks
the number of individuals who qualify as civilization builders
is somewhere between zero and one.
These are the things that people who are able to think
for themselves need to consider. They need to consider the
overall effects of allowing large numbers of Blacks and
other non-Whites to live among us. They need to consider
the ultimate consequences of such a policy. They need to
realize that as races with lower standards of performance
than ours mix with us, they inevitably will pull down the
overall standards for our society. Eventually they will
pull us down to the level where we cannot compete effectively
with other societies which have maintained their own standards.
Our independent-minded people need to think clearly about
the ways in which our society already has been degraded
by permitting larger and larger numbers of non-Whites to
live among us. They need to look at our school problem and
our crime problem and our drug problem and to understand
that these are consequences of our failing to maintain a
White society, and that we are suffering these consequences
regardless of the fact that there are many individual Blacks
who cannot be blamed for these problems. They need to understand
that it is Blacks collectively, Blacks as a race, who are
pulling our society down.
Our people also need to understand the true motivations
of the media bosses when they respond to these problems
by trying to obscure the problems and confuse us about them:
for example, by campaigning against IQ testing -- or any
testing of people which distinguishes them or ranks them
according to ability and thereby reveals the fact of racial
inequality -- and at the same time by trying to convince
us that there is some mysterious benefit to be gained by
having more racial diversity in our society; when they deliberately
try to make us feel a sense of racial guilt by blaming Black
slavery on Whites; when they deliberately use their media
to encourage miscegenation; and finally, when they make
the claim that there really is no such thing as race, that
the whole concept of race is meaningless. Yes, we need to
understand what these Jewish media bosses are up to. We
need to understand the overall consequences to our people
of permitting them to live among us.
Finally, let me leave you with this thought. If the idea
of inferiority and superiority bothers you, if you Don't
like the idea of categorizing Black society in Nigeria or
Uganda, with its enduring institution of slavery, as inferior
to White society, just think of it as different. And just
realize that when people from a different race are mixed
with ours, we will become different. We will lose our racial
distinctness, our very ability to think of ourselves as
a race. That is why I am opposed not only to the presence
of Blacks and Jews in our society, but even to the large-scale
presence of races I respect, such as the Japanese. Mixing
leads to the loss of distinctness, to the loss of identity.
And the loss of identity leads inevitably to death.
Think about it.
A cassette recording of this broadcast is available for
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National Vanguard Books
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