- 14
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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In the early 1970s, a period of rampant egalitarianism, I
read the Geography of Intellect608 by Jewish partisans Nathaniel
Weyl and Stephan Possony, and also a popular book called The
Jewish Mystique 609 by Ernest Van Den Haag. They claimed outright
that Jews were genetically, culturally, and morally superior.
They said brazenly what the mainstream Jewish histories had
implied. In 1969 popular British scientist-turned-novelist
C. P. Snow gave a speech to Hebrew Union College in which
he claimed that because of inbreeding Jews were
superior to all other living peoples. 610 Then
as now, in explaining Jewish success, some Jewish authors
suggest that the structure of Judaism had a positive genetic
effect on intelligence. Assertions of Jewish genetic superiority
enjoy a warm reception by the same media that caustically
condemn as immoral and evil what they call the theory
of Caucasian genetic superiority. Weyl argued persuasively
that Jewish traditions had a eugenic effect, citing the fact
that the most successful Jewish scholars and thus the most
intelligent in the Jewish community, the rabbis, were supported
by their fellow Jews in having the largest families. He compared
the high rabbinic birthrate to the celibacy of the Catholic
clergy, which he felt had a dysgenic effect among Gentiles.
I could certainly see how such reproductive patterns would
be beneficial to Jewish intelligence, and I was certainly
willing to acknowledge that Jews are intelligent. What struck
me then was Weyls thesis that Jewish social patterns
and practices could affect their intelligence. I had long
believed that both intelligence and behavioral tendencies
have an important genetic component, but for the first time
I began to think seriously about the underlying differences
between Jews and Gentiles. Were they cultural-religious or
genetic in origin? To get to the bottom of it, I looked at
applications of evolutionary biology to the development of
the Jewish people.
Charles Darwins The Origin of Species611 dealt with
the effects of natural selection on the individual, but even
more importantly, on the selection process involving species
and subspecies (races). He studied the origin of groups of
genetically related individuals and studied their fitness
to survive in their respective environments. The subtitle
of his masterpiece reads, Or the Preservation of Favoured
Races in the Struggle for Life.
Few understood the mechanism of group selection in regard
to human evolution. Perhaps the best early exposition of it
was Sir Arthur Keiths dynamic 1948 book A New Theory
of Human Evolution.612 Keith explained that just as individuals
are subject to evolutionary pressures, so are competing groups.
In the early 1960s, researcher W. D. Hamilton and others began
the modern inquiries into the genetic basis of social behavior,
now referred to as sociobiology.613 The principles of sociobiology,
first propounded by G. C. Williams in the 1960s, became scientifically
embedded in the principles of behavioral genetics and in the
landmark work of Dr. Edward Wilson in his seminal Sociobiology:
A New Synthesis. 614 I read Wilsons book just a few
months after it came out and found it magnificent. Although
Wilson deftly sidestepped the application of his theories
to the human races, he offered powerful evidence that behavior
in the most elementary creatures such as ants had a biological
basis driven by the urge to preserve the genotype. Genetic
kinship turned out to be a powerful factor in evolution and
behavior. In such a context, group loyalty and altruism become
understandable from an evolutionary perspective in that the
individual may sacrifice his life and his individual reproduction
to ensure the survival of those who are genetically similar
to him. Richard Alexander, J. Phillippe Rushton, D. S. Wilson,
Kevin MacDonald, Edward Wilson, Edward Miller, and many others
over the next two decades pushed the envelope further. They
showed that human groups differing in their genetic makeup
experience similar social pressures to those experienced by
competing animal species or subspecies. The new scientific
discipline called Behavioral Genetics and Evolutionary Psychology
continues to break new ground, showing the intimate relationship
between heredity and human behavior on both the individual
and the group level. The insights of sociobiology and behavioral
genetics greatly increased our understanding the development
of racial differences. It is easy to understand the evolutionary
impact of the harsh northern climate on more than 5,000 generations
of Europeans and the effects of the milder climate of Africa
on the Black race. In addition, the social taboos, customs
and social organization of human beings since the beginnings
of civilization can also have an obvious impact on reproductive
patterns and genetic makeup.
Since the relatively recent domestication of the dog, mankind
has produced, through selective breeding, hundreds of breeds
that differ as much as the St. Bernard, the hairless Chihuahua,
the German Shepherd, and the Pug. All come from one original
species, and all are genetically capable of interbreeding.
Here is how Groliers Encyclopedia characterizes the
varieties of dog and how selective breeding has affected both
appearance and temperament: Dogs vary more in outward appearance
than in anatomical structure. An adult dog may weigh 2 to
99 kg (4 to 220 lb.), depending on the breed, and range in
height from 12.5 to 90 cm (5 to 35 in.) at the shoulder. Other
differences in conformation include length of leg; length
of muzzle; size and attitude of ears; length, shape, and carriage
of tail; and length, density, color, and character of hair.
Over time, the various breeds were also selectively bred to
produce temperaments suited to the tasks they performed.615
In the same way that people could selectively breed genetically
different breeds of dogs, certain social structures and policies
can affect human evolution. Social structures, especially
those that influenced marriage patterns, could have a dramatic
impact on survival and reproduction rates. They could certainly
affect human temperament and behavior in the same way that
dog breeders have created breeds as stoic as the St. Bernard
or as hyperactive as the Pekinese. We all know people who
are naturally as aggressive as a Pit Bull, or as friendly
as a Labrador Retriever. Is the Jewish behavioral pattern
a product of cultural institutions such as Judaism and its
secular offspring, Zionism, or is there something in their
genotype that inclined them to the consistent behaviors that
they have exhibited across greatly differing cultures over
three millennia? I wondered how the structure and nature of
Judaism across the centuries may have affected the genetic
characteristics of the Jewish people. Just as two species
of animals occupying a particular geographic area naturally
develop a group evolutionary strategy to compete for resources,
so human groups can do the same thing even in the civilized
societies. They can develop certain behavioral traits that
give them competitive advantages and greater reproductive
success. In human societies, when genetically distinct groups
interact, they can assimilate and lose their genetic distinctions,
or they can develop ethnocentric ideologies and behavior that
favor the distinct characteristics of their own gene pool.
An ethnocentric group could even develop a religion that rationalizes
its evolutionary response to other groups.
I wondered if the Jews had become genetically distanced from
the other peoples of Europe and, if so, how deep the divide
was. Had their supremacist and ethnocentric tendencies become
ingrained in their genetic code, or were they simply a result
of the cultural attitude of their religion and the separate
societies they created? Did genetic impulses create the ideology
of Judaism that reinforced and intensified the Jewish genotype?
Years later, in the 1990s, the same Jewish-dominated anthropology
that rejected the importance of European racial consciousness
and sense of identity has reasserted Jewishness and the Jewish
identity. In Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian
Anthropology, in The American Anthropologist, Jewish
writer Gelya Frank celebrates American Boasian antiracist
anthropology as Jewish history. 616 She points
out that the central Jewish role was intentionally whitewashed
for fear that Gentiles would realize that Jews had a radical
agenda. There has always been a lively, if sometimes hushed,
in-house discourse about American anthropologys Jewish
origins and their meaning. The preponderance of Jewish intellectuals
in the early years of Boasian Anthropology and the Jewish
identities of anthropologists in subsequent generations have
been downplayed in standard histories of the discipline
This essay brings together strands of these various discourses
on Jews in anthropology for a new generation of American anthropologists,
especially ones concerned with turning multiculturalist theories
into agendas for activism
. There has also been a whitewashing
of Jewish ethnicity, reflecting fears of anti-Semitic reactions
that could discredit the discipline of anthropology and individual
anthropologists, either because Jews were considered dangerous
due to their presumed racial differences or because they were
associated with radical causes. Gelya Frank Now, with
the political and cultural dominance of racial pluralism over
European solidarity, Frank discloses that Jewish anthropologists
are reasserting their Jewish ethnicity and group identity.
Any number of scholars are reasserting Jewishness in the academy,
simultaneously attempting to discover and define what Jewish
identity can mean in that most universalist of institutions.
Some relevant examples from the long and growing list of sources,
in addition to several already cited, include: Behar 1996;
Boyarian 1992, 1996; Eilberg-Schwartz 1990, 1992, 1994; H.
Goldberg 1987, 1995; Kleebatt 1996; Nochilin and Garb 1995;
Prell 1989, 1990, 1996; Robin-Dorsky and Fisher Fishkin 1996;
and Schneider 1995. The reappearance of Jewish difference(s)
raises the stakes for Jewish anthropologists engaged in multiculturalist
The article floored me. The same Jewish-driven anthropology
establishment that tells Europeans that there is really no
such thing as race and that racial identity is silly at best
and a moral evil at worst, quietly promotes Jewish differences
and genetic identity. Franks article goes
on with unrestrained praise of the Jewish pride in the writing
of Barbara Meyerhoff in Number Our Days.618 All of this in
the premier magazine of Anthropology, one that has repeatedly
ridiculed the idea of race and ethnic pride for Europeans.
When I first looked into the issue of Jewish genetic relatedness,
I did not have the benefit of Franks article. At that
time, I thought that the best way to investigate the issue
was to see how similar the geographically separated Jewish
populations are to each other and to the Gentile populations
among whom they live. Do Jews differ from the other Europeans
the same way that, say, an Englishman differs from a Frenchman
or a German from a Russian? Or are they altogether different
from all European subraces? Substantial work had been done
on the issue, much of it from Jewish researchers who were
busily studying their own peoples genetic makeup. Over
the years, they enlightened me on this subject in much the
same way that I had gained an interesting perspective on Jewish
history from Jewish chroniclers. The first thing I found was
information on the set of genetically borne diseases that
occur almost exclusively in the Jewish community, such as
Tay-Sachs disease. Their presence certainly indicated a genetic
variance specific to the Jewish population and illustrated
a genetic difference from the Gentiles. Soon I found scientific
papers dealing precisely with the issues I sought. 619 620
Genetic researchers Sachs and Bat-Miriam discovered amazing
similarity between the Jewish populations of nine countries
of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Europe. Conversely,
they found sharp differences between Jews and non-Jews from
those same countries. 621
In studying blood group data, Mourant, Kopec, and Domaniewska-
Sobczak wrote in a book called The Genetics of the Jews that
it may be said that, in general, blood group data
the relative homogeneity of the main historical Jewish communities.622
Now, here we have mainstream Jewish anthropologists and geneticists
the same groups who chronically preach to us that there
are no great differences between Blacks and Whites
boldly assert that the Jewish people are genetically distinctive
and relatively homogenous! They argue that some differences
exist between the Ash kenazim and the Sephardim (the main
ethnic division among Jews), but that essentially Jews are
a single people with a limited genetic resemblance to the
European populations among whom they dwell. 623 In
blood group data, two major studies, one in 1977 by Bonné-
Tamir, Ashbel, and Kenett and one by Karlin, Kenett, and Bonné-
Tamir in 1979, found when using fourteen polymorphic loci,
no significant difference in Jewish populations from Iraq,
Libya, Germany, or Poland. They estimated that the genetic
distance between Gentiles and Jews living in the same area
is three to five times greater than for Jews living in the
different nations studied. In the 1977 study, the researchers
state not much admixture has taken place between Ashkenazi
Jews and their Gentile neighbors during the last 700 years
or so. 624 625 Mille and Kobyliansky discovered
in studies of dermatologlyphic data that Ashkenazim (Eastern
European Jews) are much more similar to Shephardim (Middle-Eastern
and European Jews) than they are to the non-Jewish Eastern
Europeans. 626 Kobyliansky and Livshits in using cluster
analysis on 25 morphological characteristics, estimated that
Jews in Russia were six times more distant from Russians than
Russians were from Germans. They also found the Jews to be
completely separate from the twenty-four other ethnic groups
studied in Russia, Germany, and Poland. 627 Another
study compared modern Jews and those of 3,000-yearold Jewish
skeletons discovered in the Middle East. Sofaer, Smith, and
Kaye studied dental morphology from Morocco, Kurdish Iraq,
and Eastern European countries. They found more likeness between
the widely scattered Jewish populations than for the Gentile
groups living near them. The ancient Jewish skeletal group
turned out to be far more similar to the three Jewish populations
than for every non-Jewish group studied except for one, an
Arab Druse group from the 11th century. 628 One researcher
summed up the overall genetic differences by saying that there
was probably at least three times more genetic difference
between an average Jew in France and his Gentile Frenchman
neighbor than between an average French Jew and a Jew living
in Russia or the Middle East.
The Jewish studies amazed me. I would not have guessed that
Jews were that genetically different from all Europeans. I
knew a few Jews who were indistinguishable from the potpourri
of other European- Americans. From their appearance, it seemed
impossible that there was three times more genetic difference
from us than from Jews in remote regions of the world. But,
the research proved that a wide genetic difference existed
between Jew and European. I wondered why they did not seem
that dramatically different in their appearance. Fritz Lenz
suggested back in the 1930s that Jewish resemblance to the
European populations did not mean that their genes were similar.629
He suggested that their similar external resemblance could
have emerged from the natural selection of genes within the
Jewish gene pool. These genes could simply be a small cluster
of genes that lay dormant in the Jewish pool or that were
introduced by limited genetic mixture with Gentiles, and which
then were selectively favored by the social environment. Genes
that caused a greater corporeal resemblance to that of the
Gentile host could have favorable results in acceptance, accumulation
of wealth, and social advancement and thus on reproductive
success. By a somewhat similar process, distinct species of
butterflies not closely related, come to resemble one another
without narrowing their genetic distance. A very small set
of genes influencing appearance within the Jewish population
could thus be favored, causing a greater similarity of appearance
to the Gentile population while not narrowing their overall
genetic alienation from their host population. Over many generations
the external resemblance to Gentiles could increase while
the parts of the brain that affect behavioral tendencies and
abilities could be unaffected. According to evolutionary genetics,
it is possible that Jews have come to more resemble their
hosts in their external appearance while at the same time
becoming even more distant in their mental and behavioral
characteristics. Whatever the questions of physical appearance,
there seemed little doubt that Jews are indeed very different
from Europeans and that they had maintained that genetic difference
for a very long time.
I also ran across a number of popular sources arguing that
high Jewish-Gentile intermarriage rates would end their genetic
distinctiveness from European Gentiles. As in so many other
matters dealing with the Jews, there is a wealth of information
on the issue, an underlying reality that is very different
from popular perceptions. Will Intermarriage End Jewish Supremacism?
It is often said that the high rates of intermarriage between
Jews and Gentiles, especially in the United States, will diminish
ethnocentrism and cause assimilation of the Jewish population
into the Gentile gene pool. That contention is made in the
highly publicized and promoted book The Myth of the Jewish
Race by Ralph and Jennifer Patai. They suggest that Jewish
intermarriage has steadily increased since the Enlightenment.
630 It is true that many Jewish groups and leaders have raised
a great commotion about the dangers of intermarriage. Major
Jewish publications often have articles and even ads decrying
intermarriage and im ploring Jews to marry only other Jews.
Steve M. Cohen writes the following in The Jewish Family:
Myths and Reality: Vigorous effort by organized Jewry to try
to halt or reverse recent demographic changes . . . to get
large numbers of Jews to change their family-related decisions
that is, to marry young, marry each other, stay married,
and have many children. 631 Pinches Stolper writes of the
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America promoting
only strong pure Jewish marriages. In describing the threat
of a beautiful Gentile girl living just a few houses away,
he asserts: Intermarriage is a tragedy the Jewish people cannot
tolerate. The person who marries out of the faith has turned
his or her back on the Jewish people. Our tradition regards
such a person as spiritually dead, and the family sits shiva
[observes a period of mourning] for him or her. Such marriages
rarely work, even when accompanied by a socalled conversion
to Judaism, and certainly can never work when the Jewish partner
is seriously concerned with his or her Jewishness. For the
families involved, the result is heartbreak and tragedy, and
for the children, a life of frustration, conflict, and strain.
David Landau shows that Jewish fundamentalism is rapidly
increasing in the Diaspora. He quotes one of the opponents
of a mild change in Reform law allowing tracing of genealogy
through the father rather than the mother as one of
the most evil crimes, almost akin to Hitler. It destroyed
the integrity of the Jewish People." 633 Rising fundamentalism
has also meant a rise in birthrates among the most committed
Jews. In an essay in the book The Jewish Family: Myths And
Reality, Cohen notes that through high birthrates and by using
insulating mechanisms, the Hasidim have achieved a high degree
of success in offsetting the assimilative tendencies of the
larger society. 634 Therefore, it can be seen that organized
Jewry has made a concerted effort to encourage endogamy among
Jews. Orthodox groups are certainly those most extremely opposed
to intermarriage, but even the newspapers and magazines published
by Reform groups strongly discourage it. The Jewish researcher
Ellman comments in the journal Jewish Social Studies that
the only ethnic or religious community in the United States
that continues to attempt to limit and discourage conversions
and intermarriage is the organized Jewish community. But Ellman
along with a number of other authors who are strongly
opposed to intermarriage also believe that the seemingly
high rates of intermarriage are no real threat to the Jewish
heritage. He suggests that it strengthens the traditional
Jewish culture and genotype by eliminating those Jews who
have assimilationist tendencies. 635 Ellman points out that
intermarriage has little effect on the core of Judaism. He
points out that intermarriage is far more frequent for second
and subsequent marriages in which the couples are unlikely
to have children. He also cites the much higher rates of divorce
in intermarriage. More than 90 percent of intermarriages results
in nonconversion and thus the intermarried do not become part
of the Jewish community. Only a small percentage of children
of intermarriage are raised as Jews, and more than 90 percent
of them do not marry Jews. Ellman also reports that Jews of
higher socioeconomic status are more likely to marry other
Jews, thus the community will continue to be dominated by
a pure Jewish elite core while lower-class Jews, who do not
represent the desired traits of ethnic solidarity, are much
more likely to marry outside and leave the community. Barry
Kosmin and other Jewish researchers, in Highlights of the
CJF 1990 National Jewish Population Survey, found that 91
percent of intermarriages were made up of nonconversionary
couples, that only 28 percent of the children of such couples
were raised as Jews, and that even this small minoritys
descendants would not be likely to marry Jews. 636 Not only
are intermarried Jews far more prone to leave the Jewish circle,
evidence suggests that they often encounter hostility in Jewish
society. Jewish authors such as Michael Meyer 637 and C. Waxman638
cite tacit rejection of the mixed couples. All
these factors indicate that mixed marriages have little effect
on the Jewish gene pool other than affecting the overall number
of Jews. Higher rates of intermarriage will probably have
the long-term effect of strengthening traditional Jewish genetic
characteristics. Jewish elements prone to assimilation are
being removed while at the same time there is a resurgence
in Jewish orthodoxy and high birthrate among the most committed
of the Jewish elements such as the Hasidim. Additionally,
religious Jews in Israel are almost all Orthodox, and there
is almost no intermarriage in the world nexus of Jewry
the nation of Israel.
Perhaps the best way to describe the Jewish community is
how the distinguished Jewish writer Daniel Elazar does in
Community and Polity: Organizational Dynamics in American
Jewry. 639 He proposes a model of concentric circles. The
inner circle is a hard core of about 5 to 8 percent who lead
what he calls fully Jewish lives. Next are 10
to 12 percent of Jews whom he calls participants.
They are often em ployed in Jewish civil service,
working tirelessly for Jewish causes. Third, he identifies
25 to 30 percent of Jews whom he calls contributors
and consumers. These make regular contributions to Jewish
causes and make use of the Jewish community for things such
as weddings, bar mitzvahs, and funerals. Elazar calls his
last group the peripherals and repudiators. They
make no contributions to Jewish causes, but sometimes the
inner circles pull them in to participation or they are peeled
off, leaving the Jewish core at the center and the whole of
Jewry more committed than ever. 640 Because of copious publicity
of high rates of Jewish intermarriage, some Gentiles may come
to believe that Jews are becoming less ethnocentric. But in
reality the opposite is true. Those Jews left at the core
are even less disposed to assimilate. At the same time, the
outmarrying Jews who are amenable to Gentile values also serve
an important role in causing Gentiles to believe the Jewish
group is more similar to them than it actually is. More importantly,
some Jewish researchers see a degree of intermarriage as having
a functional value in Gentile environments. Mark Zborowski
and Elizabeth Herzog say that it serves as a bridge to the
Gentile community, but one that does not threaten the Jewish
core. The peripheral area which serves as a bridge to the
surrounding cultures fills several functions. It is an avenue
to invasion, a buffer and a source of renewed vigor. Each
impact that chips at the outer edge may serve simultaneously
to strengthen the core. 641 Lieberman and Weinfeld, in their
article Demographic Trends and Jewish Survival,
view relatively high levels of intermarriage as a successful
strategy in securing greater support from the Gentile community
for their political and social goals such as political support
for Israel.
The successful exercise of influence is best achieved in
a community with a large subset of members interacting with
politicians and opinion leaders. Through intermarried Jews
themselves, and certainly through their social networks involving
Jewish family and friends who may be closer to the core of
the community, Jewish concerns, interests, and sensibilities
can be articulated before a wider, more influential audience.
In a recent interview, Presidential aide Robert Lipshutz traced
the origin of Jimmy Carter's concern for Israel to his close
friendship with a first cousin, an Orthodox Jew (Carter's
aunt married a Jewish man, and their two children were raised
as Jews). Intermarrying Jews, while perhaps diluting the community
in one sense, perform compensating strategic functions in
another. 642 Obviously, if intermarried Jews serve as a bridge
to the Gentile community, those who are outside of the
Jewish community but are conscious of Jewish blood will often
have warm feelings toward that heritage and be well disposed
to Jewish interests. They will also express less solidarity
with European issues and interests. Far from solving the Jewish-Gentile
conflict, intermarriage only tends to reinforce the core Jewish
genotype and nurture more extreme political and cultural solidarity.
By sending their allies into our culture and body politic,
they are better able to secure Jewish interests. Among Gentiles
intermarriage has the opposite effect. Because they are absorbed
almost wholly into our society, our own solidarity is weakened
while giving the appearance that the Jewish community is less
impenetrable and ethnocentric. There is no real threat to
the Jewish genotype; if anything it becomes more Jewish
with each new generation.
Once I learned that Jews had a different genetic heritage
than Europeans and that this difference was intensifying,
I wanted to understand what that could mean in terms of Jewish
behavior and evolutionary strategy.
An Historical Summary
This book has so far shown that Jewish history, from the
earliest periods recorded in the Bible up to the present tribal
jingoism of Israel, has been a long story of supremacism and
ethnocentrism. Jews learned to thrive as a distinct minority
in overwhelmingly non-Jewish nations, and they learned to
preserve both their cultural and genetic heritage in the face
of often intense pressures toward assimilation from the host
societies. To avoid the process of assimilation that swallowed
every other people living as a minority in ancient nations,
they nurtured an ideology of intense inward group loyalty
and love, and outward ethnocentrism and hatred. Through their
sojourn as a powerful minority in Egypt early in their history,
they created a strategy of survival and racial purity. Later,
in a region composed of many distinct peoples, they refined
their ethnocentric policy and created the mythology that this
policy was decreed by God. It is a strategy that finds its
purest expression in Judaism, a this-worldly religion that
promises dominion and power for the Jewish people rather than
personal reward of an afterlife to deserving individuals.
To resist assimilation by the much larger societies in which
they lived, Jews developed a theology that fostered the belief
that they were a superior people chosen by God
and made separate from other peoples with a divinely-ordained
right to rule the world, accompanied by a sacred obligation
to keep both their culture and geno type pure. Non-Jews were
characterized as unclean inferiors and even as murderous foes
determined to destroy them either by extermination (as commemorated
annually in Passover and Purim) or by assimilation (as commemorated
in Hanukkah). To survive as a minority in other nations
often as newcomers with little or no land and a religious-cultural
disdain for physical labor, they needed to develop skills
in other areas. They became proficient at usury, finance and
administration, and legal as well as criminal forms of enterprise.
They discovered that with an altruistic team effort they could
come to dominate important areas of Gentile social structure.
It also became apparent that it was in their interest to maintain
an ethnocentric team strategy and at the same
time to weaken Gentile solidarity. They also developed complex
strategies to hide their hostility from their Gentile hosts.
By the end of their Babylonian captivity, a period of hundreds
of years during which they flourished as a powerful minority
in an alien nation, their Judaic strategy had developed to
a fine art, which they codified in the Tanakh (Old Testament)
and ultimately the Talmud. Jews developed distinct cultural,
dietary, and ritual traditions to keep them separate from
Gentiles. Distinct from the other two major world religions,
Judaism sought no converts and, although ostensibly permitting
conversion, erected barriers making conversion difficult.
The Jewish community did not fully accept converts or even
their descendants. (Many rabbis in Jewish scripture say it
takes ten generations or more in the Jewish community to be
fully accepted, and Jewish law refers to offspring of the
converted as bastards.) The vast majority of Jews
who out-married did so with nonconverted Gentiles, and thus
were expelled from the Jewish community. In other words he
was deprived of civil and political rights to which every
Israelite had claim, even those such as bastards who were
of seriously blemished descent. 643 As a cohesive minority
in Gentile nations, Jews needed to hide their true ethnocentric
beliefs. One aid to that process was their maintenance of
the Hebrew language among their scholars and their limiting
of translations of their texts into Gentile languages. (As
documented in my Jewish Supremacism chapter, in modern times
they even developed code words to disguise the more hateful
anti-Gentile quotations in their Talmud and rituals
even to the extent of publishing companion guides to the Talmud
showing Jewish students the real anti-Gentile meaning of the
disguised terms.) 644 Jews also learned to make themselves
as politically cryptic as possible, often content to direct
policies from behind the scenes so as not to awaken Gentile
In these endeavors they often failed to restrain their rapaciousness,
sometimes leading to violent anti-Semitic reactions. The Judaic
community has historically emphasized education and highly
praised Jewish scholarship of the Talmud, rewarding such scholarship
with prestige and economic security. Such policies had a profound
impact on their genotype. Just as favoring the best scholars
favored those with high verbal IQs, so a number of other aspects
of their social structure favored other traditional Jewish
characteristics. J. Philippe Rushton, in his groundbreaking
1995 book Race, Evolution, and Behavior,645 has shown in studies
of data dealing with twin research, that even tendencies toward
group altruism and ethnocentrism have strong genetic components.
Jewish law has for hundreds of generations expelled Jews who
have assimilated with Gentiles, thus removing them from their
gene pool. Such policies would certainly strengthen any Jewish
predisposition to ethnocentrism by removing those who had
a more conciliatory attitude or even attraction to Gentile
aesthetics or values. As the Jews became more proficient at
usury, monopolistic business practices, tax collecting, criminal
enterprises and acting as oppressive intermediaries or the
administrators of occupational governments, Gentile reactionary
Anti-Semitism reinforced the siege mentality of Jews. Their
antipathy toward their Gentile hosts encouraged Jewish communities
to support foreign military incursions and occupation of the
nations in which they lived. Such actions in turn spawned
greater animosity toward Jews, deepening the vicious cycle
that continues to the present day. Jews reacted to the threat
of assimilation by becoming more ethnocentric. In sharp contrast,
living in their mostly homogeneous communities in the heart
of Europe, our ancestors never developed the siege mentality
of the Jews. As trade, slavery and foreign immigration increased
into Europe, most European communities were ill prepared for
the introduction of powerful, ethnocentric minorities within
their borders. Gentile societies of the ancient world often
permitted varied religious expression, including tolerance
of the Jewish faith, whereas the Jewish people demanded strict
adherence to their faith within the confines of their society.
The Jewish community has continued through the centuries as
an authoritarian society that has continually and consciously
promoted Jewish cohesion. Even through the Middle Ages, many
Jewish communities exercised the death penalty for those Jews
deemed to have betrayed Jewish interests.
The execution of Jesus is a perfect example of the eradication
of one who they felt was a threat to their homogeneity. Other
historic tools used to maintain their ideological and genetic
purity were excommunication and expulsion. While Europeans
coming from a less competitive, homogenous society endorsed
a live-and-let-live, more individualistic ethic, Jews maintained
an intense collectivism. In modern times, Jews have strengthened
their networks of communication and solidarity, while supporting
the fragmentation of Gentile values and societies. To thrive
as a small minority in an alien society also requires a talent
for deceit. In Christian Spain of the Middle Ages, Jews responded
to demands for Christian conversion by becoming Marranos,
supposed converts to Christianity who secretly practiced Judaism.
They developed elaborate schemes of deception that have lasted
for centuries. Many secret Jews successfully deceived their
Gentile hosts as to their true anti-Christian beliefs. The
most convincing Marranos thrived and prospered, while those
less skilled in such duplicity often suffered or perished
in the Inquisition and other persecutions. Jews developed
patterns of dual morality: one morality for themselves and
their kin and another for their Gentile hosts. Conversely,
Gentiles in the homogeneous societies of Europe tended to
develop a single morality that favored assimilation when alien
populations immigrated to their lands or when they conquered
other nations. Ancient Greece exemplified that tradition by
carrying a doctrine of universalism to their conquered lands.
Some of the same values of within-race altruism that Jews
revered for themselves also existed among European populations.
However, because no non-European races were present, there
was no need to develop intricate competitive or deceptive
group strategies so characteristic of the Jews. In the dayto-
day commerce and social interaction of Europe, truthfulness
was honored as a standard for daily life. In times of war
a more dual type of morality arose differentiating the interests
of ones own people from that of the enemy. Yet, the
normal course of affairs involved interchange and commerce
primarily among ones own kind rather than among alien
people. Thus our people never learned well the art of dual
morality except in the exigencies of war. The migration and
presence of alien Jewish elements contributed greatly to the
modern development of European racial consciousness.
The Present State of Jewry
Churchill put it succinctly in 1920 when he described the
Jewish takeover of Russia as having gripped the Russian
people by the hair of their heads and become the masters of
this enormous empire.646 In the last decade of the 20th
century, they grip America in the same way.
They thoroughly dominate the news and entertainment media
in almost every civilized nation; they control the international
markets and stock exchanges; and no government can resist
doing their bidding on any issue of importance. They can coalesce
against any state that resists their power, such as they did
in the economic extortion of a billion dollars from Switzerland
or the way they orchestrated violent carpet bombing of Iraq.
The cohesion of the Jewish people is indeed the context of
the New World Order, and under its auspices they are attempting
to extend their totalitarian denial of free speech from Europe
and Canada to the nation that was once the most free in the
world: the United States. Those who state the facts of Jewish
power are called believers in The Jewish Conspiracy,
as if to conjure the ridiculous image of Jews in caftans and
yarmulkes, peering from behind their earlocks at a candle-lit
globe as they plot world domination. But it is not the fanciful
Learned Elders of Zion we have to fear. It is those who wield
Jewish power today, ever more brazenly. There is no conspiracy,
at least not in the usual sense of the term. There is not
even much secrecy about it. Jewish power is ubiquitous. Every
politician is so aware of their power that he knows he cannot
dare mention it! Jewish organizations, Jewish media, and Jewish
political agents ruthlessly advance their agenda remorselessly
and without introspection. Just as they single-mindedly once
orchestrated the Russian Revolution, they now coordinate their
world power. No Jewish leader needs to direct his minions
to seek political control over Gentile nations; they do it
as naturally as the blue jay appropriates another birds
nest. Jewish media bosses and government bureaucrats dont
have to be told to destroy Gentile pride, heritage, honor,
loyalty, tradition, while simultaneously defending their own.
There is no necessity of a master plan to corrupt Gentile
sexual mores, family structure and religious beliefs. Freud
and his intellectual descendants and media purveyors have
certainly needed no plan, they just do what comes natural
to them. No Learned Elder of Zion has to tell the Jewish bureaucrats
to open Americas and Europes borders to the wretched
refuse of the Third World; they know almost instinctively
that in a nation of diversity, they can dominate. They also
know that if they can destroy our genetic integrity and racial
solidarity, there will be no one with the capacity to challenge
their rule.
No, it is not an intricate conspiracy. It is simply two nations
Jew and Gentile in a state of ethnic war. Of
course, most Jews and Gentiles do not even realize that we
are at war. But while we Gentiles are unknowingly taught cultural
and political suicide, Jews are taught allegiance to their
kind and hatred and mistrust of us. Only a small portion of
Jews are on the cultural and political frontlines, but through
many Jewish organizations, the homefront supports its storm
troops. Of course, there have been Jews who have decried the
hypocrisies of the supremacists. Some have even risked their
own lives to warn Gentiles about the Zionist danger. Such
men include Noam Chomsky, Benjamin Freedman and Alfred Lilienthal,
three men of Jewish descent who realize that Zionist extremism
can lead them to disaster. The peace movement in Israel harbors
many such Jews. Some Jews, while still desiring preservation
of their own genotype, seek a policy of peaceful separation
and coexistence rather than Zionist absolutism. They realize
that Jewish Supremacism may eventually destroy them. Although
we understand the Jewish supremacist character of both Judaism
and Zionism, we do acknowledge that there are individual Jews
who embrace neither doctrine and who are not engaged in any
kind of activity to corrupt or destroy Gentile institutions.
A good example is Israel Shahak, a Jewish survivor of Nazi
concentration camps and a professor in Israel who suffered
greatly for daring to speak out about Zionism and Talmudic
Judaism. He told the world about the Jewish misanthropy not
only on behalf of justice for Gentiles but also to save his
people from the consequences of their actions. Jews such as
Israel Shahak offer hope of a mutually beneficial resolution
of the Jewish-Gentile conflict. But Shahak and those like
him remain a despised, tiny minority among their brethren.
Fair resolution of the conflict can surely never come from
Jewish hegemony. Only after we depose Jewish power in our
own nations can we negotiate with them successfully. At this
point in the conflict, although an ethnic peace conference
would be the best solution for all parties, history tells
us that it is unlikely to occur. Tyrannies defer only to greater
If they truly represented what is noble in man, perhaps it
would be in the order of Nature to have our people replaced
by the Jewish prototype. However, history reveals that in
the sweep of history Jews have far more often been harbingers
of darkness than of light. This is revealed in the tragic
implementation of the doctrines of the three most influential
Jews of the 19th and 20th centuries: Marx, Freud and Boas.
These three Jews came to debase mankind, not to ennoble it.
Jews have enormous power power born of talent coupled
with unscrupulousness. They are strengthened by that which
weakens us. Our power can reassert itself only from dedication
to truth and jus342 tice, from expressions of courage and
nobility. When we violate our own morality, we grow weakened
and exploitable, as we are now. Somewhere in our genotype
stirs our genes for survival, and those genes are now expressing
themselves in a new awakening. I see this awakening wherever
our people are. It is especially strong in our young. It is
a vision that persecution and hatred cannot destroy. Somewhere,
at this moment, another fair baby sleeps peacefully in his
cradle, unaware of the great battle now raging for his right
to grow up and live in his own land and by the values of his
own people.
Are Jews Superior?
What about intelligence, how do Jews compare to Europeans
as a whole and to select European groups? There has been a
fair amount of study on the issue, primarily by Jewish researchers.
They show a higher general IQ for Jews. But the difference
comes almost exclusively from the verbal parts of IQ tests.
Most studies show that Jews have a markedly higher verbal
IQ, but Europeans often score higher on the more abstract
and spatial components of IQ. Brown found Jewish children
higher in verbal IQ and Scandinavian children higher in visio-spatial
IQ. Levinson found the same thing among Jewish and Gentile
children in a 1960 study, and Backman shows significantly
higher verbal IQs and significantly lower IQs for Jews on
visio-spatial reasoning. 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 That
Jews seem to be superior in the verbal mental skills seems
perfectly consistent with their evolutionary strategy. Verbal
skills are obviously important for communication, commerce,
teamwork, administration, and mediation, all of which were
vitally important in the societies in which they prospered.
Werner Mosse, a celebrated historian of European Jewish history,
has even suggested, citing studies from Germany early in the
century, that Gentile manufacturers tend to be artisans whereas
Jewish manufacturers tend to be from trading or banking families.
He argues that the character of Jewish involvement in manufacturing
in Germany of the 19th century was: less in outright innovation
or invention than in a special aptitude for economic mediation
in the forms of the export of German goods, of secondary
innovation, technology transfer through the introduction
into Germany of processes and methods observed abroad, and
new techniques for the stimulation of demand. 654 Richard
suggests that visio-spatial abilities and verbal abilities
are negatively correlated and that more of the cerebral cortex
is devoted to either one set of abilities or the other. Another
researcher, Richard Swartzbaugh, in his book The Mediator,655
suggests that Jews are natural mediators in a multiethnic,
multireligious, multinational environment, that the natural
clashes between the antagonistic groups produces a tremendous
demand for mediation. Such mediation finds expression in law,
negotiation, arbitration, stock exchange, and government administration
all of which are responsive to Jewish verbal skills
and intelligence.656 657 658
Jews have received a disproportionately large percentage
of awards for scientific and cultural enterprise. From Academy
Awards to Pulitzers to Nobel Prizes, the significant Jewish
presence is striking. Disproportionate Jewish success in winning
scientific and cultural awards is a reflection of both their
abilities and their team strategy. Both the Academy Awards
and the Pulitzer Prizes have a large contingent of Jewish
voters who have from an early age been taught to favor their
own. As mentioned in my chapter on ZOG, Jews are especially
prone to join the governing bodies of any social organization
in which they participate, and thus would tend to increase
their ability to recognize and reward their own in their respective
professions. Additionally, the Jewish-dominated news and entertainment
media consistently elevate their own for praise and recognition.
Barbara Streisand may not have been the best pop singer in
the country, but she certainly remains so in the Jewish press.
Schindlers List may not have been the best movie made
in 1993, but it meshed perfectly with Jewish social and political
objectives. The appalling choice of Jewish terrorist Menachem
Begin for a Nobel Peace Prize depended on the groundwork laid
by the Jewish press around the world. Even in the scientific
sphere, in an era of tremendous scientific advancement and
great numbers of deserving researchers, publicity and media
promotion of a scientists work is now probably just
as critical for the earning of a scientific award as the work
itself. In this arena, Jewish scientists have a built-in promotional
advantage. Even today, with geneticists and psychologists
rapidly proving the crucial role of heredity and race in intelligence
and behavior, the Jewish media continue to tout the behavioral
environmentalist viewpoint. The media give fringe egalitarians
such as Lewontin, Kamin, and Gould preference over the quieter
but more cogent scientists. As I pointed out earlier, the
three most influential Jews of the 19th and 20th centuries
were Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Franz Boas. All three were
intelligent men, yet each had a catastrophic effect on European
society. Karl Marx laid down the foundations for the most
destructive and murderous ideology of all time. Sigmund Freud
undermined the foundations of the family and European values.
Franz Boas was the anthropologist father of the egalitarian
movement that now seeks nothing less than the destruction
of our genotype and every genotype on the planet except that
of the Jews
The Ultimate Gauge
Even the so-called moderate wing of Judaism preaches a Jewish
supremacy of morality and intellect. In an article in Reform
Judaism titled Relax. Its Okay to be the Chosen
People, Arthur Hertzberg (the editor) and Aron Hirt-Manheimer
discuss their victimization as youngsters at the hands of
Christians. They assert the specialness of the Jews, even
of those liberal Jews who dont want to admit it. In
the article they quote the words from the founder of the Israeli
state, David Ben-Gurion. My concept of the messianic ideal
and vision is not a metaphysical one but a socio-cultural-moral
I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority,
in our capacity to serve as a model for the redemption of
the human race. This belief of mine is based on my knowledge
of the Jewish people, and not some mystical faith; the glory
of the divine presence is within us, in our hearts, and not
outside us.659 (emphasis mine) It would be interesting to
see the reaction if the President of the United States made
a statement that he believed in the moral and intellectual
superiority of the White race. Not only does the Ben-Gurion
statement show a supremacist attitude, it also shows that
his sense of Jewish superiority is not born out of believing
they are chosen by God but arises simply from
a self-chosen egotism. Before self-proclaimed assertions of
Jewish superiority can be taken seriously, it is important
to remember that the ultimate gauge of worthiness is creative
achievement and historical performance. The European record
is magnificent. Caucasians laid the foundations of astronomy,
physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, geology, and Western
medicine. It was our Egyptian ancestors who designed the pyramids,
our forefathers who built the Parthenon and the Pantheon.
It was our Greek ancestors who wrote the first novel, developed
drama as an art form, and gave the world the philosophy of
Socrates and Plato. It was our race that unlocked the secrets
of the Copernican universe, our folk who built the Roman Re
public and who wrote the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution of the United States. Our people created
the great art of ancient Greece and unleashed the beauty of
the Renaissance. Michaelangelo had our blood in his fingers
as he reached out to God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel;
and in Leonardos hands our blood and unique DNA pulsed
as he created from cold stone the warm beauty of The Madonna
and Child.
From our genes came the compositions of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven
and Wagner. Our people invented the automobile, the airplane,
the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, the jet
engine, the electric light, telephones, radios, and cameras
and even the powerful tools now used as weapons against
us: the motion picture camera and television. Men of our heritage
gave us the building blocks of the computer age: the semi-conductor,
the transistor and the integrated circuit. Our people developed
the math and physics and the chemical propulsion that enabled
us to leave our footprints on the moon. I could go on and
on recounting the great achievements of our European heritage.
In the greatness of the Egypt of Ramses II, the Greece of
Pericles, or the Rome of Caesar, or the England of Shakespeare
there was almost no Jewish influence. Western civilization
would still have scaled the heights without them. But, would
we have plumbed the depths of Marxism, Freudianism and Boasian
egalitarianism without them?
The difference between Jews and Gentiles finds expression
in the kind of films made by Walt Disney and the type made
by the current Jewish head of Disney Studios, Michael Eisner.
While both Disney and Eisner made technically proficient films,
Disney made films accenting the beauty and nobility in man
and the wonders of Nature. Eisner steered Disney away from
the Nature-film business and toward degenerate films such
as The Crying Game and The Priest, two films wallowing in
sexual deviance and depravity, films that Walt Disney would
not have even watched much less produced. While the
Classical Greeks and the Europeans of the Renaissance were
producing great art and sculpture celebrating the ideal beauty
of the human form, Jews rejected art as graven image.
Now they sponsor and promote degenerate art that prizes the
misshapen and the weird over the well formed, noble, and heroic.
And they dominate the pornographic rackets that explore the
lowest depths of human degradation. While the Europeans
Faustian spirit has penetrated the deepest oceans and the
highest mountains and even ventured into space; the Jews have
seldom been pioneers. While we revere the soil, the Earth,
the very natural world by which most Europeans and the rest
of the people of the earth have gained their daily bread until
very recent times, the Jews have, for two thousand years,
sucked their sustenance from the golden calf of a soulless
and parasitic urban life. While Freud held up the genital
and excretory organs as the keys to the meaning of life, the
Gentile Carl Jung dismissed Freud and developed the concept
of the racial soul. While Jews still enshrine the dictum of
an eye for an eye, the Europeans embrace, perhaps dangerously,
the doctrine of turn the other cheek.
In terms of intelligence, Jewish supremacists have the verbal
dexterity to have earned Jesus Christs referral to them
as the great masters of the lie. But in the spatial skills
that give us our sense of art and farsightedness, that give
us balance and wholeness, we excel. They are a fast-talking,
clever people well versed in the arts of manipulation and
mediation. But they are certainly not superior in the qualities
of character that have created the greatness and sublimity
of our people. The Jewish genotype has certainly been resilient
and adaptive, and they may yet, if we allow it, inherit our
Earth as their dominion. The contest, though, is far from
over. There is a wealth of wonderful genetic material in our
people that shall yet prove itself worthy of survival. When
our people awaken and apply our genius, our idealism, and
our courage to the struggle for our survival, victory will
be possible.
Jews have adapted to the vagaries of their surroundings while
preserving their own genotype. But while they have adapted,
we have created. We have created both technology and art.
We have found great beauty in both the body and the soul.
We have embraced both God and Nature; science and religion.
We have learned how to balance both government and freedom.
The ultimate ethnic clash of these diametrically opposed genotypes
and cultures fast approaches with the new millennium. Jewish
will-to-power pushes them on to domination as it has for the
last 2,000 years. Their evolutionary strategy has been perfected
to the point that Europeans and all other races now suffer under
Jewish hegemony on a global scale. We must acknowledge their
present political and social power, but we also know that their
power has come at the cost of the devolution of our civilization.
Failure to defy this power can only lead to our eventual extinction,
and this looming genocide gives our task the importance of a
life or death struggle one that has urgency for our people
and truly all peoples and nations upon the earth We shall do
our duty. We shall not surrender our freedom and our very existence
to Jewish supremacists or any other power. We shall preserve
our heritage and our hard-won rights and freedoms. We shall
guide our people up the evolutionary stairway to the stars.