- 1
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
You can purchase a handy little copy of David Duke's
original PDF book here
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368 pages - plus illustrations.
At $15 it's an essential buy
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In the first years of the 21st Century,
any serious criticism of the Jewish people, their religion
or the nation of Israel is considered the worst of moral crimes.
Jews are the most sacred of sacred cows, and anyone with a
negative word about them inevitably finds himself labeled
an anti-Semite. Once a man acquires that label,
true or not, nothing can redeem him from what the mass media
views as the ultimate sin. So, irredeemable as I am
I have the freedom to write and speak openly about a taboo
that few dare to broach. You see, I am not an anti-Semite
and I reject that epithet. However, I must address what Henry
Ford called the worlds foremost problem,
a problem not only vital to the Palestinian people, but also
to every other nation of the world.
It is almost impossible in our Holocaust-saturated
world to even say the word Jew without arousing
emotion. The mass media of the Western world have made that
so with their unrelenting packaging and repackaging of the
"Holocaust. As British historian David Irving says,
It's spelled Holocaust with a capital 'H'
trademark applied for. The Holocaust has gone
from being a sidebar of the Second World War to the point
where the war has become a historical footnote to the Holocaust.
During the one year before the publication of my autobiography,
My Awakening, which is well over 50 years after the end of
the war, my local (local is a misnomer, for New
Yorkers own it) daily newspaper, The Times-Picayune, had dozens
of news and feature articles exploring varying aspects of
the Holocaust. In that year, the same paper had barely mentioned
the Soviet Gulags where between 10 and 30 million people died,
and had only one story that mentioned the Cambodian murder
of three million. Not a single article appeared about the
slaughter of 30 to 40 million in Red China.
Looking through old newspaper microfiche,
I discovered that during the late 1990s there are at least
10 times more news articles about the Holocaust than there
were in the late 1940s or 1950s. Rarely does an event become
more talked and written about as it recedes in time. For instance,
the subject of the Second World War took up a far greater
proportion of movies, TV programs, documentaries, books and
magazine articles in the late 1950s than in the late 1990s.
Not so for the Holocaust: the further in time we seem to get
away from the event, the more it bludgeons us as the Holocaust
industry expands. It would be a Herculean task to even count
all the Holocaustoriented television news stories and specials,
the documentaries and "docudramas," the books (both
fiction and nonfiction), the magazine articles, movies and
plays. Tales of Holocaust victims, relatives, survivors, war
crimes, criminals, reparations, Holocaust-related art and
literature, remembrances and memorials bombard us almost daily.
The sheer weight of this onslaught has prompted a number of
Jews to call it Shoah business.
The Holocaust Museum is right on the most
sacred soil in the American Pantheon, the Mall near the Smithsonian
Institution, financed in no small part by our tax dollars.
Interestingly, it was built long before there was any real
effort to build a memorial to the Second World War. It is
a massive, modern version of the Chamber of Horrors at Madame
Tussaud's Wax Museum. The Holocaust is not the only Jewish
trauma for which we all must grieve, for we see many painful
historical accounts and dramatic Hollywood productions about
other historical persecutions of the Jews. Jews are victimized
by Arab terrorists in the Mideast, by fascists in Europe,
and even by Klansmen in the United States. A seemingly inexhaustible
supply of books, articles, movies and plays concern individual
Jews who have suffered from evil anti-Semites. Each year,
tens of thousands of stories about intelligent, compassionate,
unselfish, creative, moral and courageous Jews fill two-foot
TV screens and 30-foot movie screens; our newspapers, magazines,
and books; our playhouses, pulpits and podiums; our radio
waves and satellite transmissions. There are thousands of
portrayals of persecuted Jews as innocent, noble and heroic;
while their opponents are portrayed as the embodiment of evil.
No group on Earth has better public relations than do the
Jewish people. Whether it is Pharaohs army with swords
unsheathed, chasing the Hebrews, or the Czar with his anti-Semitic
Cossacks, Hitler with his SS minions dressed in black, an
unnamed Palestinian terrorist trying to kidnap Israeli schoolchildren,
or the more intimate story of a sensitive Jew mistreated by
an anti-Semitic businessman we have all seen the anti-Semitic
stereotype, seen the skeletal bodies, and shared the Jewish
pain. I know of this firsthand, for it was true for me as
a young man.
At age 12, reading Anne Frank: Diary of
a Young Girl in the school library, I recoiled from the inhumanity
of Anti-Semitism. By the time I had finished the book, I felt
as if I had lost members of my own family. With my shirtsleeves,
I covertly wiped away the moisture that had welled up in my
Only a few times did I have any discussion
with my father about Jews, for whom he had only praise. He
spoke about my great-uncle Nathan, a Methodist minister who
had converted from the Jewish faith and married my grandfathers
sister, my great-aunt Gussie. Father had enormous respect
for Nathan and carried it over to the rest of the people he
called the Hebrews, thinking that his term carried
more dignity than the word Jews. At various times
he described the Hebrews as hardworking, smart,
thrifty, and accomplished. Thrifty was an accolade
that made a distinct impression on me, because I knew that
Father looked upon that particular trait as one of the most
important. He hated waste of any kind. I learned that lesson
at the dinner table a hundred times, having to eat every bite
of my food before being excused. I thought thriftiness was
as Scottish as the Duke family, but hearing that it was Jewish
impressed me. Recitals of the Holocaust and Bible stories
formed my primary impressions of the Jewish people. Cecil
B. DeMille's movie classics, as typified by The Ten Commandments,
led me to identify contemporary Jews with the heroic Israelites
of the Old Testament. I formed a deep admiration for the Chosen
How, then, did I go from my early fawning
opinion of the Jews to being eventually described as a dangerous
anti-Semite by the powerful Jewish advocacy organization,
the ADL (the oddly-named Anti- Defamation League of B'nai
B'rith)? No Jew had ever overtly wronged me; I wasn't taught
Anti-Semitism by my parents or friends, nor did I blame them
for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Although I categorically
reject being labeled anti-Semitic, I certainly believe that
as any other people Jews deserve praise for
their accomplishments and, conversely, they should not be
immune from criticism for their failings. The only problem
is that in post-World War II, Holocaustsaturated America,
any criticism of Jews as a group is viewed as the moral equivalent
of condoning mass murder. If one criticizes any part of Jewish
history or conduct, or intolerant aspects of their religion,
or even Israel's Zionist policies, he inevitably acquires
the label anti-Semitic, a term that could not
be more damaging or prejudicial.
If one speaks, however, about the routine
mistreatment of Indians in American history, he is not described
as anti- American. Those who express horror about
the excesses of the Spanish Inquisition are not labeled anti-Christian
or anti-Spanish. The same media that prohibits
even the slightest criticism of Jews has no reluctance to
demean other groups. White Southerners, Palestinians, Germans
and Fundamentalist Christians and Fundamentalist Muslims
these groups get more than their share of ridicule and debasement.
The portrayal of the slack-jawed, green-toothed, ignorant,
racist, hateful, murderous, rural White Southerner has become
a stereotype in Hollywood films. White Southerners are not
alone. One of the best-selling books of the late 1990s is
the media-promoted Hitlers Willing Executioners,36 a
book that says the German people have something dark and evil
within them, an inherent defect that makes them all guilty
for the atrocities of the Holocaust. In Europe today, there
are so-called hate laws that can land one in jail for saying
anything critical of the Jews. In fact, there are hundreds
of men who have been jailed for simply raising historical
questions about the Jewish version of the Holocaust. These
scholars do not allege that Jews are evil; they simply use
scientific and historical evidence to dispute prevailing historical
interpretations of the persecution of Jews during the Second
World War. For simply offering a different historical analysis
and opinion, many European scholars such as David Irving,
Dr. Robert Faurrison and Juergen Graf have been prosecuted.
On the other hand, Daniel Goldhagen, the writer of Hitlers
Willing Executioners, a man who argues that Germans are inherently
evil, is not prosecuted for racial defamation, he is celebrated!
Of course, the Arabic terrorist is now a staple of Hollywood
movies. In stark contrast, whenever Jews are mentioned as
a group, it is always with a sort of hushed reverence.
What is it about the Jewish people that
evokes such unrestrained adulation and visceral hatred?
Once I became convinced that people of
European descent, and truly all people, have the right to
protect and preserve their heritage and culture, I became
a young member of the Citizens Council. Often, after class
and on rainy summer days, I would go down to the office on
Carondolet Street in New Orleans to do volunteer work. Many
fascinating publications streamed into the office from hundreds
of right-wing groups all over America. One day, as I finished
helping with a Council mailing, I came across some tabloid
newspapers called Common Sense. It was a conservative, right-wing
paper modeled after Thomas Paine's classic broadside; but
the message was sharply different from Paine's. One issues
headline read COMMUNISM IS JEWISH! trumpeted another.
I also found some old issues. The huge headline in one of
them predicted, RED DICTATORSHIP BY 1954! However,
such a warning did not seem too credible when looked at in
1965! I found the National Enquirer-type headlines ludicrous,
but it was hard to resist reading something that scandalous,
even if just to laugh at it. The Sharp Words of Mattie Smith
One of the regular volunteers, Mattie Smith, an elderly lady
in a flower-print dress and outlandish hat, saw me snickering
at the lurid headlines and simply said, You know, it's
true. Red Dictatorship by 1954? I replied
with a smile. No, she said, Communism is
Jewish. They are the ones behind it.
I thought I would humor the little old
lady by politely arguing a bit with her. Ma'am. How
could that be? I asked. Communists are atheists;
they don't believe in God. Jews believe in God, so how could
they be Communists? Do you know who Herbert Aptheker
is? she said, answering my question with one of her
own. No, I replied, affecting nonchalance. She
was like a tightly coiled spring waiting for release. He
has the official role of chief theoretician of the Communist
Party, USA, and he's listed in the Who's Who in World Jewry.37
Leon Trotsky, the Communist who took over Russia with Lenin,
was in Who's Who in American Jewry.38 His real name is Lev
Bronstein. Both are atheist Communists, and both are proudly
listed as great Jews in these books published by the leading
rabbinical organizations in the world. Meekly, I offered,
Maybe they were listed because they were once Jews.
You have so much to learn,
she said with a sigh. Under Israel's Law of Return,
you can be an atheist Communist and still immigrate to Israel.
There are plenty of them too. You only qualify to immigrate
if you are a Jew, and a Jew is described simply as being of
Jewish descent. So, you see, you can be Jewish and still be
an atheist and still be a Communist and I tell you,
Communism is Jewish! All Jews are Communists?
I retorted sarcastically. No, no, no, she emphatically
replied, with much patience in the way she paced her words.
All Jews are not Communists, any more than all snakes
are poisonous. But most leading Communists in America are
Jews, as well as most of the convicted Russian spies in America,
as well as the leaders of the New Left. And historically,
most of the Commie revolutionaries in Russia were Jewish as
well! What Mrs. Smith said made me very uncomfortable.
Although it was not yet time to leave, I claimed that I had
to catch my bus back home. I left the office hurriedly. Mrs.
Smith had to be wrong, but I just did not have the information
I needed to refute her statements. I resolved to research
the issue so that I could show her why she was wrong. Something
else bothered me as well, for I felt a little guilty for even
talking with someone who said such things about Jews. I was
staunchly anti-Communist, and to suggest that Jews were behind
the horrors of Communism was to me such a terrible allegation
that my heart told me that it just could not be true. It was
the first time I had been face to face with a person I presumed
was an anti-Semite. I was soon running to catch my streetcar.
During the next couple of days I avoided
even thinking about the issue, and I stayed away from the
Citizens Council office. Finally I picked up and read the
two copies of Common Sense I had taken home. One copy maintained
that the NAACP was a Communist front organization dedicated
to the eventual overthrow of our way of life. It purported
that 12 Jews and one African American had founded the NAACP,
and that all of the founders were dedicated Marxists with
decades of documented Communist affiliations. The article
asserted that the only major Black founder of the NAACP, W.
E. B. Dubois, was an avowed member of the Communist Party
who emigrated to Communist Ghana (where he eventually was
buried). Furthermore, the scandalous publication purported
that the NAACP was financed by Jewish money and always had
a Jewish president. It said that a Jew, Kivie Kaplan, was
the current NAACP president and that he was the real leader
of the organization rather than its African American front
man, Roy Wilkins. Although the public perceived Wilkins
as the NAACP leader, the paper asserted that he actually had
the lower rank of national secretary.
The argument of Common Sense was that the
Jews led and supported the integrationist NAACP because they
were opposed to powerful African American nationalist leaders
such as Marcus Garvey and later those who led the Nation of
Islam. They had no interest in African Americans becoming
self-reliant or self-supportive. It maintained that the Jewish
leadership only had an interest in racial pluralism only because
it would offer certain advantages to the Jews as a group.
The other copy of Common Sense was no less
startling. It had a long article asserting that international
Communism was a Jewish creation and the Russian Revolution
had not really been Russian at all. Jews had supposedly financed
and led Communism since its in ception, and that they still
thoroughly dominated the Communist movement in the United
States and around the world.
This National Enquirer of the right quoted
many names, dates, and sources to support its incredible allegations.
I was very skeptical of its assertions, but the information
was too compelling to ignore. I had learned early on not to
easily dismiss unpopular opinions. Despite the articles
strong documentation, the allegations just seemed too bizarre
to be true. How could it be that the largest and most powerful
African American organization in America had been founded,
financed, and run by Jews and Marxist Jews at that
instead of African Americans? How could something so incredible
be kept so quiet that most people would not know about it?
If the Russian Revolution was truly a revolution led by Jews
rather than Marxist Russians, why was such an enormous historical
fact ignored in our history books and in our popular media?
Furthermore, I could not understand why wealthy and powerful
capitalist Jews would foster race-mixing and Communism.
Father had often talked to me about the
evils of Communism, and I had been thoroughly anti-Communist
since reading books such as The Conscience of a Conservative
by Barry Goldwater,39 None Dare Call It Treason by John A.
Stormer,40 and You Can Trust the Communists (To Be Communists)41
by Frederick Charles Schwarz. These books and others impressed
upon me the penetration of Communist ideology throughout our
society, media and government.
The Cuban Missile Crisis had occurred
just three years before, and Fathers plans to build
a fallout shelter were still fresh in my mind. He had even
purchased food and other survival supplies for it. During
that period, the idea of nuclear war, grew from an abstract
idea to concrete anticipation. In the early 1960s, most communities
tested the working order of air-raid sirens by sounding them
daily at noon. Sometimes, when we lost track of time in school
and the noon air-raid sirens went off, we wondered for a moment
if the war was actually upon us.
During the Cuban crisis, most adults rationalized
that thermonuclear war would not happen because it must not
happen because the very thought was too monstrous to
contemplate. An 11-year-old is much more prone to believe
that someone might pull the switch. Years later, the world
discovered that we had actually teetered much closer to nuclear
war than most Americans had known at the time. The fact that
I viewed Communists as putting my family in real danger of
nuclear incineration contributed greatly to my visceral anti
Communist stance.
is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of
Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian
Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical
Jews... Winston
S. Churchill
One of the Common Sense issues mentioned
a full-page newspaper article written by Winston Churchill
called Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the
Soul of the Jewish People. The article had originally
appeared in the Illustrated Sunday Herald on February 8, 1920.
Churchill had maintained that the world's Jews were being
torn between an allegiance to Communism on the one hand and
Zionism on the other. Churchill hoped the Jews would adopt
Zionism as an alternative to what he called diabolical
and sinister Bolshevism. In his well-written article,
contemporary with the early years of the Russian Revolution,
Churchill described Communism as a sinister confederacy
of International Jews who have gripped the
Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become
practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
The article shocked me enough that I had
to check its authenticity. It turned out to be genuine. In
fact, I found some Jewish references to it bewailing the fact
that Churchill's article gave fodder to the anti- Semites
of the world. The following is an excerpt from his amazing
article. In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish
effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents
of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among
the unhappy populations of countries where the Jews are persecuted
on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken
the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their minds
all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among
the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt
to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela
Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman
(United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow
of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the
basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and
impossible equality, has been steadily growing
and now
at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the
underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have
gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and
have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous
empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in
the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about
of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the
most part atheistical Jews
As important an historical figure as Churchill
was, he was still only one voice. I rationalized that he could
be wrong about the nature of the Russian Revolution. One of
the Common Sense articles I read referred to a series of explosive
documents (complete with file numbers) from the National Archives
of the United States. I wrote to my local Congressman, F.
Edward Hebert, and asked if his office could obtain copies
of the files for me. A couple of weeks later, on returning
home from school, I found waiting for me a large manila envelope
from the Congressman.
Certified by the seal of the United States
of America, the documents were from the National Archives.
They concerned intelligence reports from foreign governments
and extensive reports from our chief intelligence officers
in Russia during the time of the Russian Civil War in the
early days of the Communist revolution. The early 1920s were
long before the establishment of the OSS and the CIA. The
U.S. Army ran our international intelligence work at that
time. One of our military intelligence officers in Russia
during its revolutionary period was Captain Montgomery Schuyler.
He sent back regular reports to the chief of staff of U.S.
Army Intelligence, who then relayed them to the Secretary
of War and the President of the United States. Reading through
the lengthy reports gave me a glimpse into a historical period
of which few Americans are aware. They reported horrible massacres
of thousands of Russian aristocrats and intelligentsia, murdered
simply because they could provide effective leadership in
opposition to the Communists. Many Americans are at least
somewhat aware of Stalin's murder of millions. However, many
millions also died in the early days of Bolshevism under Lenin
and Trotsky, for it was these men who initiated the first
mass killings and the Gulags. The reports also stated, without
equivocation, the Jewish nature of the revolution. In one
of Schuyler's official reports, declassified in 1958, almost
50 years after he wrote and dispatched them, he states: 44
In quoting the graphic language of this official report, my
intention is not to offend; but Schuylers report says
what it says, whether we like it or not. In another report,
written four months later, Captain Schuyler goes on to quote
the evidence of Robert Wilton, who was then the chief Russian
correspondent of the authoritative London Times. Wilton later
went on to pen a number of best-selling books about the revolution,
including the widely acclaimed Russias Agony and Last
Days of the Romanovs.45 On June 9, 1919, Schuyler cites Wilton
as follows: A table made up in 1918, by Robert Wilton, correspondent
of the London Times in Russia, shows at that time there were
384 commissars including 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen,
22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number
264 had come from the United States since the downfall of
the Imperial Government. There was, of course, no reason to
impugn the reporting of the Times or of Captain Schuyler.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I scanned the papers dispersed
across the plastic tablecloth on my dining room table. I wondered
how it could possibly be true that the Russian Revolution
had had only 13 ethnic Russians out of the 384 members of
its top governing body. Churchill's description of gripping
the It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the
United States, but the Bolshevik movement is and has been
since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews
of the greasiest type...
Captain Schuyler, American army intelligence
officer in Russia during the revolution. (in his official
report) There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism
is an international movement controlled by Jews.
The Director of British Intelligence to the U.S. Secretary
of State Russian people by the hair of their heads came
to life in the pages I received from our own National Archives.Once
I started checking out the leads I would glean from my reading,
the National Archives kept providing me with the most incredible
documents. Not only did our chief intelligence officer write
to the President of the United States about the Jewish nature
of Communism, so did our U.S. ambassador to Russia, David
R. Francis. In a January 1918 cable to our government, he
The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom
are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care
little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists
and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution.
David Francis, American Ambassador to Russia at the
time of the Revolution47 The National Archives also sent me
copies from its files of communications from Scotland Yard
and British Intelligence. The directorate of British Intelligence
sent to America and other nations a lengthy report dated July
16, 1919, on Bolshevism abroad. It was called A Monthly
Review of the Progress of Revolutionary Movements Abroad.
This lengthy report lists the Communist movements in the major
nations of the world. The first sentence in the first paragraph
on the first page of this British government report bluntly
states that Jews control international Communism.48 There
is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international
movement controlled by Jews. Years later, as a student at
Louisiana State University, I took a course entirely devoted
to the Russian Revolution. Neither my professor in his lectures,
nor my textbook (The Soviet Achievement)49 made any mention
of the historical Jewish-Russian conflict and the Jewish domination
of the Communist Party.
The Jewish role in the Communist revolution
was, however, mentioned in many major Jewish publications
such as the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia.
It astounded me to find them actually boasting about the pivotal
role of Jews in the Russian Revolution. They even pointed
out the effort of the Communist Jews to disguise the Jewish
role a successful effort for most Gentiles in
America and Europe are still unaware of it. The Communist
movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life,
particularly in the 1920s, 1930s and during and after World
War II.... Individual Jews played an important role in the
early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet Regime.... The great
attraction of Communism among Russian, and later also, Western
Jewry, emerged only with the establishment of the Soviet Regime
in Russia
Many Jews the world over therefore regarded
the Soviet concept of the solution to the Jewish question
as an intrinsically positive approach.... Communism became
widespread in virtually all Jewish communities. In some countries
Jews became the leading element in the legal and illegal Communist
parties and in some cases were even instructed by the Communist
International to change their Jewishsounding names and pose
as non-Jews, in order not to confirm right wing propaganda
that presented Communism an alien, Jewish conspiracy.
Trotsky's book, Stalin, written in exile,
attempted to show that Stalin had played only an insignificant
role in the early days of the Communist takeover. Trotsky
attempted to illustrate this point by reproducing a postcard
widely circulated in the months following the revolution.
The postcard depicted the six leaders of the revolution. Shown
are Lenin (who was at least one-quarter Jewish, spoke Yiddish
in his home, and was married to a Jewess); Trotsky (real Jewish
name: Lev Bronstein); Zinoviev (real Jewish name: Hirsch Apfelbaum);
Lunacharsky (a Gentile); Kamenov (real Jewish name: Rosenfeld);
and Sverdlov (Jewish).51 Not only does the postcard show the
Jewish domination of the revolution; it also illustrates the
fact that the Jewish Communist leaders shown had changed their
names, presumably to disguise the fact that they were Jews,
just as reported in the Encyclopedia Judaica. Although the
fact of Lenins Jewish ancestry was kept quiet for many
years, Jewish writers are now taking note of it. David Shub,
author of Lenin: A Biography, stated in a letter to the Russian
émigré paper Novyi Zhurnal52 that Lenin's mother
was Jewish at least on her father's side and probably so on
her mother's side as well.53 In addition, a French Jewish
periodical, Review de Fonds Social Juif,54 reported that a
Soviet novelist, Marietta Shaguinian, was prevented by Soviet
censorship from publishing evidence of Lenin's Jewish ancestry.
A number of Jewish publications in recent years have disclosed
Lenins Jewish heritage, including the Jewish Chronicle.55
The Cheka, or secret police, had a Jew, Moses Uritzky, as
its first chief. Most of the other subsequent leaders were
also Jews, including Sverdlov and Genrikh Yagoda (which is
Russian for Yehuda the Jew)
who presided over the pogroms that killed millions of Christians.
The Soviet propaganda minister during the war was a Jew, Ilya
Ehrenburg, who notoriously distinguished himself by his Second
World War exhortations of Soviet troops to rape and murder
the women and children of Germany.56 Anatol Goldberg quoted
Ehrenburg in his book, Ilya Ehrenburg as saying,
Germans are not human beings
nothing gives us so much
joy as German corpses.
The Communist secret police, which underwent
many name changes, including Cheka, OGPU, GPU, NKVD, NKGB,
MGB, and KGB, was the most feared police agency in the history
of the world. They imprisoned, tortured, or murdered more
than 30 million Russians and Eastern Europeans. Even the more
conservative Soviet historians of the 1960s were placing the
number of murdered at about 20 to 40 million figures
that do not include the millions more who were dispossessed,
imprisoned, exiled, tortured, and displaced. Nobel Prizewinner
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his opus, The Gulag Archipelago,
using the research of a Soviet statistician who had access
to secret government files, I. A. Kurganov, estimated that
between 1918 and 1959, at least 66 million died at the hands
of the Communist rulers of Russia. Although that number may
be far too high, in Gulag Archipelago II, Solzhenitsyn affirms
that Jews created and administered the organized Soviet concentration
camp system in which tens of millions of Christians died.
Pictured on page 79 of the Gulag Archipelago II are the leading
administrators of the greatest killing machine in the history
of the world.58 They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar
Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel.
All six are Jews.
Interestingly, though, during this period
of murder and mayhem, Jews were a protected class, so much
so that the Communist Party took the unprecedented step of
making expressions of Anti-Semitism a counter-revolutionary
offense, and thus punishable by death. The Jewish Voice in
January, 1942, stated: "The Jewish people will never
forget that the Soviet Union was the first country -- and
as yet the only country in the world -- in which Anti-Semitism
is a crime."60 The Congress Bulletin (Publication of
the American Jewish Congress) stated: 61 62 63
Anti-Semitism was classed as counter-revolution
and the severe punishments meted out for acts of Anti-Semitism
were the means by which the existing order protected its own
safety. The Russian Penal Codes of 1922 and 1927 even went
so far as to make Anti-Semitism punishable by death. The book
Soviet Russia and the Jews by Gregor Aronson and published
by the American Jewish League Against Communism (1949 NY)
quotes Stalin remarking on the policy in an interview in 1931
with the Jewish Telegraph Agency:
Communists cannot
be anything but outspoken enemies of Anti-Semitism. We fight
anti-Semites by the strongest methods in the Soviet Union.
Active Anti-Semites are punished by death under law.64 The
Beginning of an Ethnic War In school, I brought up these fascinating
facts with some of my teachers. They in turn were as incredulous
as I had been. One suggested that the Jewish involvement in
the Communist revolution might have been a result of the long
running historical persecution of Jews by the Czars and, indeed,
by much of the Russian intelligentsia. For instance, Tolstoy,
Dostoyevsky, and many other prominent Russian writers had
criticized Jewish machinations in their books and articles.
Russians didn't like the fact that the Jews used the Russian
lan- Jacob Schiff and Leon Trotsky, two key players in the
Russian Revolution, both found their base of support in New
York City.
guage for doing business among Gentiles
but spoke Yiddish among themselves. Jews were also accused
of having an us versus them mentality rather than
assimilating with the Christian majority. There had been a
running feud between the Russians and the Jews for centuries
and from these conflicts arose pogroms to suppress
the Jews. This war without borders can be illustrated by the
Jewish reaction in the 1880s to the anti-Semitic Russian May
Laws. The May Laws of 1882 attempted to restrict Jews from
some professions and mandate resettlement of most Jews to
their original area of the empire, the Pale of Settlement
(a huge area, originally set up in 1772, encompassing an area
about half the size of Western Europe, extending from the
Crimea to the Baltic Sea, to which the Jews had been restricted).
In retaliation, Jewish international financiers did their
best to destroy the Russian economy. Encyclopaedia Britannica
describes what happened:
The Russian May Laws were the most conspicuous
legislative monument achieved by modern Anti-Semitism....
Their immediate result was a ruinous commercial depression
which was felt all over the empire and which profoundly affected
the national credit. The Russian minister was at his wits
end for money. Negotiations for a large loan were entered
upon with the house of Rothschild and a preliminary contract
was signed, when...the finance minister was informed that
unless the persecutions of the Jews were stopped the great
banking house would be compelled to withdraw from the operation....65
In response to the economic and other pressures
put upon Russia, the Czar issued an edict on September 3,
1882. In it he stated: For some time the government has given
its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest
of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining
the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about
by the conduct of Jews in business matters.... With few exceptions,
they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching
or benefiting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles
its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants. This
conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of
the people,
thought it a matter of urgency and justice
to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end to the
oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to
free the country from their malpractices, which were, as is
known, the cause of the agitations. 66
So, Jews had ample reason to attempt to
overturn the Czarist government of Russia, and there is direct
evidence they did just that. The Jewish Communal Register
of New York City of 1917-1918, edited and published by the
Jewish community, profiles Jacob Schiff, who at that time
was one of the wealthiest men in the world as head of the
huge banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. In the article
it states how the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company floated
the large Japanese War Loans of 1904-1905, thus making possible
the Japanese victory over Russia. It also goes on to
say, Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence
in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies
of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep
Russia away from the money market of the United States.67
Jacob Schiff actually gave somewhere between $17 million and
$24 million to finance the Jewish- Communist revolutionaries
in Russia, a sum that would be the equivalent of many hundreds
of millions of dollars by today's dollar value. Rabbi Marvin
S. Andelman, in his book To Eliminate the Opiate, cites two
sources documenting Schiff's financial support of the Communist
revolution and ultimate repayment by them. Jacob Schiff is
credited with giving twenty million dollars to the Bolshevik
revolution. A year after his death the Bolsheviks deposited
over six hundred million rubles to Schiff's banking firm Kuhn
& Loeb.68 69 It puzzled me that the violently anticapitalist
Communist Party would be supported by some of the most prominent
capitalists in the world. But I finally realized that Russian
Revolution was not ultimately about the triumph of an economic
ideology, it was about the culmination of an age-old struggle
between two powerful peoples the Jews and the Russians
in an ethnic war that tragically ended in the totalitarian
tyranny of the Communist dictatorship. Even worse, the score
was ultimately settled in the terror of the blood-washed cellars
of the Cheka and the frozen death of the Gulags.
The fact that supercapitalists such as
Jacob Schiff could support a nakedly socialist regime such
as Communism made me question whether there was something
more to Communism than met the eye. What was it about Communism
that made it so attractive to Jews, who were largely well-educated
non-proletarians, when Communism was supposed to be, in Lenin's
words, a dictatorship of the proletariat? Obviously,
by and large, Jews were nothing like Marxs workers
of the world, for no group was more involved in capitalism
or the manipulation and use of capital than the Jewish community.
I checked out the Communist personalities that Mattie Smith
told me were in the Jewish Whos Who in World Jewry.
Atheist Leon Trotsky as well as atheist Maxim Litvinov, the
Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, are proudly listed in
the directory of famous Jews compiled by the leading Jewish
rabbinical groups of the world. Winston Churchill, in his
eloquent article Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle
for the Soul of the Jewish People, had argued that Communism
and Zionism were distinct ideologies that were competing,
as he put it, for the soul of the Jewish people.
But something didn't seem quite kosher in this supposed titanic
struggle, for it appeared that many Zionists also supported
Communism and, at least in the early years, many Communists
were sympathetic to Zionists. Millions of Jews, even supercapitalists
such as Jacob Schiff, supported the Communist revolution in
Russia. The struggle seemed to be like that of two brothers
who might sometimes argue between themselves but who always
stand together against their common enemies.
In 1975, I read a book called Trotsky and
the Jews, written by Joseph Nedava and published by the Jewish
Publication Society (Philadelphia, 1971). The book points
out that before the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky (born
Lev Bronstein) used to play chess with Baron Rothschild of
the famous Rothschild banking family. A Jewish journalist
(M. Waldman) who knew Trotsky from the period of his stay
in Vienna (when he used to play chess with Baron Rothschild
in Cafe Central and frequent Cafe Daily to read the press
there). 70 What could the Rothschilds, the biggest banking
house in Europe, possibly have in common with a leader who
wanted to destroy capitalism and private property? Conversely,
why would a dedicated Communist be a close friend of the most
powerful capitalist oppressor in the world? Could
it be that they saw Communism and Zionism as two very different
avenues to a similar goal of power and revenge against the
A number of questions arose: 1) Could Communism
simply have been a tool they adapted to defeat and rule their
Russian antagonists? 2) Were there other peoples with whom
the Jews believed they were in conflict? 3) Was Communism
originally part of a strategic imperative that reached far
beyond the confines of Soviet Russia? These were important
questions. I thought that I might find their answers in the
philosophical origins of Communism. I resolved to investigate
the ideological roots of Communism. I found Das Kapital71
and the Communist Manifesto72 in my public library. Karl Marx's
books were obtuse, especially the parts describing the Hegelian
dialectic, but they made some sense if one believed that mankind
had a machine-like nature that Marx described. One of my teachers
made the often-repeated, poorly-thought-out comment that Communism
was great in theory but faulty in practice. To my way of thinking,
to be a great idea it must work in practice, and Communism
obviously doesnt. There has never been a theory that
has promised more human happiness yet delivered more poverty,
mental and physical oppression, and more human misery and
death. Until I looked into the foundations of Communism, I
had always thought Karl Marx was a German. In fact, I had
read that Marx's father was a Christian. It turns out that
his father, a successful lawyer, was a Jew who had converted
to Christianity after an edict prohibited Jews from practicing
law. Much later, in 1977, I read an article from the Chicago
Jewish Sentinel boasting that Marx was the grandson of a rabbi
and the descendant of Talmudic scholars for many generations.73
An excellent article in the Barnes Review points out the Racism
of Marx and Engels.74 Not only was Karl Marx from a
long line of Talmudic scholars, he also hated Russians with
a passion that could be described as pathological. I looked
up Karl Marx in the Jewish encyclopedias, and I found to my
amazement that the man who taught him many of the principles
of Communism was Moses Hess. As incredible as it might seem,
contemporary Zionist leaders venerate Moses Hess as the forerunner
of modern Zionism. In The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel,
under the entry for Moses Hess, is the following: Pioneer
of modern socialism, social philosopher, and forerunner of
Zionism.... Hess was thus a forerunner of political and cultural
Zionism and of socialist Zionism in particular. He became
deeply involved in the rising socialist movement. Karl Marx
and Frederick Engels acknowledged that they had learned much
from him during the formative years of the movement....
The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel 75
After months of reading from many major,
first hand sources, I realized that the elderly lady in the
offices of the Citizens Council had been essentially right,
at least about the origins of the Communist revolution. I
felt as if I were sitting on the edge of a volcano. Every
new piece of information seemed to both confirm and clarify
the issue ever further. In The Last Days of the Romanovs,
Robert Wilton, on assignment for The London Times in Russia
for 17 years, summed up the Russian Revolution
in these words: The whole record of the Bolshevism in Russia
is indelibly impressed with the stamp of alien invasion. The
murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov
and carried out by the Jews Goloshekin, Syromolotov, Safarov,
Voikov, and Yurovsky, is the act, not of the Russian people,
but of this hostile invader.76 In 1990, a major New York publisher,
the Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, published
a book by Israeli historian Louis Rapoport called Stalins
War Against the Jews. In it the author casually admits what
we Gentiles are not supposed to know: Many Jews were euphoric
over their high representation in the new government. Lenins
first Politburo was dominated by men of Jewish origins...
Under Lenin, Jews became involved in all aspects of the Revolution,
including its dirtiest work. Despite the Communists
vows to eradicate Anti-Semitism, it spread rapidly after the
revolution partly because of the prominence of so many
Jews in the Soviet administration, as well as in the traumatic,
inhuman Sovietization drives that followed. Historian Salo
Baron has noted that an immensely disproportionate number
of Jews joined the new Soviet secret police, the Cheka....
And many of those who fell afoul of the Cheka would be shot
by Jewish investigators. The Collective leadership that emerged
in Lenins dying days was headed by the Jew Zinoviev,
a loquacious, curly-haired...77 I began to realize that there
was once widespread knowledge of the Jewish leadership of
the Russian Revolution, an example can
be found in the National Geographic Magazines May 1907
edition. An article entitled The Revolution in Russia
describes the Jewish leadership of the terroristic Communist
the revolutionary leaders nearly
all belong to the Jewish race and the most effective revolutionary
agency is the Jewish Bund,
The government has suffered
more from that race than from all of its other subjects combined.
Whenever a desperate deed is committed it is always done by
a Jew and there is scarcely one loyal member of that race
in the entire Empire.78
The facts were indisputable. An enormous
fact of history has been wiped away from the intellectual
consciousness of the West as thoroughly as a file can be erased
from the hard disk of a desktop computer. In his classic novel
1984,79 George Orwell wrote about historical truth going
down the Memory Hole. This had been the fate of the
truth regarding the real perpetrators of the Russian
Revolution. I asked myself two questions: Why
was the historical truth about the Communist revolution suppressed?
and How, in a free world, could that suppression have
been accomplished? The first question had an obvious
answer in the fact that the forces of international Jewry
would not want it generally known that they were the primary
authors of the most repressive and murderous evil in the history
of mankind: Communism. Obviously, knowledge of that fact does
not create good public relations for Jews. The answer to the
second question of how was more elusive. I realized
that only very powerful forces could suppress important parts
of the historical record and create a false impression of
a Russian Revolution when there were only 13 ethnic
Russians in the highest levels of the first Bolshevik government.
Obviously the Jews historically did have a lot of power
as evidenced by Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds, and others
but the power to change the perception of history
that seemed preposterous. Yet only a few months before, when
Mattie Smith had told me at the Citizens Council that the
Russian Revolution was Jewish, I had thought the idea was
ridiculous. Now I knew differently, and I knew I was just
beginning to discover a different reality in the world that
was not mentioned by the NY Times. The facts I then knew led
me to some interesting new questions: Does it make
me an anti-Semite to accept the historical fact that the Russian
Revolution was not actually Russian but a takeover of
Czarist Russia by an antagonistic, non-Russian nationality?
Is there a historically proven nationalism among the
Jews hostile toward other peoples? Do Jewish interests
and the interests of the Christian West synchronize or conflict?
If those interests sometimes conflict, did the well-coordinated,
world-wide Jewish effort to fiercely fight for their perceived
ethnic interests in Russia have negative ramifications for
Russia, Western Europe and America? How did Jewish
organized power create our special relationship
with Israel in modern times? And, finally: Did asking
these questions have anything to do with hate?
When I saw programs on television about
Anti-Semitism, hate was almost always the word used to describe
any negative opinion about Jews. I felt no hatred toward Jews.
My investigation had been purely an intellectual exercise.
I was an interloper looking into a world where I did not belong,
but it was a world that intrigued me. Pondering the hate
question, I asked a teacher at school why the word hate wasn't
ever used by the media to describe the motivation of the mass
murder of millions of Russian Christians in the Soviet Union.
Certainly, it would have taken a great deal of hate to have
committed such monstrous crimes. She had no answer, and yet
I had many more questions. In later years, I learned that
labeling such inquiries hate was itself part of
an organized effort to demonize anyone who would dare to oppose
Jewish Supremacist hatred of the Gentile World. Once I discovered
the shared roots of both Communism and Zionism, I decided
to examine the history of the Jewish people, both historical
Judaism and the development of modern Zionism. I felt that
I had access to the best sources in the world for my investigation.
I started with three excellent and exhaustive Jewish encyclopedias.