- 7
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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[Anti-Semitism] is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects
Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism (From
his diaries, as quoted by Arthur Kornberg 296) When I became
aware of the existence of Jewish Supremacism and its powerful
influence in the United States government and the American
media, I spoke openly about it. In a high school civics-class
I remarked that Jewish bureaucrats who authored American Mideast
policy had a potential conflict of interest. In an effort
to quickly dismiss me, my teacher quickly pointed out that
the President of the United States was a Gentile. I recounted
to her what I thought was an impressive list of important
government positions that were held by Zionist Jews who would
likely put Israels interests over that of strategic
American interests.
My teacher, frustrated in trying to rebut my points, dropped
an intellectual atomic bomb. Thats the kind of
sentiment that led to the deaths of six million Jews,
she said. You dont want to give us the impression
that youre an anti-Semite, do you? The usually
restless and boisterous class became still, and I fell silent.
I feared being accused of Anti-Semitism. What was Anti-Semitism?
Had I become an anti-Semite for simply opposing elements of
Jewish Supremacism? That very afternoon I went to the school
library and found some books on Anti-Semitism. Jews wrote
all of them, and from what I could discern, most of the writers
were Zionists. I looked up Anti- Semitism in the four encyclopedias
on the library shelves, and found that all of the articles
on Anti-Semitism had Jewish authors. As illustrated by the
popular Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia by Funk and Wagnall's,
they are still authoring almost all the articles on anti-Semitism.
The Encarta article on Anti-Semitism has a Jewish author,
Nahum Norbert Glatzer, a revered scholar in the Jewish community
and author of the very supremacist and ethnocentric Jewish
History. Encarta also has a recommended reading list on Anti-
Semitism. I reproduce it here.
Bein, Alex. The Jewish Question: Biography of a World Problem.
Fairleigh Dickinson, 1990. History of Anti-Semitism world-wide.
Belth, Nathan C. A Promise to Keep: A Narrative of the American
Encounter with Anti-Semitism. Various publishers. Historical
account of Anti-Semitism in America and Anti-Defamation League
efforts to combat it; for general readers. Furet, François,
ed. Unanswered Questions: Nazi Germany and the Genocide of
the Jews. Schocken, 1989. Balanced collection of essays covering
a variety of issues on the Nazis and Jews of Europe. (balanced?
It is anything but balanced) Gerber, David A., ed. Anti-Semitism
in American History. Illinois, 1986. Collection of essays
focusing on hostility towards Jews in America. Katz, Jacob.
From Prejudice to Destruction: Anti-Semitism, 1700-1933. Harvard,
1980, 1982. Recommended historical survey of Anti-Semitism
in France, Austria, Germany, and Hungary. Lewis, Bernard.
Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry Into Conflict and Prejudice.
Norton, 1987. Analysis of Anti-Semitism in the Islamic World.
Poliakov, Leon. The History of Anti-Semitism. 3v. Vanguard,
1964-75. V.1, Christ to Court Jews; V.2, Mohammed to Marranos;
V.3, Voltaire to Wagner; V.4, Suicidal Europe, 1870-1933;
translated from the French. Reinharz, Jehuda, ed. Living With
Anti-Semitism: Modern Jewish Responses. Brandeis Books/University
Press of New England, 1987. Essays on varied reactions over
200 years, arranged geographically.297 The theme common to
the article and all Jewish-authored books recommended by the
encyclopedia is rather simple: Throughout history, Jews have
been innocent victims of evil Gentiles. In hundreds of civil,
national, and religious reactions against the Jews outlined
by these books, there is never a hint that Jews could have
done anything of a disreputable nature. They were always innocent
little lambs led to the slaughter. Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians,
Pagans and other antagonists are all said to be motivated
by religious or ethnic intolerance and hatred of Jews. The
books also argue that innocent Jews are universally made into
scapegoats for social and economic problems. Just so the reader
understands that Encarta is not an exception, I also reproduce
here the suggested reading list at the end of Groliers
Encyclopedias article on Anti-Semitism.298 Erich Rosenthal
wrote its article and presumably picked out the reading list.
Bibliography: Almog, Shmuel, Anti-Semitism through the Ages
(1988) Arendt, Hannah, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951;
repr. 1983) Curtis, Michael, ed., Anti-Semitism. (1986) Katz,
Jacob, From Prejudice to Destruction (1980) in the Contemporary
World (1985); Dinnerstein, Leonard, Anti-Semitism in America
(1994; repr. 1995) Gager, J. G., The Origins of Anti-Semitism
(1983) Gerber, D. A., ed., Anti-Semitism in American History
Poliakov, Leon. The History of Anti-Semitism, 4 vols. Arent
these suggested reading lists equivalent to recommending articles
on the Arab-Israeli conflict written only by Palestinians
or articles on anti-Communism written only by Communists?
It is suggested by some of the authors that inherent Jewish
superiority in ability and morals causes Gentiles to be jealous
and spiteful. Many books on Anti-Semitism even argue that
Anti- Semitism is a manifestation of mental illness and that
it is an inherent defect among Gentiles. In discussing the
almost universal, oftrepeated anti-Jewish attitudes of the
past 2,000 years, Glatzer, Rosenthal, and the other writers
fail to recognize a few things. They never make the slightest
suggestion that the Jewish people may have been at least in
part responsible for the repeated negative reactions to them.
One would also never suspect that Jews themselves held any
intolerant attitudes toward Christians and other Gentiles.
Without exception, in every conflict between Jews and Gentiles,
the Gentiles and Christians are depicted as evil, while the
Jews are depicted as paragons of goodness.299 300 301 302
Glatzner, Rosenthal, and the other Jewish partisans have
a onesided point of view. None of their books mention that
the negative Christian reaction to Judaism arose out of the
Jewish anti-Gentile rhetoric of the Talmud and the persecution
of early Christians by Jews such as Paul (Saul) until his
conversion. Viciously anti-Gentile, Jewish teachings long
predated the anti-Jewish Christian writers. None of these
Jewish authors mention this important fact.
The more I read, the more I realized that the articles and
books castigating Europeans as anti-Semites are racist in
the most pejorative sense. To portray a race of people as
inherently psychotic and murderous is just about the worst
thing someone can say about a race. And yet, the mainstream
Jewish media characterizes European Christians precisely that
way. And, it must be said that the media also categorizes
Palestinians and Arabs in the most unflattering ways. So this
is how I am supposed to get to the truth about Anti-Semitism,
I thought. Jewish chauvinists must explain it to me. If that
is good logic, then we might as well learn about the Second
World War only from the perspective of Nazis or the history
of the Palestinian people only from followers of Menachem
Begin. How could anyone discover the truth about the causes
of the Gentile-Jewish conflict from reading only the Jewish
side of it, or from only those Gentiles who endorse the Jewish
view? Gentile writers cannot help but learn quickly that there
are great advantages to adopting the Jewish point of view
to get their books accepted by major publishers or reviewed
in the thoroughly Jewish New York Times Book Review. The same
is true if they want to be interviewed on programs such as
the Jewish-produced Today Show. And, of course, they must
promote philo-Semitism for their works to become recommended
reading by the encyclopedias. Why, in all the mainstream
media, are people not allowed to hear the reasonable view
that Anti-Semitism has frequently been a reaction to Jewish
Supremacism and misanthropy? Certainly, there have been intolerant
outbreaks of Anti-Semitism in which innocent Jews have suffered
or died. That being said, we must also acknowledge that Jews
have had more than their share of anti-Gentile intolerance.
However, we never hear about the Jewish excesses. To end the
recurring cycles of Anti-Semitism, we must try to learn its
real causes.
Is Anti-Semitism an irrational response that finds its genesis
in the mental pathology of its adherents, or does it find
its origin as an understandable reaction to Jewish behaviors?
It is reasonable to think that Jewish supremacy and Anti-Semitism
nourished each other over the generations, ultimately producing
the modern horrors of the Second World War, the Holocaust
and Zionist imperialism. The conflict may well reach a dehumanizing
crescendo in the 21st century unless we learn the true roots
of the conflict between Jew and Gentile. To understand what
has motivated Gentile opposition to Jews as a group, it is
important to be aware of Jewish patterns of behavior that
Glatzner and other authorities on Anti-Semitism fail to acknowledge.
So-called anti-Semites have alleged over the centuries that,
as a group, Jews have disproportionately engaged in unethical
and exploitative practices such as usury, the slave trade,
prostitution, fraudulent business schemes and various other
criminal enterprises. Many have alleged that Jews use unethical
business practices and collusion to gain control over commerce.
Anti-Semites have charged that many historic examples exist
of Jews collaborating with the foreign enemies of their host
nations. Charges of Jewish disloyalty have been voiced since
the time of their sojourn in Egypt, and have continued to
the present day. The case of convicted Israeli spy, Jonathan
Pollard, is a recent example.
It was time for me to dig into the roots of Anti-Semitism.
Religious Intolerance or Economic Resentment? When I delved
into the great body of popular Jewish authors on Anti-Semitism,
two themes emerged. The first and most popular theme is that
Anti-Semitism stems from the fact that Gentiles blame Jews
for the crucifixion of Jesus. To quote the Encarta Encyclopedia,
Jews from the fourth century and perhaps even before
then were viewed as the killers of Jesus Christ. Another
theme of Jewish and philo-Jewish writers is that Anti-Semitism
arose from Gentile jealousy of Jewish economic and social
success. Jewish writer Arthur Hertzberg shows how blaming
Anti-Semitism on Christian intolerance has a strategic advantage:
To blame Christianity and only Christianity for most Anti-
Semitism has certain advantages for Jews. Their sufferings
through the centuries can be conceived as noble martyrdom;
the attacks on Jews are not to be connected with their own
distinctive beliefs, culture, and patterns of behavior, and
in some cases their faults, but only with their faith. Arthur
Hertzberg 303 Thorough study of historical Jewish-Gentile
interaction reveals that blaming the crucifixion of Christ
on the Jews had only a minor role in ancient and modern Anti-Semitism.
For instance, biblical passages asserting that Jews crucified
Jesus Christ did not prevent Christians from trying to convert
Jews and bring them into the Christian community. Obviously,
the Christian Church did not see Jews as irredeemable because
of the actions of their pharisaic ancestors. Early multiethnic
Christians opposed Jews not on the basis of race or ethnicity,
but primarily because of Jewish beliefs and practices. In
regard to religion, Jews as a group were opposed primarily
because of the intractable anti-Christian and anti-Gentile
character of the Talmud and concomitant anti-Christian acts
illustrated by the mass persecution and murder of Christians
by the emperor Neros Jewish mistress, Poppaea Sabina.304
305 In stark contrast to the ethnically more tolerant Christians,
Jews based their opposition to Gentiles on race. While Christians
repeatedly tried to convert Jews, Jews made no real attempt
to convert Christians. Instead, they erected barriers to conversion,
and the small number of Gentiles who did convert were designated,
according to Jewish law, as bastards. Jewish priests were
forbidden to marry Jews who were converts or even descendants
of converts, a policy still in effect today. 306 In all of
Jewish history in Western civilization there is not one Gentile
convert who became a significant Jewish leader.
Christianity evolved from a precarious, fledgling faith into
the state religion of Rome, and later Europe itself became
synonymous with Christendom. Once secure in its own power,
Christianity became more tolerant of other faiths even
if disapproving of them. Hostility toward Jews found its base
in economic, social, ethnic, and political issues, and there
is much evidence that these factors dominated anti- Jewish
attitudes even during times of little religious turmoil. For
instance, Anti-Semitism was not historically limited to Christians
but found virulent expression before the Christian era and
in many non- Christian lands. Religious antagonism often seemed
to be a rationalization of economic and social hostility.
I sought out the works of the giants of European literature,
philosophy and science on the Jewish issue. Sometimes I would
spend hours in the library looking up Jews and
Judaism in the indexes of the books of some of
the greatest Western writers. I found that many had things
to say that would be considered anti-Semitic today. It would
be impossible to list them all, but a few of them include
Milton, most of the Catholic Popes as well as major Protestant
leaders, Shakespeare, Kant, Goethe, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky,
Voltaire, Shaw, Emerson, Melville and Dickens. Even my favorite
American author, Mark Twain, made some interesting comments
about the Jews. Most of Twains remarks on the Jews in
an 1899 Harpers magazine article are extremely flattering
to the Jewish people. But some parts of his essay are impermissible
today. In the cotton States, after the war, the simple and
ignorant negroes made the crops for the white planter on shares.
The Jew came down in force, set up shop on the plantation,
supplied all the negro's wants on credit, and at the end of
the season was proprietor of the negro's share of the present
crop and of part of his share of the next one. Before long,
the whites detested the Jew, and it is doubtful if the negro
loved him
The Jew is being legislated out of Russia.
The reason is not concealed
. He was always ready to
lend money on a crop, and sell vodka and other necessaries
of life on credit while the crop was growing. When settlement
day came he owned the crop; and next year or year after he
owned the farm, like Joseph
In the dull and ignorant
England of John's time everybody got into debt to the Jew.
He gathered all lucrative enterprises into his hands; he was
the king of commerce; he was ready to be helpful in all profitable
Religious prejudices may account for one part of it, [anti-Semitic
Prejudice] but not for the other nine. 307 To my amazement,
Jewish histories, which are intended mainly for Jewish eyes,
frankly record cases of Jewish economic exploitation from
ancient times to the present. I found the Jewish historians
far more enlightening on the issue than the Gentile writers.
They had no prejudice against Jews; if anything, they had
a clearly supremacist bias for their own people. Many of them
practically gloated about their financial victories over the
Jews are a nation of usurers . . . outwitting the people
amongst whom they find shelter. . . . They make the slogan
'let the buyer beware' their highest principle in dealing
with us Imanuel Kant308 The philosopher Immanual Kant
was not the first Westerner to make the charge that the Jews
are a nation of usurers, and that their economic practices
were often exploitative. Since the Israelite sojourn in Egypt,
non-Jewish politicians, theologians, and chroniclers have
spoken of Jewish avarice and exploitative practices. Even
Shakespeare immortalized the Jewish usurer in The Merchant
of Venice through his character Shylock, who, in the absence
of the money due him, demands the Christians pound
of flesh. There are numerous examples of medieval governments
receiving huge percentages of their revenues from the taxation
received on the profits of Jewish usury. In the Diaspora (the
Jewish people living outside of Palestine) there is a pattern
of Jews being employed by Gentile kings and governments as
tax farmers and revenue collectors, and of their being utilized
as the administrators of foreign occupational governments.
By their very nature, farming and ranching require periodic
infusions of capital. Diseases, insect infestation, and natural
disasters can place those who cultivate crops or animals at
the mercy of those who have ready money to lend. This is especially
true among those who draw little more than their essential
sustenance from such pursuits, which was true for most people
from ancient times to the modern era. Historically, such needs
for capital were often provided by cooperatives and intervention
by the civil authorities, but more often such needs went unanswered,
resulting in times of severe suffering and want. In all business,
capital is crucial to ameliorating the unforgiving cycles
of prosperity and recession. Amid these economic uncertainties
enters the Jewish moneylender, far more skilled and knowledgeable
in the manipulation of currency and gold than his customers.
There was little financial regulation of lending practices
until fairly recent times, offering many opportunities for
the unscrupulous. It should be made clear that the term usury
means not simply a fair and moderate interest rate but an
excessive one. Usury would be what one would call loansharking
today with exorbitant interest and compound interest
usury n.
1. the lending or practice of lending
money at an exorbitant interest.
2. an exorbitant amount or rate of interest, esp. in excess
of the legal rate.
3. Obs. interest paid for the use of money.
loansharking n.
the practice of lending money at excessive
rates of interest Random House Websters Unabridged Electronic
Dictionary 1996
Jews themselves understood the exploitive nature of their
usurious practice on the Gentiles. Maimonides, who is considered
the greatest European Jewish teacher, wrote the following
in his important Book of Civil Laws: It is permissible to
borrow from a heathen or from an alien resident and to lend
to him at interest. For it is written Thou shalt not lend
upon interest to thy brother (Deut. 23:20)309 to thy
brother it is forbidden, but to the rest of the world it is
permissible. Indeed, it is an affirmative commandment to lend
money at interest to a heathen. For it is written Unto the
heathen thou shalt lend upon interest (Deut. 23:21).310 (
The Code of Maimonides, Book 13, The Book of Civil Laws, ch.
V:1, 93)311 Nesek ("biting," usury) and marbit ("increase,"
interest) are one and the same thing. . . . Why is it called
nesek? because he who takes it bites his fellow, causes pain
to him, and eats his flesh. ( The Code of Maimonides, Book
13, The Book of Civil Laws, ch. IV:1, 88-89)
The usury practiced by the Jews
of the medieval world are outrageous by modern standards.
In A History of the Jews in England, Cecil Roth finds
Jews charging interest rates between 22 and 43 percent. 312
In northern France the interest rate was limited to 43 percent
in 1206 as the authorities tried to reduce the prevailing
rate of 65 percent plus compounding. 313
In The Jews of Poland: A Social and Economic History
of the Jewish Community in Poland from 1100 to 1800, writer
Bernard Weinryb shows similar outlandish rates in Poland in
the 14th and 15th centuries.314
In the 1942 book The Jews in Spain: Their Political
and Cultural Life During the Middle Ages, the Jewish author
A. A. Neuman writes that in Castile the authorities allowed
Jews to charge an interest rate of 33 1/3 percent. When farmers
desperately needed to purchase seed during the great famine
in Cuenca in 1326, the Jews refused to lend money unless they
were allowed 40 percent.315
The most important political document
from medieval England and perhaps in the history of Western
civilization, the Magna Carta (revealing their common presence)
declares that widows and orphans have first claim on estates
over Jewish moneylenders.316
In The Social Life of the Jews of Northern France in the
XII-XIV Centuries as Reflected in the Rabbinical Literature
of the Period, Louis Rabinowitz notes how the Jewish usurers
themselves saw their occupation as far more profitable than
farming or artisanry.317 Many Jewish historians have documented
the tremendous wealth accumulated by the Jews through usury.
Rabinowitz points out, for example, that the taxes on Jewish
usury alone amounted to more than the rest of the ordinary
royal revenues in France in 1221. King Louis IX, who vigorously
denounced the Talmud, had more concern over the Jewish economic
predatory behavior. In 1254 he barred Jews from moneylending
and said they should live by trade and manual labor. As an
illustration of the far-reaching impact of Jewish usury, Achille
Luchaire shows that in medieval Europe even many churches
and monasteries were closed because of debts owed to the Jewish
moneylenders.318 Jacob R. Marcus, one of the worlds
leading Jewish historians, in his Encyclopaedia Britannica
article Jews, states, the floating wealth
of the country was soaked up by the Jews, who were periodically
made to disgorge into the exchequer. 319 Gentile opposition
to Jewish predatory economic activity, far from always being
pathologic and hateful against Jews, was more often rational
and compassionate. Today loansharking is viewed as a pernicious
activity that deserves criminal prosecution. It has been also
shown that in communities that limited such activity, Anti-Semitism
was also mitigated. Davidson quotes two patricians in 16th
century Venice as saying that moneylending is the way that
the Jews consume and devour the people of this, our
city. 320 The Venetian authorities eventually codified
precise regulations of Jewish economic activity, including
a maximum interest rate of 5 percent on loans.321 Brian Pullen
quotes a rabbi of the times who, after elucidating the causes
of Anti-Semitism elsewhere, noted: Usury makes them unpopular
with all the orders of the city; engaging in crafts with the
lesser people; the possession of property with nobles and
great men. These are the reasons why the Jews do not dwell
in many places. But these circumstances do not arise in Venice,
where the rate of interest is only 5 percent, and the banks
are established for the benefit of the poor and not for the
profit of the bankers. 322 Arthur Kornberg, in Theodor Herzl:
From Assimilation to Zionism, quotes extensively from the
founder of modern Zionism, Theodore Herzl including
fascinating parts of his diary. Herzl writes that Anti-Semitism
arising from Jewish financial domination was completely understandable
and insisted that one could not expect a ma jority to
let themselves be subjugated by formerly scorned
outsiders whom they had just released from the ghetto.323
In another section he quotes Herzl as saying that Jews had
been educated to be leeches that possessed frightful
financial power and were a moneyworshipping people
incapable of understanding that a man can act out of other
motives than money. 324Herzl commented, I find
the anti-Semites fully within their rights.325 Modern
Jewish writers on Anti-Semitism never acknowledge the possibility
that Gentiles have a basic right to defend themselves from
frightful Jewish financial power and that anti-Semites
could be fully within their rights. If a Gentile
described Jewish financial predators as leeches,
even when such is acknowledged by one of the leading
lights of Zionism he would certainly be called an anti-
Is it any wonder that a thoughtful Christian such as Saint
Thomas Aquinas, who was considered a great exponent of love
and charity, would also speak out against the Jewish practice
of usury? The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they
have obtained from others by usury; it were best that they
were compelled to work so that they could earn their living
instead of doing nothing but becoming avaricious."
THOMAS AQUINAS, Saint. 13th century scholastic philosopher.326
As I read more Jewish histories, I learned that usury was
just one of many predatory financial practices in the commercial
sector that provoked opposition in the Christian community.
Jewish Commercial Activities Usury was the greatest source
of Jewish power and certainly the wellspring of the Jewish
banking families that dominated Europe for hundreds of years,
but Jews also found profit in many other activities, both
credible and contemptible. While Jewish religious teaching
forbade usury to fellow Jews as a pernicious practice, it
encouraged Jews to engage in usury against the Gentiles. The
same principle extended to every economic competition between
Jew and Gentile. Financial acumen combined with powerful group
cohesion and economic strategy provided powerful weapons in
the battle for commercial dominance in Europe and later in
America. The fact that Jews practiced a dual set of ethics
an altruistic one for themselves and a predatory one
for Gentiles contributed to their economic domination
even in the more ordinary business endeavors.
Many of the most egregious practices were condemned by a
(Jewish) Frankfort synod of 1603 in order to prevent hillul
hashem (disgrace of the Jewish religion). Those who
deceive Gentiles profane the name of the Lord among the Gentiles.327
That statement has been much quoted by those who dismiss anti-
Gentile financial measures as representative of a bygone era.
However, a subsequent rabbinic responsa clarified the issue
as a result of a dispute between two Jews who contested the
spoils of the deception of a Gentile. It held that exploitation
and deceit against Gentiles is permissible as long hillul
hashem does not occur; that is, if the act does not damage
the Jews as a group. Jacob Katz says, Ethical norms
applied only to one's own kind.328 Just as it was morally
wrong to practice usury on fellow Jews and morally commendable
to be usurious with Gentiles, it is decreed morally ethical
for Jews to engage in profitable unethical acts toward Gentiles
as long as they can do so without harming the Jewish community.
The following passage from the vital Code of Maimonides clearly
shows the dual economic morality in business dealings. It
should not be forgotten that Jews consider Maimonides their
greatest philosopher during the enlightenment. A heathen cannot
prefer charges of overreaching because it is said " one
his brother" (Lev. 25:14).329 However, if a heathen has
defrauded an Israelite he must return the overcharge according
to our laws (in order that the rights of) a heathen should
not exceed (those of) an Israelite. ( The Code of Maimonides,
Book 12, The Book of Acquisition)330 Jewish teaching commanded
Jews to aid their brothers and not to compete with one another
in attempts to exploit Gentiles. Jacob Katz traces a large
body of Jewish literature forbidding competition between Jews.
They were barred from interfering with monopolies controlled
by other Jews and from underbidding fellow Jews. They were
always to cooperate with other Jews in the face of Gentile
competition so as not to lose the money of Israel.331
The Jewish Team Strategy
It is difficult to overstate how Jewish economic solidarity
and, when they deem them necessary, economic boycott or hostility
can injure commercial enterprise. In my chapter on media control,
I discussed the well-coordinated Jewish takeover of the Gentile-owned
Times-Herald in Washington, D.C., which was accomplished by
quietly having Jewish advertisers and agencies leave the Herald
and drive it into insolvency and then returning their revenue
after the newspaper was safely in Jewish hands. Such is indicative
of the many ways that group strategy can have tremendous economic
impact on almost any business enterprise.
Take, for example, the impact that government has on almost
any major corporation in America. Key bureaucrats can influence
government contracts, environmental compliance, civil rights,
tax liability, and regulations on items such as food and drugs.
If a Jewish government administrator has hostility toward
a particular corporation or a vested interest in it
obviously he can have a tremendous impact on its financial
health. If a Jew has an important corporate purchasing authority,
he can choose to buy a product from either a Gentile firm
or one owned by fellow Jews. His decision will have a profound
effect, for good or ill, on the two entities. The Gentile
in this instance has been conditioned to think that everyone
must be judged on his or her merits and that it would be immoral
to be biased for his own race. Furthermore, he learns that
his primary mission is the good of the company or government
agency he serves. The Jew, on the other hand, has been conditioned
from early life to think in terms of the good of his group
and of Gentile perfidy from Pharaoh to Hitler. Is it any wonder
that the Jewish manager is likely to choose the Jewish firm
to fill the contract or the Jewish applicant to fill the important
executive vacancy? Such actions might seem altruistic, but
they are also self-serving, for just as he knows he will assist
a fellow Jew when he can, he knows that somewhere along the
line he will be assisted in the same way.
A classic example of ruthless Jewish team business strategy
was revealed in a 2001 study by Avner Halperin of MIT's Faculty
of Business Administration. The Israeli daily Haaretz
had a story about Halperins study called, Why
American CEOs of Israeli Firms Fail. 332 It stated,
Lots of startups hired Americans as top executives in
order to facilitate entry into the United States market.
The gist of the article is that dozens of Israeli firms lured
American executives to their firms as executive officers so
as to get a jump start in American markets. Not surprisingly
for anyone who understands Jewish team ethics and strategy,
all the Gentile hires were fired after they had served their
purpose. The Jewish Mr. Halperin blames the firings on cultural
clashes between Jews and Gentiles, but the fact remains that
in his study of over 90 firms with 25% of them having hired
a Gentile CEO, that, The result: every one of the companies
wound up firing their American CEO.333 While ever increasing
numbers of American firms such as Disney are taken over by
team-aligned Jews (while Gentiles are told it would be wrong
to discriminate against Jews or any other minority), Jewish
firms work relentlessly purge any potential Gentile interlopers.
Historically there are many examples of this team effort
utilized for economic and political advantage. Roth discusses
the appointment of a Marrano Jew, Diego Arias Davilia, as
state treasurer in 15th century Spain.334 The terms Marrano
and New Christian are used to denote Jews who
falsely converted to Christianity, while practicing Judaism
covertly.335 Roth points out that through Davilias influence
many other New Christians rose to high positions.
He also shows that the Marranos also controlled all New World
imports and exports as well as their distribution in Spain.
If Roth is right and the Jews, as a closed syndicate, controlled
all the trade during that period, would not that cause hostility
from Gentile merchants? All over Europe the Jews used their
common languages and organizations to gain a competitive advantage
over Christians and Muslims in the Mediterranean region. In
his book The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic,
Stanford Shaw shows how Jews had a system of bills of exchange
honored only by other Jewish traders and bankers, giving them
a competitive edge.336 A case study in Opatow, Poland, during
the 17th and 18th centuries by Gershon Hundert called The
Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatow in the Eighteenth
Century337 illustrates how the Jews came to dominate commercial
life. There were constant complaints that the Jews refused
to join the craft guilds; that they controlled the trade and
prices of raw materials; that they imported finished goods
into the town, undercutting the local Christian artisans;
that they did not buy from Christians; that there were complaints
. . . that Jews had pushed Christians entirely out of commerce,
with the result that Christian merchants were forced to move
elsewhere.338 Hundert writes that "Jewish domination
of the town's commerce . . . was almost complete."339
He also notes that Jews came to dominate all phases of the
alcoholic beverage business, including its manufacturing,
distribution and retail. Some Jewish writers even implied
that Jewish union leaders in America were more inclined to
be conciliatory to management if their union membership was
mostly Gentile rather than Jewish.340 If that is true, then
one could presume that Jewish firms would be likely to get
more favorable labor agreements than Gentile firms. One can
easily see the powerful advantage such firms would have over
their Gentile competitors. There are many ways that group
cohesiveness and loyalty can corrupt and ultimately pervert
supposedly free markets.
Banks and Stock Exchanges
The first family of banking over the last two centuries has
been the Rothschilds. From them came the most powerful banking
houses of Europe. The founder of the House of Rothschild,
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, was born in 1743 in Frankfurt am
Main, Germany. Amschel studied first to be a rabbi and then
decided to go into moneylending and finance instead. He ultimately
became the financial agent of the British government during
the Napoleonic Wars and launched the greatest banking houses
in Europe, with his sons going to the continents major
capitals and establishing banks there. I read a very flattering
book on the Rothschilds that related the story of Mayer Amschels
most famous financial coup. During the great battle between
Napoleon and Wellington at Waterloo, the London stock market
suffered as traders worried about the possibility of Napoleons
victory. Amschel saw the important battle as an unparalleled
business opportunity. Knowing that if Napoleon won, the stock
market would crash, and that if France lost, the market would
soar, Amschel set up a system whereby he would learn the outcome
of the war before anyone else got the news. Using carrier
pigeons over land and a series of boats with signal lanterns
at intervals of a mile or so across the English Channel, he
learned before anyone else that Napoleon had lost at Waterloo.
He then had his confederates put out the false information
that Napoleon had won. This lie led to a devastating crash
of the London stock exchange. Valuable stocks sold for pennies
on the dollar. Amschel and his Jewish associates, knowing
that Britain had actually won, bought up the stocks for a
pittance. Overnight, as the London market learned of the British
victory, these stocks became worth a huge fortune. The book
presented the Rothschilds fraud as clever and admirable.
One must pause to think about the fortunes lost fortunes
that had been acquired by years of toil and genius
of businesses literally stolen from their creators, of lives
broken. Did the author think that this huge fortune simply
materialized out of the air? Did the author care that money
comes not only from those who create and lead companies, but
also from the hard work of thousands of laborers? Such a theft
affects salaries, working conditions, employment and many
other factors. Many hundreds of thousands ultimately had to
pay the high cost of Rothschilds swindle. Mayer Amschel
used the enormous wealth he acquired through his Waterloo
scheme (among others) to establish his five sons, Am schel,
Salomon, Nathan, Karl, and James, in their own banking houses
across Europe. As discussed in my chapter on the Russian Revolution,
the Rothschilds have readily used their massive wealth to
influence nations on behalf of Jewish interests, as when they
ripened Russia for revolution by canceling loans in protest
over the Czars May Laws.341 Rothschilds ill-gotten
wealth also effectively bought his family the first Jewish
seat in the British Parliament and even membership in the
British aristocracy. By combining the power of their own familys
huge banks and other Jewish-owned banks, they could literally
bring a nations economy to its knees. By dominating
international banking, they could set their own financial
terms to cash-hungry nations and amass even greater riches.
Because of the competitive advantages of Rothschilds
international contacts, Jews dominated private banking throughout
Europe. For instance, there was almost a complete absence
of Gentile banking firms in Prussia in the late 19th century.
In 1923 Berlin there were 150 Jewish banks and only 11 non-Jewish
banks.342 343 In the stock market, schemes similar to Rothschilds
Waterloo ploy have been used for generations, finally resulting
in the center of world trading, Wall Street, becoming dominated
by Jewish stock and investment- banker operations. In the
book Our Crowd and a relatively recent one, the New Crowd:
The Changing Jewish Guard on Wall Street, Jewish writers Judith
Ehrlich and Barry Rehfeld fawningly relate the overwhelming
Jewish takeover of the nexus of the American economy.344 345
Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken, who stole close to two billion
dollars between them, are glowing praised for their brilliance
and market savvy. When I was in high school, my father had
some modest stock investments. His broker was a politically
conservative Jew, R. Newmann of the firm of Kohlmeyer &
Company. I got a job working for Newmann, plotting curves
the term for charting stocks and commodities. At the
time of my employment, I had little understanding on the Jewish
issue. I liked Newmann, and he always seemed to have a pertinent
statement handy in response to the latest outrages of liberalism.
Newmann had made a fortune in the market, and while I worked
for him I discovered the real secret of making money in the
market and the reason Jews have come to dominate the brokerage
industry. Newmann was constantly on the phone with his fellow
Jews in New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. Each member
of his circle knew other Jews as well as a few Gentiles in
business, government, and media and at the critical junctures
of the market. In his conversations Newmann often spoke using
words that I could not understand: they were Yiddish. Occasionally,
after the telephone conversation, he would quickly write out
an order for a major stock or commodity purchase and have
me run it to the clerk for submission. I remember frequent
transactions that netted him tens of thousands of dollars.
I asked him what his secret was, and he told me that he had
no secret. Information, he said, thats
how you make real money in the market. You have to get the
information before the crowd gets it. Once it is in the newspapers
its too late.
He felt safe bragging
to a quiet high-school student,
and I listened and learned a lot.
Lets take the government, he said. Imagine
you knew someone in the Federal Reserve who had inside information
that Arthur Burns planned to raise interest rates. After all,
someone has to know these things before the world knows. How
could you do in the bond market or, for that matter, a dozen
other markets that are extremely interest rate sensitive?
Or how about if you knew a friend in the Department of Defense,
and he knew if Lockheed or McDonnell-Douglas would get the
new fighter-plane contract, do you think you could make a
fortune? Face it, someone must know ahead of time. Or how
about if your friends knew where the next military base would
be opened? Think you could do pretty well in real estate?
Or say you knew someone at the Justice Department who lets
you know that they will drop their antitrust litigation against
IBM. When that news comes out, what happens to the stock?
Would you buy IBM stock? And its not just government
information that can make you a kings ransom. For instance,
if you had friends at IBM and knew before anyone else that
IBM was going to give a contract for a hundred thousand computer
cases to a small company, what do you think might happen to
that penny stock? Theres a million ways, he would
tell me, how information means money. I asked
Newmann if insider trading was illegal, and he told me, They
might as well make breathing illegal. He said it was
technically illegal but that it was almost impossible to prove
and that it was not really even looked into except
in the most blatant cases usually involving huge amounts
of money. Years later, such manipulation of enormous sums
of money led to the biggest stock-market scandal in history.
In 1986 Dennis Levine, Ivan Boesky, Martin Siegel, and Michael
Milken were charged with insider trading of stocks and bonds
worth billions of dollars. Boesky admitted his guilt and was
fined $100 million, and millions more were eventually paid
by Milken, who after all the fines and litigation and some
jail time, still came out a very rich man. In 1987 Milken
made $550 million for his activities the year before
more than all but the top 41 of the Fortune 500 companies
earned that year. Levine, Boesky, Siegel, and Milken were
guilty of the greatest financial fraud perpetrated since the
Rothschilds theft of the English stock exchange. It
should also be noted that with their Jewish lawyers, and facing
Jewish judges, they served light sentences in minimum security
federal jails for their enormous crimes.
It is instructive to note how the Jewish power structure
reacted to the Boesky affair. Some top Jewish leaders, including
Laurence Tisch (who later became top man at CBS), Felix Rohatyn
(now U.S. ambassador to France), and David Gordis, executive
vice-president of the American Jewish Committee, came together
to do damage control. The Palm Beach Jewish World quoted Rabbi
Gordis as saying that because of the arrests, Jews would be
seen as exploiters of the economy and profiteers.346
If my friend Mr. Newmann was right and inside information
equals money in a modern market economy, what
does that mean for the most cohesive and organized group in
the world? Many Jewish young people are as knowledgeable in
finance from an early age as many Gentile kids are familiar
with the star players of the Super Bowl or World Series. Ivan
Boesky is exceptional only in the magnitude of his theft.
Insider information of one sort or another is incredible power
in the hands of people who know how to make use of it. Around
the corner, or around the world, it is the greatest weapon
in an economic war. The spoils of that war are not only the
luxuries that money can buy, but also the enormous political
and media power it purchases. The fact that tiny Jewish minorities
often rise to economic dominance in Gentile nations of both
the Mideast and Europe certainly played an important role
in the repeated rise of anti-Semitism. Even when businessmen
act perfectly legally, a cohesive and powerful team effort
will consistently amass collective power over a scattered
and individualistic mass. Such is the elemental nature of
business. When the team strategy is combined with inside information
garnered by Jewish penetration into upper-level administrative
roles in Government and businesses, the accumulation of incredible
power is inevitable. I was soon to learn, however, that the
secrets of Jewish financial success were far more than simply
intelligence and team effort. I came to learn about an unexpected
Jewish dominance in some of the most unsavory criminal enterprises
that have ever afflicted mankind. It was time for me to investigate
how the darkest sides of the Jewish character influenced the
rise of anti-Semitism.
I read that Jews have played a surprisingly powerful role in
organized crime from ancient to present times. From having watched
an endless stream of Hollywood movies portraying an Italian
flavor to gangsterism, I did not expect that the world wide
Jewish involvement in organized crime made Sicilians look very
small time.