Anti-Jihad News Bulletin w/c January 29, 2007
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Seven Britons accused of plotting to bomb clubs, trains
and synagogues in England planned to take their fight
to Pakistan and Afghanistan if they had succeeded, prosecutors
told a court. 'The overall desire was to further the (cause)
of jihad (Holy War) wherever and however it could be achieved,'
prosecution lawyer David Waters said in what police have
described as Britain's biggest terrorism trial since September
11 attacks on the United States. British forces are fighting
the militant Islamist Taliban in Afghanistan. The seven
are accused of conspiring to bomb high profile targets,
possibly including London's Ministry of Sound nightclub
and the huge Bluewater shopping centre in Kent using bombs
made from fertiliser. The defendants - Anthony Garcia,
Jawad Akbar, Omar Khyam, his brother Shujah Mahmood, Waheed
Mahmood, Nabeel Hussain, and Salahuddin Amin - deny conspiring
to cause an explosion 'likely to endanger life'. Garcia,
Khyam and Hussain deny possessing an article for terrorism
- the fertiliser. Khyam and Mahmood deny having aluminium
powder, an ingredient in explosives.
Britain suffered its worst peacetime attack on July 7,
2005, when four British Islamists blew themselves up on
three London underground trains and a bus, killing 52
people and wounding more than 700. Authorities say another
such attack is wholly possible. The prosecution said the
trial was not a witch-hunt against the defendants' religious
beliefs. 'Of course it would be ludicrous to approach
the allegations in a vacuum and pretend the backdrop or
religious or political motivations does not exist,' Waters
said. 'But having acknowledged that it is only a backdrop,
what we are concerned about are allegations of crime.'
For last weeks Dispatches program on
Britains Channel Four, a reporter with a hidden
camera entered Birminghams Green Lane mosque (which
has won praise from Britains Muslim peer, Lord Ahmed)
and other leading mosques in Britain. He found they preached
Islamic supremacism, hatred of Jews and Christians, and
the subjugation of women. The mosques, of course, are
in heavy damage-control mode. A press release at the Green
Lane mosque website complains that it is extremely
disappointing but not at all surprising that Dispatches
has chosen to portray Muslims in the worst possible light.
Dispatches has opted for sensationalism over
substance with total disregard for peaceful community
relations. And not only that: This so-called
undercover investigation merely panders to
age-old anti-Muslim prejudices by employing the time-honoured
tradition of cherry picking statements and presenting
them in the most inflammatory manner. The statement
doesnt address the obvious fact that it would be
difficult, if not impossible, to cherry-pick statements
anywhere near as hateful and inflammatory as those recorded
in the Green Lane mosque from proceedings in any Jewish,
Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist house of worship. Among
the statements recorded in the Green Lane mosque were
these about women: Allah has created the woman
even if she gets a Ph.D. deficient. Her intellect
is incomplete, deficient.
She may be suffering from hormones that will make her
emotional. It takes two witnesses of a woman to equal
the one witness of the man. By the age of
ten, it becomes an obligation on us to force her to wear
hijab, and if she doesnt wear hijab, we hit her.
Men are in charge of women. Wherever he goes she
should follow him, and she shouldnt be allowed leave
the house without his permission. How inflammatory!
How extremist! And how inveterately Quranic! The
Muslim holy book declares that a womans testimony
is worth half that of a man: Get two witnesses,
out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then
a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses,
so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her
(Quran 2:282). It also says that men are in charge
of women, and that disobedient women should be beaten:
Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made
the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend
of their property (for the support of women). So good
women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which
Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion,
admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge
them (4:34). The same is true of other statements
made in the mosque, including these about Britain and
the Islamic state: You have to live like a state
within a state until you take over. We want
the laws of Islam to be practiced, we want to do away
with the man-made laws.
Muslims shouldnt be satisfied with living
in other than the total Islamic state. I encourage
all of you to be from amongst them, to begin to cultivate
ourselves for the time that is fast approaching where
the tables are going to turn and the Muslims are going
to be in the position of being uppermost in strength,
and when that happens, people wont get killed
unjustly. Allah has decreed this thing, that
I am going to be dominant. The dominance of course is
a political dominance. Such statements have been
vividly expressed in the writings of twentieth century
jihad theorists such as the Egyptian Sayyid Qutb and the
Pakistani Syed Abul Ala Maududi. Said Qutb: It is not
the function of Islam to compromise with the concepts
of Jahiliyya [the society of unbelievers] which are current
in the world or to co-exist in the same land together
with a jahili system
.Islam cannot accept any mixing
with Jahiliyyah. Either Islam will remain, or Jahiliyyah;
no half-half situation is possible. Command belongs to
Allah, or otherwise to Jahiliyyah; Allahs Sharia
[law] will prevail, or else peoples desires
foremost duty of Islam is to depose Jahiliyyah from the
leadership of man
. Maududi likewise wrote that non-Muslims
have absolutely no right to seize the reins of power
in any part of Gods earth, nor to direct the collective
affairs of human beings according to their own misconceived
doctrines. If they do, the believers would
be under an obligation to do their utmost to dislodge
them from political power and to make them live in subservience
to the Islamic way of life. But Qutb and Maududi
did not originate these ideas.
They are an extrapolation of Quranic passages such
as 9:29, which assumes that Muslims will wield state power
over Jews and Christians, exacting from them a poll tax
(jizya) and making sure that they pay it with willing
submission, and feel themselves subdued. There is
no concept in the Quran, Islamic tradition, or Islamic
law of non-Muslims living as equals with Muslims in an
Islamic state: Muslims must be in a superior position.
The Muslim prophet Muhammad emphasized this when he told
his followers: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way
of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah.
Make a holy war
When you meet your enemies who are
polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If
they respond to any one of these you also accept it and
withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them
to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from
them and desist from fighting against them
If they
refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If
they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your
hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allahs
help and fight them. (Sahih Muslim 4294) Of course, there
are many ways to understand all these passages and others
like them.
But the fact that the views expressed by the Muslims in
the Channel Four documentary can be found in the Islamic
scriptures without much effort suggests that the problem
is far larger than a few mosques that were thought to
be moderate but turn out to be extremist.
It is a problem that is deeply rooted within traditional
Islam, and must be treated as such. Muslims in Britain
who sincerely reject the idea that Islam must be dominant
and that Islamic law must be instituted in Britain, and
that women and non-Muslims must be subjugated, and who
accept the idea that non-Muslims and Muslims should live
together as equals on an indefinite basis, should not
condemn the Dispatches documentary. Instead,
they should welcome it as a opportunity not only to expel
extremists from their ranks, and to formulate
a comprehensive rejection and refutation of their literalist
understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. But so far
they are not doing that. Instead, the Muslim Council of
Britain, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee of the United
Kingdom, the Federation of Student Islamic Societies,
and the UK Islamic Mission have all denounced the program
as Islamophobic. None have taken even a single
step to combat the spread of the understanding of Islam
depicted in the show, or to mitigate the elements of Islam
that incite to violence and inculcate Islamic supremacism.
And that itself is very, very telling.
3. MUSLIM YOUTH REJECTING UK,,2-2007040620,00.html
MORE than 100,000 young UK Muslims hold extremist or anti-British
beliefs, a shock report suggests today. Tens of thousands
think Muslims who switch religions should be punished
by death. More than a third want Taliban-style Sharia
law, which regards women rape victims as guilty and says
adulterers should be killed by stoning. And more than
one in ten of the 16 to 24-year-olds polled admire
Osama bin Ladens al-Qaeda and other terror groups.
The survey was carried out last month for centre-right
think tank Policy Exchange. Census figures show there
are about 320,000 British Muslims in the age group polled
suggesting 100,000 are rejecting British values
and culture. The poll found three-quarters think women
should cover their whole face with a veil. Four out of
ten plan to send their kids to Islamic-only schools. The
Policy Exchange report says: There is a growing
religiosity amongst the younger generation of Muslims.
They feel they have less in common with non-Muslims
and show a stronger preference for Islamic schools and
Sharia law. Security chiefs have warned ministers
that Britain is almost certainly facing another terror
strike by home-grown fanatics. The poll reveals only six
per cent of youngsters believe the Muslim Council of Britain
represents their views. That is a huge blow to Tony Blair
who believes the body can play an important part in improving
community relations.
A growing minority of young Muslims are inspired by political
Islam and feel they have less in common with non-Muslims
than their parents do, a survey reveals today. The poll
found support for Sharia law, Islamic schools and wearing
the veil in public is stronger among young Muslims than
their parents. While the majority of Muslims feel they
have as much, if not more, in common with non-Muslims
in Britain than with Muslims abroad, the figure dropped
from 71% of over-55s to 62% among 16 to 24-year-olds,
the survey of more than 1000 Muslims in the UK over the
phone and internet for independent think-tank Policy Exchange
found. The percentage who said they would prefer to send
their children to Islamic state schools increased from
19% for over 55-year-olds to 37% of those aged 16 to 24.
The number who said they would prefer to live under Sharia
law than British law increased from 17% of over-55s to
37% of 16 to 24-year-olds. One of Scotland's leading Muslims
said he was not surprised by the survey results.
Bashir Maan, Scottish spokesman for the Muslim Council
of Great Britain, said: 'The selfish and hypocritical
policies practised by George W Bush and Tony Blair in
Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East, and controversies
such as Jack Straw's attitude to Muslim women wearing
veils and raids on the homes of Muslims, particularly
in England, has led to the radicalisation of some members
of the Muslim community. The emergence of a strong Muslim
identity in Britain is, in part, a result of multicultural
policies implemented since the 1980s which have emphasised
difference at the expense of shared national identity.
Munira Mirza 'It is worrying that such policies are giving
fuel to those who would promote radicalism. We don't want
any young people to be radicalised.
We want them to grow up as good Muslims and good citizens
of the society they are living in.' Munira Mirza, the
lead author of the report, said the results suggested
government policy was to blame for sharpening divisions
between Muslims and non-Muslims.
She said: 'The emergence of a strong Muslim identity in
Britain is, in part, a result of multicultural policies
implemented since the 1980s which have emphasised difference
at the expense of shared national identity and divided
people along ethnic, religious and cultural lines.' According
to the poll, 74% of 16 to 24-year-olds prefer Muslim women
to choose to wear the hijab compared with only 28% of
over 55s. While 7% of all those surveyed 'admire organisations
like al Qaeda that are prepared to fight the West', the
figure increased from 3% of over 55s to 13% among 16 to
24-year-olds. Ms Mirza said: 'There is clearly a conflict
within British Islam between a majority that accepts the
norms of Western democracy and a growing minority that
does not.' She continued: 'Religiosity among younger Muslims
is not about following their parents' cultural traditions,
but rather, their interest in religion is more politicised.
'Islamist groups have gained influence at local and national
level by playing the politics of identity and demanding
for Muslims the right to be different'.' The report also
found that authorities and some Muslim groups had exaggerated
the problem of Islamophobia, which had fuelled a sense
of victimhood among Muslims. Despite widespread concerns
about Islamophobia, 84% of Muslims believed they had been
treated fairly in British society. Just over a quarter
(28%) believed authorities in Britain had gone 'over the
top' in trying not to offend Muslims.
The poll found 75% believed it was wrong for High Wycombe
local council to ban an advertisement for a Christmas
carol service in 2003, and 64% said Dudley Council in
the West Midlands was wrong to have banned all images
of pigs from its offices in 2005 for fear of offending
That the UK had become, by 2000, the European center for
the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamic terror
and extremism is not disputed. The debate over how this
came to be is ongoing. A bold attempt to answer the question
was made this past summer with the release of the groundbreaking
book Londonistan by Melanie Phillips, an award-winning
journalist at the UKs Daily Mail. On January 16,
Phillips spoke to an audience of more than 250 at a JINSA
event in the Detroit suburb of West Bloomfield. Londonistan
author Melanie Phillips at JINSA event in Michigan.Phillips
said she wrote Londonistan to rouse Britain out of what
she argued was a palpable state of denial over the jihadist
war being waged against it. The story began
in 1979 with the Islamic revolution in Iran. It was then
that leading elements within radical Muslim circles began
to believe that restoration of the Islamic caliphate was
indeed within their grasp and set about achieving this
goal. Phillips informed her audience that it took less
than two decades for Britains transformation into
the European center for the promotion, recruitment
and financing of Islamic terror and extremism. Britain
secured this dubious distinction via a perfect storm of
two seemingly disparate developments: a severe relaxation
of immigration standards in the 1980s and 1990s during
which the UK received a large influx of radical Islamists
and immigrants susceptible to the message of radical Islam
and a widespread repudiation of the supremacy of British
cultural and social norms.
This systematic undermining of the values, laws and traditions
that defined what it meant to be British began in the
1980s and Islamist elements moved eagerly and rapidly
into the resulting social and cultural vacuum. Phillips
cited some alarming facts to illustrate the rise of fundamentalist
Islam in the UK: * London is home to al-Qaedas European
headquarters. * Sixty percent of British Muslims would
like sharia law to be established in Great Britain. *
Numerous individuals residing in the UK would face arrest
in their birth countries on charges of being a threat
to the state. * The UKs domestic security services
are currently tracking 1,600 individual terrorists who
have already expressed a willingness to die for their
cause. * The UKs domestic security services discovered
more than 30 plots to attack in Britain using dirty bombs
or other radiological devices. * The UKs domestic
security services currently monitor 200 organizations
in Britain that have been deemed terrorist threats to
British citizens. Despite these facts, many Britons have
convinced themselves that terrorist attacks in the UK
are a reaction to anti-Muslim bias, Phillips contended.
The terrorist elements in Britain are explained as disaffected
youths driven to violence by racism and poverty. Such
assertions are ludicrous, Phillips declared. The London
subway bombers were young, British-born men well integrated
into their surrounding communities.
Their economic status ranged from solidly middle class
to wealthy. The reason such Islamic extremists engage
in acts of terrorism is quite simply that terror
works, Phillips believes. This was, in fact, the
reason offered by Dhiran Barot, a British citizen, upon
his 2004 arrest in England for plotting with at least
two other British citizens to attack financial institutions
in New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC. The state
of denial evident in Britain extends to Western Europe,
the United States and Israel. Defeatism, appeasement
and cultural collapse are at the root of the problem,
Phillips observed. Traditional British values have been
hollowed out and in their places fundamentalist Islam
took up residence. As a result, multiculturalism is seen
as more legitimate than national identity and supranational
organizations like the United Nations and the European
Court of Human Rights are seen as more legitimate than
British governing bodies. So, Phillips said, terror victims
blame themselves and/or try to explain away terrorist
behavior as aberrant, random acts perpetrated by copy
cats emulating what they see going on in other parts
of the world. A 1930s-style appeasement is
the result where logic is turned on its head as the British
public desperately latches onto specious explanations
for these horrific events. Phillips said that many in
the UK contend that once the Israel-Palestinian impasse
is settled, Islamist terror will cease to exist. She described
how the entirety of Britains non-Muslim population
is divided and that even among those who acknowledge the
threat posed by jihadist Islam, most prefer to stay silent.
Even in Middle Britain, the equivalent of
the American red states, isolationism is seen
as the most effective response to jihadi terror.
Not all Muslims are involved in terrorism, Phillips took
great pains to emphasize. She pointed out that many of
the most troublesome Muslim immigrants to the UK were
in fact expelled from their countries of origin including
Saudi Arabia because of their radicalism. Phillips pointed
out that the more moderate countries with Muslim majorities
understand the dangers posed by jihadist elements in their
population better than Britons. They recognize, for example,
women who wear the veil are making a political statement
that they are separate from society. While many in Great
Britain wring their hands over whether or not to ban veils
in certain circumstances, Tunisia and Turkey have already
done so, she noted. Phillips did find cause for hope,
The West, including Great Britain, is waking up slowly
to the threat, she believes. The watershed moment was
not the infamous July 7, 2005 bombings but the foiled
transatlantic plot to blow up 12 airliners en route to
the United States from Britain in August 2006. Britons
could no longer ignore the fact that this plan was far
too sophisticated to have been hatched by disaffected
youths enraged by their lot in life. The plot forced the
public to confront the reality that homegrown terror attacks
were not random acts of violence, but rather a war against
the country. Phillips related that days after the foiled
airliner plot, 38 moderate Muslim groups in
the UK demanded that the government alter its foreign
policy immediately as Britains Iraq and Israel policies
were encouraging terrorist attacks. The British public
responded to the veiled threat with deserved outrage.
Phillips, who was moved to cautious optimism by this slow
change toward sanity on the part of her country,
closed her address by recounting a December 2006 statement
by Prime Minister Tony Blair: No distinctive culture
or religion supersedes our duty to be part of an integrated
United Kingdom.
Daniel Pipes, columnist, scholar of Middle Eastern history,
counter-terrorism expert, founder of both the Middle East
Forum (publishing the Middle East Quarterly) and Campus
Watch, an author of 14 books, is well known in the US
and the blogosphere, where he maintains his own weblog.
Though not against Muslims, Pipes has been critical of
radical Islam and its incompatibility with democratic
values. On April 4, 2006, Dr Pipes was invited by Ken
Livingstone, left-wing mayor of London, to attend a conference
on the subject of the 'Clash of Civilizations'. Popularized
by Samuel Huntington in 1993 and again in a book of the
same name in 1996, the notion of a clash of civilizations
has become a popular means of explaining and perceiving
the modern world, particularly after 9/11.
The office of the Mayor of London advertised the conference,
which was to be held on January 20, 2007. The event was
to last from 10 am to 8 pm, with a host of speakers at
various seminars. The event went ahead, with all tickets
sold, and most of the planned speakers showed up. Livingstone's
debate with Dr Pipes was billed as the 'main debate'.
Pipes had Douglas Murray of the Social Affairs Unit as
is co-speaker, and Livingstone had Salma Yaqoob as his
partner. This debate was chaired by Gavin Esler, a host
of BBC's Newsnight current affairs show. Despite the advance
publicity, the conference was not given one column inch
of coverage in any of Britain's mainstream press outlets.
The BBC has nothing on its website, and nothing was mentioned
on national TV news.
The only sources of information on how the debate progressed
comes from weblogs. The Muslim Council of Britain fielded
their press spokesman Inayat Bunglawala to Seminar E (Enlightenment
values and modern society) and their secretary general
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari to Seminar A (Is Britain becoming
more segregated?), yet MCB could only place a brief mention
of the event on their website. Martin Bright, political
editor of the New Statesman, took part in Seminar G (Is
there an Islamic threat?), but nothing is mentioned on
the NS website or on his weblog.
The Mayor of London's office made no mention of the conference
after it had wound up, not even to blandly conclude that
'a good time was had by all' or to thank those who participated.
The only sources available - mostly blogs - conclude that
in the main debate between Pipes and Livingstone, entitled
'A World Civilization or a Clash of Civilizations', Dr
Pipes was the victor. Even a site with a left-wing bias,
such as Harry's Place and Pickled Politics appeared favorable
to Daniel Pipes' skills in presentation. The latter blog
described Livingstone's argument as 'a rambly sort of
speech without structure'. The same account described
Pipes's performance thus: '...despite my distaste for
his politics, was much more structured, well thought-out
and argued.....his central point was this - there isn't
a Clash of Civilisations as much as a Clash of Civilisations
v Barbarism.' The conference is reported upon by Oliver
Kamm of the Times who took part in Seminar E (Enlightenment
Values and modern society) and Seminar K (Democratic Solutions
in the Middle East).
Though Kamm makes wry observations of the two seminars
in which he participated, and also the participants, such
as Inayat Bunglawala and Linda Bellos, he does not deal
with the Pipes and Murray v Livingstone and Yaqoob debate.
Daniel Pipes writes of the event having taken place, but
perhaps through personal modesty he does not give away
details of the progression of arguments. Instead, he defers
to other blogsites where witnesses have submitted their
own accounts. Sharon Chadha discussed the main debate
of the conference and noted that Livingstone, who opened
the debate, bemoaned the Cold War, describing it as a
'sinister plot designed by a small group of Americans
who were intent on world domination.' She wrote: 'If Mayor
Livingstone seemed intent on promoting London, and Britain
in general as a multicultural success story, Dr. Pipes
countered that because so many Britons have participated
in terror plots around the world, citing some 15 instances,
the reality was the opposite: One could even make the
case that because of this history, Britain should be added
to the list of state sponsors of terrorism.' As described
by 'Gandalf' at Up Pompeii, Pipes had compared the tensions
between Islam and the West to a war. In the case of Vietnam,
the war had been abandoned by Americans, not 'lost'. Gandalf
states: 'Dr Pipes went on to say how the UK was now the
biggest terror threat to the US because of Muslims in
the UK he cited Richard Reid and the UK connections in
the 9/11 atrocity, this brought a standing ovation from
the supporters of Dr Pipes because they recognised the
damage that was being done to UK-US relations because
of the presence of these people in the UK.' 'Maybe I have
taken a rather simplistic view and in interpretation of
what Dr Pipes said, I do not think for one minute that
Dr Pipes is suggesting that we all sit back and wait for
Islam to give up, Islam has to be made to give up and
that, in my opinion is the message that Dr Pipes was giving.'
David Pryce-Jones in the National Review states: 'Carefully
he (Dr Pipes) distinguished the religion of Islam from
Islamism, a totalitarian ideology with which there could
be no compromise. He was looking for victory over it.
He and his seconder, Douglas Murray, a brilliant young
British intellectual, made the point that moderate Muslims
had to be supported against extremist Islamists.
And suddenly their arguments began to shift the audience
away from Livingstone, and to attract a lot of applause.
The war on terror has a long way still to go, but victorious
battles like this one in a debating hall may mean fewer,
or even no, future battles in the field or on the streets.'
Livingstone's argument is the most hard to decipher. Jonathan
Hoffman on Adloyada writes of the fact that Ken Livingstone
admitted to meeting with leaders of the IRA when he was
head of the Greater London Council, and spoke of his meeting
with the Islamist Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the 'spiritual
leader' of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hoffman writes: 'He
does not agree with the Caliphate but is prepared to speak
to Qaradawi because he represents 'the future of Islam'.
Here he quoted Max Hastings who apparently said that there
was no point in studying any culture except that of Europe
. The Chief Rabbi had spoken about a 'tsunami of anti-Semitism
in Europe' but here in London it had declined. Ken's peroration
followed. The US had been able to vanquish Communism because
of its superior economic power. But now the US was increasingly
having to share economic power with China and increasingly
India . He linked this back to multiculturalism and the
need to appreciate all cultures.' Whether or not Qaradawi
represents the 'future of Islam', he certainly represents
a mentality present in contemporary Islam.
His support for the murder of civilians in Israel seems
to be a view held within many strands of the Muslim international
community. Livingstone invited Qaradawi to London in 2004.
He has even compared the Islamist leader to Pope John
XXIII, who introduced the reforms of Vatican II, describing
Qaradawi as 'An absolutely sane Islamist'. Livingstone
said in 2005: 'Of all the Muslim leaders in the world
today, Sheikh Qaradawi is the most powerfully progressive
force for change and for engaging Islam with western values.
I think his is very similar to the position of Pope John
XXIII.' In the debate, Douglas Murray took Livingstone
to task for his support of Qaradawi, stating that the
Islamist sheikh was not the sort of Muslim the West should
be cultivating. Murray, aged only 27, received several
ovations during his speech, which was said to be delivered
with force. Livingstone's choice of partner on the rostrum,
Salma Yaqoob, was hardly likely to raise the level of
intellectual debate. Yaqoob is a member of Birmingham
City Council, and belongs to the 'Respect' party, whose
most famous (infamous?) representative is George Galloway,
the apologist for Saddam Hussain. Her inability to construct
an argument, even in writing, can be evidenced here. Most
comments on the debate note that Yaqoob, who supports
the introduction of Sharia law, excused the attacks of
9/11 and 7/7 by claiming they were provoked by American
(and British) actions in the Muslim world.
She said of this: 'Do you expect us not to fight back?'
Gandalf stated that she compared the Coalition forces
to Crusaders and claimed the US only invaded Iraq in the
pursuit of oil. As Gandalf writes: 'Dr Pipes corrected
her on this point and she did not reply to his statement.
This ladies (sic) attitude was venomous and hateful and
I am certain that I was not the only one that picked up
on that.' Salma Chadha notes that: 'If Mayor Livingstone
did not elect to call his invited guest Dr. Pipes a racist
or an Islamophobe himself, his debate partner, Councillor
Salma Yaqoob of Birmingham, had no trouble doing so, even
if this meant distorting the American scholar's remarks
and extensive written record. For example, Councillor
Yaqoob identified Dr. Pipes as a presidential advisor
and proponent of the Bush administration's Iraq policy,
assertions that as Dr. Pipes pointed out, have no basis
in fact.' Ms Chadha described Yaqoob's demeanor as 'shrill,
demagogic'. Hoffman states: 'Predictably she attacked
Pipes for evading 'the history of Western colonialism
in the Middle East' and 'the attempt of the US neocons
to remold the Middle East in their own image'.' Ami, writing
on Harry's Place notes that in the 'question and answer'
session, Ken Livingstone 'got the biggest groan of the
day, when he answered a question about supporting moderate
Muslims by saying he supported the progressive Qaradawi,
the strongest force for modernisation in Islam today.
He said: I don't agree with him on homosexuality, but
he is the future! Up till then, his main address had been
very judicious and politic: you could agree with parts,
disagree with much, but still entertain his arguments.
Now he descended into the loony Ken persisting in defending
the indefensible.
This elicited forceful responses from Pipes and others
about what Qaradawi stands for.' During questions, Inayat
Bunglawala of the MCB, not known for judicious comments,
'challenged Pipes for opposing Islamicism even if it used
lawful means of non violent Islamification. What kind
of democracy was that, he yelled.' To which Pipes responded
that 'A totalitarian movement uses different means to
reach power, vide Hitler. Hitler achieved office through
the ballot box, not that he got the support of the majority
of the electorate.' Beila Rabinowitz and William A. Mayer
at Pipeline News state: 'In stark contrast to Pipes and
Murray, the London Mayor's speech was standard leftist
boilerplate, alleging the Cold War was part and parcel
of the United States' hegemonistic designs for dominion
over all and in what must have represented a Stalinist
flashback moment for many in the audience, actually blaming
America for victimizing the Soviet Union. He then expanded
his comments into a general attack on Western values,
though he was careful to delimit his espoused multiculturalism,
cutting short of endorsing the practice of cannibalism.'
At the end of the debate, Ms Chadha states: 'Gavin Esler,
the BBC newsman who chaired the panel, ended the debate
by quipping that he hoped press coverage of the event
would go beyond the obvious headline that Mayor Livingstone
had finally taken a stand against cannibalism.' The press
coverage was non-existent. An event which, during an entire
day, had brought together representatives from the British
media and well-known Muslims, such as Tariq Ramadan (speaker
at Seminar G - Is there an Islamic threat?) should surely
have merited some comment, even if only a cursory mention.
An estimated 5,000 people were in attendance, including
150 representatives from the media, but the press, including
the Muslim press, ignored the event. According to the
blogsite Solomonia: 'Pipes was magnificent at the Conference.
Daniel went into the lion's den and not only did he survive,
he pulverised the lion.' The timing of the opening debate,
the morning of a Saturday, has been noted by commenters,
and also some of those attending the event at the Queen
Elizabeth II Conference Center, seemed designed to exclude
Jewish people from attending the Livingstone/Pipes clash.
Perhaps the last word should be reserved for Daniel Pipes
himself: 'Despite the many journalists and video cameras,
and despite the GLA having recorded and simultaneously
transcribed the event, and despite two and a half days
having passed since it took place, there has been 'quite
to my surprise' not a single media account of the debate,
nor a video made available, nor a transcript..... it would
seem that the mayor's supporters took a pass on reporting
the event.' The claim by Dr. Pipes that the UK is now
the biggest terror threat to the US because of (radical)
Muslims in the UK is perhaps the most significant and
far-reaching observation from the debate. Britain refuses
to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir, and has allowed the activists of
the now-disbanded group Al-Muhajiroun to continue openly
campaigning against democracy and promoting terror.
These individuals are the wet-nurses of terrorism. Pipes
cited Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber, who was indoctrinated
by Al-Muhajiroun. As culpable as the Islamist radicals
who thrive in Britain are the government officials and
civil servants from MI6 and the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office. These are actively engaged in a policy of 'Engaging
With the Islamic World'. The FCO's 'Engaging with the
Islamic World Group (EIWG)' was founded in 2003, while
Al-Muhajiroun was still active. With an annual budget
of $15.8 million, this group, headed by 26-year old Mockbul
Ali, a former student radical, actively promotes dialogue
with radicals such as Qaradawi. Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed,
the godfather of Hizb ut-Tahrir's British chapter, and
spiritual ideologue of Al-Muhajiroun, was allowed openly
to preach radicalism and hate for 20 years in Britain.
Not once was he taken to court. Radical Islamists thrive
in Britain, and are threatening the British/American 'special
relationship'. But they do this solely because the UK
authorities allow them to.