So, now Barack Obama is proposing "Ladders of Opportunity"
for Black People, to "Heal the Wounds" caused by White Europeans
ridding the entire planet of Slavery and setting Black people and everybody
else free. Life living with White people can't be that bad if so many people come
to Britain and America to seek asylum in preference to any other country.
( Never mind the rest of the planet, lets all go and be a 'Victim
of the White Male' in a White country ) There is only ONE way to 'Heal the Wounds' of Black People, and that
is for Black People to accept responsibility for their own Success or
Failure. Time and time again in the run up to the US elections we have
heard about the possibility of the 'Race Factor' going against you, the
implication being that if White voters fail to vote for you it will be
the result of 'White Racism' That means equality of scrutiny, equality of comparison, equality of
historical examination. And finally, just to rub salt in the Un-Healed Wounds caused by us dreadful White Folks and the 'Legacy' of our terrible slave trade, follow the link below to read about the Black African Slave trade in Africa TODAY !! Copied below is an extract to whet your appetite for more information, information that gets IGNORED and hushed up !! Black African Slave Traders 1997 ... "I
have before me a news story written by a correspondent for the London
Daily Telegraph. It's a story about the flourishing child-slavery business
in West Africa: in countries like Nigeria, Togo, Benin, and Gabon. Businessmen
in the coastal cities send buyers into the interior with buses, where
they collect surplus children, in the seven- to 15-year-old age range,
and bring them back in groups of 50 to 100 -- in other words, a bus load
-- to the slave markets on the coast. Typically the buyers pay parents
anywhere from 10 to 30 dollars per child. In some areas, they simply bribe
local officials to look the other way and kidnap the children. Ladders of opportunity Mr Obama ?? 'Time For Change' Mr Obama ?? Dead right it is !!
![]() Who are they ?? They are ... Blue-State Digital. This is the same team that co-ordinated Barack Obama's campaign for the White House !!
The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
The difference now is that the enemy ( Marxists ) are not wearing uniforms or pointing guns. They are walking amongst us, as one of us, but hell bent on getting rid of us !! Their weapons are the Media, Trade Unions, Educational Establishments, and our Employment options and prospects. They are operating in EXACTLY the same way as the hated 'Stazi' in the former Communist block of Eastern Europe. But by far their dirtiest weapon has been the forced imposition of Multiculturalism and Diversity upon the British people. In the long term, our Marxist masters intended to use this social stew to create devastating social strife, perhaps even Civil War, to create a diversion so that the man in the street was too stressed out to understand clearly what was being engineered, who by, and why. These plans were laid out and put in motion before most of us were born, but since then, the Internet has exposed them, thank God ! The Marxists who are currently living and working amongst us on a day to day basis, are in fact political 'Fifth Columnists' or 'Sleepers' We must all be vigilant, and watch out for any dirty tricks designed to create friction and violence between the various social groups. Just like this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and ???????????? The words "Racist" and "Racism" Just what do these words mean ? A RACIST is anyone who is winning an argument with a Labour Supporter ! I cant remember where I first saw this definition, but it seems to sum things up very nicely. We have problems because of the lack of precise definitions of what the words Racism or Racist mean. At the present time they have been made into emotional "CLICK" words with little or no meaning, other than the tone of voice used to say them at the time. They have been designed to make people have a "Feel Bad" factor about something or someone without really knowing why. So far it has worked very well at doing this. Getting the questions raised in peoples minds about just what the words racist and racism mean, would be a very good idea, but how ! Mr Average will not ask these questions unless forced to for some reason, and then will probably accept the most "comfortable" definitions given to him by someone else. This is because Political Correctness has been used to place anyone who raises these questions, under suspicion of being guilty of "RACISM" WOW ! Even Al Capone, never had any rackets that were this good !! Recommended reading ......"The Trial" By Franz Kafka. Also, and on this site ... What is Racism ? Magna Carta I would like to see the BNP make it a policy to promote on a poster or the like, outside of every School and Town Hall in which they gain influence, the principles of Magna Carta, and how it reflects from street level all the way to top. It would require just a very simple "Flow Chart" to graphically show how democracy works, and that the man in the street is "Supreme" And NOT the other way around as we have today. Today it's very much a case of the "Tail Wagging The Dog" The "Enemy Within" How multiculturalism and political correctness take hold of a country. "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men." *** - Cicero, Speech to the Roman Senate. *** Example ... Shut up and keep your job / wages today, but become extinct tomorrow ... ![]() I put together this page for Minority Interests to help stop any troublemakers. If you hear of any mischief tell someone, tell ANYONE ! Because of the nature of the Internet, it should be quit easy to counter the 'worst' of what our Marxist masters may have in store for all of us. And I do mean all. So be alert, obey the law at all times, and keep the peace. That way we can all work together to 'Scupper' the Marxists !! Or any other troublemakers. Trouble could come from any quarter, but it is most likely to come from the left wing on their way down, and then blame others. The left / Marxists have many years, and a worlwide history of it. There is just no telling how many 'False Flag' operations the Marxists have carried out locally, and nationally. Keep your respective Spokes-Persons well informed of any attempts to cause trouble, no matter who they may be. But don't rely upon them alone, there are plenty of people around who have been 'Bought Off' by the Marxists with favours & employment positions, etc. Get the information out in the Public Domain, that's easy with the Internet. Just post your information on a Blog , Group, or Message Board. ![]() ![]() As the Marxists continue to fall they will do anything to try and cover for themselves, after all, they know that they are being exposed and called to account ! Don't be under any illusion, they are panicking, as their deliberate Balkanisation of Britain becomes ever more apparent. Why do you think that this Labour Government, went to so much trouble to put BNP Chairman Nick Griffin on trial. And for WHAT !! ... Sean Bryson
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Nick Griffin assesses the significance of Obamas Presidential victory. An outgoing Republican President leaves behind him an American economy in free fall, and a Democrat wins the race to replace him. No surprise in the USA then. Obamas inevitable victory was against a liberal puppet of the plutocrats whose greed has wrecked the economy not just of America but of the entire world. This is not the result of some zeitgeist change in the USA that heralds a bright new leftist dawn of peace and harmony under a brilliant new leader who will heal ills just by touching the afflicted. Obama was elected because McCain represented the party which Americans blame for turning the cash withdrawal machines they called houses into giant millstones of ever increasing debt and despair. While Obamas undeniable charisma and brilliant Internet campaign played an important role in his victory, in the end this was not so much about the Democrats winning as it was a matter of the Republicans losing. McCains poll ratings tracked the Dow Jones stock market index and he was doomed when he stated that the fundamentals of the American economy were sound on the very day that Bear Sterns collapsed. Thats all there is to it. The Obama halo is relative to his opponent, and within weeks of his not having an opponent that halo will begin to lose its lustre. And so it should. Because, unnoticed by Americans or rather, unreported by the liberal-left media Barak Obama played a key role in the creation of the sub-prime disaster that has propelled him to power. The disaster started when a community organizer in Chicago named Madeline Talbott began to use the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to build her political influence among the citys black community. The CRA itself was a piece of bankster greed dressed up as PC folly. The politicians who passed it thought they were voting to make it easier for poor people minorities especially to get mortgages despite having bad credit ratings. The banksters who wanted it passed wanted to be relieved of the inconvenient shackles of prudence that prevented them from getting another huge tranche of US society into unrepayable and hence highly profitable debt. Talbott made a lucrative career out of suing or threatening institutions over real or perceived discrimination against blacks, and the CRA gave her the opportunity to take them to the cleaners. She set up a direct action campaign group, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and set about intimidating various banks into giving loans to poor blacks and out of court settlement payouts to her. She was greatly helped in this when she hooked up with a slick and highly capable young community activist in Chicago, who she hired to train her ACORN agitators. Her new friend, one Barak Obama, taught them confrontational tactics learned from various 1960s Black Power activists he idolised (his favourite was Malcolm X), and secured campaign money from the left-philanthropic Woods Fund. This helped ACORN secure its greatest triumph, when Talbott in 1993 persuaded US mortgage giant Fannie Mae to roll out a $55 million national pilot programme to give mortgages to people with troubled credit histories. The rest, as they say, is history except for the suffering yet to be endured by untold millions whose lives are going to be savaged by the Second Great Depression caused when the banksters/black agitators boom went bust. Still, the McCain camp were too PC, and too heavily implicated in the disaster themselves, to raise these facts as a campaign issue. Obamas role in its genesis is now academic, as will be his handling of it now that hes in charge, because the US century is over in any case. The American economy has been gutted and destroyed by decades of free trade suicide, and there is nothing in Obamas policy pronouncements to suggest he can change this. The place that took over from Birmingham and Britain as the high tech workshop of the world now has an economic profile more akin to a Third World country, with the export of minerals, food and other raw materials being more important than the export of finished manufactured goods. For a decade now, the USA has racked up enormous debts and sold off vital assets in order to finance a lifestyle its increasingly unproductive population enjoyed as the worlds consumers of last resort. As a direct result of this free trade lunacy, the economic leadership of the world has been handed on a plate to the Far East, and the United States is now an economic basket case. At the same time, imperial over-reach in Iraq and Afghanistan has involved the USA in wars it cannot afford, which it cannot win, but withdrawal from which (as promised by Obama, and rightly so) will be a national humiliation. Add to this the fact that mass Mexican and Third World migration has set the USA on course to having its European-American founders become a minority in their own country by 2040, and it is clear that, on top of seeing the end of the American century, we are in fact witnessing the death of America as anything other than a geographical expression. The election of Barak Obama certainly will in all probability speed this process up to some extent, but the long-term historical trend was set years ago, and the question of who is in charge of rearranging the deckchairs on the US Titanic is actually of very little significance. There is only one possibility of this analysis proving wrong: Operation Apollo. This is Obamas proposal to spend vast sums of money in a crash programme to end Americas (and hence the Wests) deadly dependence on oil in general and Middle Eastern oil in particular. If he actually has the stamina and political skill to stand up to the vested interests that will oppose this (namely the oil companies and haulage lobbies who will not want this change, the banks which will want to finance things with faster returns, and the liberal welfare parasites whose living comes from overseeing hand-outs to the mainly black underclass), then Obama could actually make a difference and become a significant historical figure for good. Unfortunately, he is far more likely to end up increasing handouts to those he sees as his people, and to blow the last American capital on alleviating the symptoms of Americas energy-starved decline than on addressing the problem itself. If he does so, Obamas Presidency will end up as much of a disappointment as Tony Blairs leadership did in Britain. Far from marking the end of race as a factor in American politics, that will end up polarising the place as never before. Not that that is likely to benefit any white nationalist party in America, as there is none, nor is there one upon the horizon. The place is a political disaster zone of self-indulgent juvenile extremism and lack of self-discipline. Hence, when Obama does disappoint, the reaction will not produce anything worthwhile, but simply crude racist ugliness. At its worst, a string of white supremacist nuts and disgruntled ex-jarheads will be arrested plotting to assassinate him, and one will succeed, sparking not just pogroms but the legalised dispossession of a white America paralysed by fear and guilt. For at the very heart of Barak Obama there is a deep-seated anti-white racism. Of course he disguised it during his brilliant campaign, but it oozes from between the lines of his autobiography, Dreams from My Father. In this he tells how he deliberately turned his back against his own multi-racial identity in order to give himself a 100% black persona. He lives with a nightmare vision of black powerlessness. He seethes over injustices and prejudices that he never encountered. He detests his own white grandmother when she is frightened by an aggressive black beggar. He is, in short, a true racist bigot. Black
people have reason to hate, says Obama.
Their vote was a protest against the policies of George W Bush and the economic meltdown with spiralling unemployment, and who can blame them? Fortunately for the Democrats they chose a candidate with charisma, intelligence and oratorical powers against which the 71-year-old war hero McCains sole weapon was his patriotism. Yet he still picked up 55% of the white vote to Obamas 43%, plus 95% of the black vote and two thirds of Hispanic and Asian votes and 77% of Jewish votes. Note also that in the traditional Southern States, which have the highest black population, the whites voted overwhelmingly for McCain, and with the exception of Virginia the States all remained Republican. Generally Obama did not play upon his blackness (more on this later), but for those in the know the exceptional amount of time he spent in winning over Virginia showed that he was very much aware of it. This was the former capital of the breakaway Southern Confederation and Obama knew that the symbolism of winning the State was in the same manner as Lincoln sending in black Federal troops when its Capital, Richmond, fell in June 1865.How effective Obama can be as a president can only be seen with the passage of the next twelve months or so. But when Americas blacks in particular see that little has changed for them then he will no longer be regarded as Saint Obama but as another Uncle Tom. It really depends upon his backers, which include the remaining banks and finance houses of Wall Street. Much play was made of the two million or more small donations to Obamas war chest via his excellent internet campaign, but more than half his record $650 million funding came from big business. His appointment of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff is interesting. Much of the global financial collapse can be traced to the granting of cheap mortgages to immigrants and poor blacks, with little chance of paying them back, by the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac. Emanuel served on its board of directors when scandal was first brewing. According to a complaint filed by the US Securities
and Exchange Commission, Freddie Mac misreported profits by billions
of dollars in order to deceive investors between the years 2000 and
2002, although Emanuel was not accused of being personally responsible
for this. The BNP, whose website already has more visitors than all other UK political parties added together, can still learn much from the brilliant use of the internet by the Obama team. Its mastery of the internet as a campaigning tool was key to his victory. To give a few examples, as well as sending out millions of e-mails to potential Democrat voters, in particular first time voters, his team brought in the co-founder of Facebook, Chris Hughes, and created its own social networking site. This attracted over 1.5 million members who organised themselves into separate activists groups to ensure the election, if not the deification, of their idol. Finally, one could not help noticing the joy upon the news announcers faces, both ITV as well as BBC, when after 48 hours devoted to the second coming they were able to announce that Lewis Hamilton, our black Formula One racing driver was now world champion which he fully deserved. The point is that both Lewis Hamilton and Saint Obama have white mothers. Is this another form of racism disregarded by the liberal intelligentsia who apparently consider that only the black blood counts? I am not suggesting that we should return to Kiplingesque terminology of half castes, or even accusing the parents of having warped biological instincts, as was once fashionable, but surely mixed race would be more accurate? |